The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1937: Similar interests

Gu Chuanlu looked at the sky outside the house, it was getting darker and darker, but Gu Xintao still did not come back, he was not in a hurry, humming a little song, drinking wine, shaking his head and shaking his head, his face was triumphant!

Sun Xi'e stood aside holding the hip flask, like a woman, bowing down!

She was also thinking about Gu Xintao, worrying about why she would not go home yet, and this thought began to wander.

Gu Chuanlu took a sip of wine, the wine cup was already small, he drank it in a big gulp, and the little wine cup was empty. He closed his eyes, humming, and his fingers beat the table on the table, very proud!

Su Xi'e was thinking about her heart peach, naturally she did not find that Gu Chuanlu's wine glass was empty!

Gu Chuanlu sang a couple of tunes, and then went to have a drink. He did not know that when he raised his head, there was nothing at all. He opened his eyes and saw Sun Xi'e standing aside like a fool, stretching his neck. Looking outside, he immediately became annoyed: "What are you looking at? The person who asked you to pour wine, you are enjoying yourself!"

Gu Chuanlu looked at the Sun family, the more he looked at it, the more unpleasant he became!

Today’s Sun family has been in jail for Gu Chuanlu once and then for Gu Xintao. After he got out of jail, not only was his body badly worse than before, but even the people were a little stupefied and stretched now. The neck, hooking his head, looks like a clown!

There was also the bloated figure. When looking from the direction of Gu Chuanlu, the two children who had been breasted were sagging and soft, the wrinkles outlined on the side of the face, and the rickety body. The more you look, the more disgust in your heart!

When Gu Chuanlu drank the Sun family, the whole person was frightened and shivered involuntarily. The flask in his hand shook, and a lot of wine spilled out. Gu Chuanlu saw it, and his heart became more disgusted!

He got up and walked viciously towards the Sun family. He cursed as he walked: "You're going back more and more alive, and letting you pour a drink is the same as if you were dead. What do I want you to do? Look at you now. Looks, old and ugly, I didn’t know why I was blind and married you such an ugly lady!"

Sun's temperament has been smoothed a lot by those two jail times. She thought of the two prison disasters, and saw Gu Chuanlu coming over like the vicious jailer, swearing in her mouth, and she just scalp Ma, trembling all over.

She hugged herself tightly with her hands, and her voice trembled in horror: "Don't come over, don't touch me!"

Gu Chuanlu frowned fiercely when she said this nonsense, and when he was about to start cursing, he heard the sound of a carriage coming from outside.

Xintao must be back!

Gu Chuanlu immediately changed his color and strode out excitedly. I don’t know if the son of the world sent her back. I must thank the son of the world. Thinking of Sun's wimpy look, he turned his head and stared at Sun Xi'e fiercely, lowering it. The voice threatened: "You are not allowed to come out!"

This dirty and ugly look, don't let Shi Ziye look down on Xin Tao!

Sun's was frightened by the words, and the whole figure seemed to be frozen by the fixation technique, and he dared not move!

Seeing her obedient, Gu Chuanlu hurriedly turned his head and headed out. He opened the door and saw Xingchun helping Gu Xintao to speak with a slender man!

Hearing the sound of the door being opened, Gu Xintao hurriedly looked back and saw Gu Chuanlu, her expression a little nervous: "Father, I'm sorry, I'm back late!"

Gu Chuanlu dared to say something, so he heard Shu Lin explain: "Master Gu, I'm sorry. The pastries in the teahouse are delicious. I heard that the meal is also good, so I forced to keep Miss Gu to stay for a while. It's dark right now, I'm really sorry, it won't be like this next time!"

Gu Chuanlu wanted to say that it didn’t matter, but he saw Gu Xintao winking at him constantly. Gu Chuanlu watched his words, and immediately understood what Gu Xintao meant. Now he has become a father who is worried about his daughter’s late return, and said with some worry: "Xin Tao, I have never returned so late. I just have some worries in my heart, but the son of the world is kind, and he will definitely not let the little girl have trouble. Thank you, son of the son!"

After speaking, Gu Chuanlu was about to confide in him, and Shu Lin hurriedly went up to help and said: "Master Gu, you can say this seriously. If you want to say thank you, it is me who should be thanked! Miss Gu took time to dine with him, Shu Lin I am grateful. It has been a long time since I have had such a happy life. I am in the same interest as Miss Gu, as if we can’t finish talking. If you are free next time, I will definitely inform Master Gu and Mrs. Gu in advance and invite Miss Gu! It will definitely be sent back soon, so Master Gu and Madam Gu will not worry!"

When Gu Chuanlu heard what Shu Lin said, he was pleasantly surprised. He looked up at Shu Lin's smile and gentleness, knowing that they must get along very pleasantly, and he was very satisfied!

"Little Shizi, you're worrying too much!" Gu Chuanlu turned to Gu Xintao after speaking, and said, "Xintao, go in, your mother has been waiting for you for a long time, and now I'm so worried, I didn't even eat dinner!"

When Gu Xintao heard this, with a worried face on her face, she hurriedly said goodbye to Shu Lin, and Xingchun helped him in.

When Shu Lin heard this, he was extremely sorry, and the two exchanged greetings, and Shu Lin got into the carriage and left!

Gu Chuanlu held his hands and watched the carriage disappear into the alley before turning around and going back!

The moment the door fell, Gu Chuanlu had a serious face just now, and the wrinkles of laughter appeared at this moment. He slapped hard and almost laughed!

Gu Chuanlu closed the door and glanced towards the kitchen. He didn't hear a word, only the bloated silhouette of Sun's lonely reflected on the window.

Gu Xintao didn't go to the kitchen. Gu Chuanlu snorted while looking at the silhouette, brushed his sleeves, and then heard voices coming from Gu Xintao's room. He was busy!

Xingchun is helping Gu Xintao get dressed, thinking of today's son-in-law who is very pleased, but the young lady still keeps a distance, can not help but feel a little puzzled: "Miss, today's son-in-law is very pleased and accommodating to you, but it is a slave girl. Looking at you, deserted, why don't you respond to the son of the world?"

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