The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1924: The secrets of ten years ago

"The emperor, how can such a person bear the title of the princess, how can he bear the favor of the emperor and empress dowager, this kind of person" the old pedantic complexion became flushed, and his robe shouted: "No Face! Shameless!"

Seeing the cynical look of the old scholar, everyone squeezed a sweat. At this moment, some people heard the words they most wanted to hear, and their faces were suddenly happy.

Consort Wang is naturally the happiest person: "I don't know that Princess Anping is so open!"

Isn't it open? In front of so many people, it is shameless to say that you already have a sweetheart!

Concubine Wang said implicitly, those old scholars don't think so.

"Cheeky, how can I be the princess of the Qing Dynasty!"

For a moment, the whole hall seemed to be raging, and it seemed silent, no one spoke. Only a few old ministers were there and pointed at Gu Xiaowan and cursed the vulgarity. Apart from watching the excitement, not many really spoke!

The two people stood in the middle of the hall with a hateful look, and suddenly a voice came out: "If the old man remembers correctly, Da Ren and Da Ren should be married? I remember Sun Mansion and Pang Mansion, but there is a problem. The secrets accumulated for more than ten years!"

When the people in the hall heard that there was a secret, they immediately pricked their ears and looked at Lin Haitian with a look of expectation.

When the grandson heard this, his face blushed suddenly: "Master Lin, what's the secret? My grandson is upright and upright, how can there be secrets! Master Lin With high authority, he speaks very well, but don't listen to those fictitious things!"

"Why, did the old man remember it wrong? The old man is too old to remember it wrong, but everyone here should always remember the marriage between Sun Palace and Pang Palace ten years ago?"

The marriage between Sun Palace and Pang Palace, who doesn't remember, can remember it!

"Master Lin, we naturally remember it! It was just weird at the time, why is it so sudden!" One of the adults agreed.

And Master Sun saw that Lin Haitian seemed to know something, so he hurriedly threw himself down on his knees and said anxiously: "The emperor, Master Lin didn't know where this piece of news came from. !"

Gu Xiaowan sat on the top, the emperor and the empress dowager were sitting in jeopardy, as if they didn't intend to speak at all.

The emperor smiled and looked at the trembling grandson Sun who was already frightened. He grinned thin lips and said with a smile: "Master Sun, since it's a fictional thing, let Master Lin talk about it, I said. Now, today’s banquet is a family banquet. Whatever you have or say, I will not blame it all!"

Is this what Xu Lin Haitian said? Sun's anxious face was pale, with fine beads of sweat on his forehead, he looked at the huge man aside as if he was crying for help, and asked him to help plead with him.

However, huge people understand that this matter cannot be bypassed today, and he is full of regret in his heart!

Obviously wanting to calculate Gu Xiaowan, how could she expose her own old bottom!

The people in the main hall all looked at Lin Haitian, waiting for Lin Haitian to tell the secrets of ten years ago. Some people looked at Lord Sun, who looked pale and stood cautiously on the side. It was still shaking slightly, it seemed that he was extremely afraid of what Lin Haitian would say!

Lin Haitian drank a sip of tea and faintly opened his mouth: "I remember the two prostitutes and prostitutes in the mansion, they met when they burned incense at Xiangguo Temple ten years ago, and the two of them had a secret heart. Within half a year, the two of them The tie is tied! If the old man remembers correctly, ten years ago, Miss Sun had already promised others, but she still fell in love with Dao Ren’s second son. Ms. Sun wanted to marry Da Da. The second son of the man, in the end, the place where he was born and the family have to go back to Geng Tie, the old man has a good memory, should he remember correctly?"

Ten years ago, I took it out and said, Lin Haitianlin, a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy, has a really good memory!

That's not right. More than ten years ago, when the lady Sun saw that Gongzi Pang was so handsome and incomparable, she thought that she shouldn't have it. The two deliberately designed a private meeting and were hit by someone. In half a year, Miss Sun married Young Master Pang.

Gu Xiaowan didn't know about that incident, but seeing everyone mocking, laughing, and shocked, it seemed that the incident should have been suppressed by the Sun family and the Pang family!

Lin Haitian didn’t even look at the red pig liver-like faces of Grand Master Sun and Da Da Ren, and said with a smile: “Miss Sun did this more than ten years ago. She fell in love with Pang Gong Zi at first sight, and immediately went with Pang Gong Zi. I personally gave and accepted, and personally ruined the marriage contract that had already been made to Geng Tie. I wanted to ask Master Sun, who would bring about my Daqing's ethos by the actions of Miss Sun and the actions of Anping Princess? "

Gu Xiaowan looked at Master Lin who was speaking for herself, feeling grateful.

Tan Yushu and Gu Ning'an have both told her that Master Lin once gave her a ticket, and once walked around the government office and Wucheng soldier Ma Si for her. Gu Xiaowan will not forget this kindness!

Lord Sun's complexion was flushed, and he was ashamed to want a hole in the ground!

This is something more than ten years ago, and it is also the secret of Pang Mansion and Sun Mansion.

Where did I know this? This Lin Haitian actually knew that, now, it was still exposed in the public, and Master Sun’s legs were like rotten noodles, unable to stand any longer, and knelt down on the ground. .

In this way, it seems that Lord Lin's words are absolutely true!

"Master Sun, huge man, what I said is true?" Lin Haitian put away the smile just now, and at this moment, his eyebrows were cold and cold: "The old man is really looking at the Anping princess being blamed by the two. Going down, the two have kept this secret for more than ten years, just to cover up for their children. However, this princess is also raised by your parents. If she is your daughter, she will be blamed for nothing. Are you not ashamed?"

Lord Sun and Da Daren dare to say anything, their heads drooping, wishing to find a hole in the hole.

At this time, everyone suddenly realized that what was unsightly and depraved. Talking about Gu Xiaowan's innocent lover, compared with the person who had a marriage contract and secretly hooked up with other sons, it was nothing short of a witch!

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