The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1936: People looking at the scenery from a height

Shu Lin's pride and conceit, how could he suffer such indifference, he opened his mouth, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, just looking at Gu Xintao.

When Gu Xintao heard Shu Lin's voice, she withdrew her gaze from the outside, with a decent but alienated smile on her face: "Little son, I don't see much in my heart, I just sit here and look farther, with emotion in my heart. That's it!"

"Oh, what does Miss Gu feel?" Shu Lin asked with interest.

Gu Xintao smiled: "Life is like this building, some people are high up, some people are low as dust, some people are born at the bottom and never climb up. Naturally, you can't see the wonderful scenery of this high place!"

"Girl Gu seems to have deep feelings?" After Shu Lin listened to Gu Xintao's words, he also turned his head and looked downstairs.

It's just that he is used to standing in the clouds, and he is naturally used to seeing the scenery at this high place, and he doesn't see any difference at all!

At this moment, Boss Xiao led the young man to bring refreshments and introduced them to the two in the same way. The pastries are exquisite like flowers. Gu Xintao has never seen them before, nor heard of them!

"Shi Ziye, Miss Gu, these are the best dim sums in our teahouse. The dim sum chef came out of the royal dining room in his early years. They were all eaten by the masters of the original palace. Miss Gu, please try! "

Boss Xiao proudly introduced a few refreshments, and Shu Lin let him go down.

He picked up one of the Linglong cakes, handed them to Gu Xintao, and said with a smile: "The pastry is wrapped in fresh peach blossoms picked from the peach tree in March, crushed and boiled to make peach blossom sauce, sweet and fragrant. Taste"

Gu Xintao reached out and took a bite. Sure enough, the peach blossom sauce wrapped in the pastry, and the sweet smell of March peach blossom filled the taste buds. The sauce is so delicate to be made, it has to be preserved for so long, and it can be preserved so fresh. One can imagine how precious this piece of cake is!

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Shu Lin saw Gu Xintao

Gu Xintao looked at the half of the pastry left in his hand, smiled and nodded: "It's delicious, I've never eaten something so delicious before!"

It's like you haven't seen the world!

Seeing that she liked it, Shu Lin smiled and said, "If it tastes good, it will be good. If Girl Gu is willing to show her face, I will bring a girl next time!"

When Gu Xintao saw that he said that he would bring herself here, a trace of ecstasy flashed in her heart, but she said calmly on her face, "Thank you, my son, it's just"

"Just what?" Shu Lin hurriedly asked seeing her hesitate.

"My mother is strict, I'm afraid that after Xintao returns today, my mother will definitely have to interrogate carefully!" Gu Xintao smiled awkwardly, her face rose with a touch of red, against the goose yellow clothes, it looked even more like a complexion. General fat!

Shu Lin's mind was rippling, and he smiled and said: "If my aunt is strict in discipline, then next time before inviting the girl, I will carefully understand my uncle and aunt in advance, and I won't let the girl be in such a hurry! Come, this one is also delicious, you can taste it"

Shu Lin took another piece and handed it to Gu Xintao. Gu Xintao put down the half piece of peach blossom paste just now, and reached out to pick up another piece of pastry from Shu Lin!

Seeing her stretched out his hand, Shu Lin actually flinched back. Gu Xintao pounced and looked up at Shu Lin with some curiosity. He saw Shu Lin standing up, leaning over, and leaning towards Gu Xintao!

Gu Xintao felt nervous, only to see Shu Lin's handsome face getting closer and closer to him!

Her heart was beating, and her nervous heart was about to jump out of her belly, but all of this was not the most important thing. There was a flash of inspiration in her mind, and she hurriedly stepped back, with a trace of vigilance in her eyes: what?"

Feeling the vigilance in Gu Xintao's eyes, Shu Lin smiled and said, "Don't move."

After finishing speaking, one hand grabbed Gu Xintao's shoulder, and Gu Xintao's nervous person stretched into a full bow and arrow, and his eyes were extremely vigilant: "Sir, you are"

Before she could finish her words, she saw Shu Lin's other hand stretched out and touched Gu Xintao's mouth, only to feel a warm fingertip passing by, Shu Lin left, and then got an extra hand. Thing: "Look, you have eaten pastries to your lips!"

Gu Xintao's face was flushed with embarrassment, and she couldn't wait to find a hole in the hole, but Shu Lin smiled and said, "It's been a long time since I saw a girl with a true temperament like you. You can eat a cake like a cat. It is really cute. That's great!"

With Shu Lin's praise, Gu Xintao's face was blushing: "Let Shi Ziye read the joke! Xintao grew up in the countryside, so delicious cakes, Xintao is the first time to eat!"

Shu Lin nodded: "You are different from your sister!"

"Shi Ziye said, but Anping Princess?"

Shu Lin put down the tea cup in his hand and said with a smile: "Don't you know? She is no longer the head of Anping County!"

Gu Xintao was shocked and almost bounced from her position: "What did you say? You said that my sister is not the Princess of Anping, so how is she now? Isn't the matter that she had last time been all right? Why?"

Seeing that Gu Xintao was so worried about Gu Xiaowan, Shu Lin said: "It's rare that you are worried about your sister. She is not the Princess of Anping now, but the Princess of Anping!"

"What?" Gu Xintao's shock this time will be greater tomorrow than before, and even her voice will be sharper than before!

Shu Lin looked at Gu Xintao's shocked look, and said with a smile: "What? Are you not happy for your sister?"

Gu Xintao hurriedly suppressed the shock, and tried to squeeze a smile: "Happy, why am I not happy!" Gu Xintao said to herself: "It's hard for her, now that she has achieved such an achievement! How can I not help her? Happy!"

After that, she turned her head to look outward, trying to make her voice sound unwavering: "Now, she is the one who can sit in this position and watch the bustling scenery!"

Gu Xintao hated Gu Xiaowan in her heart, but at this moment she did not dare to show the slightest, she pressed her palm strongly, fearing that she could not hold it back!

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