The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1935: Become a master

After getting off the carriage, Gu Xintao realized what she had just done, she hurriedly retracted her hand, took a step back from Shu Lin, and opened the distance between the two!

Boss Xiao looked at this girl, and he was unfamiliar. He had never seen him before, but seeing Shi Ziye personally helping her get out of the carriage, he must be offended!

"Sir, I don't know if this is" Boss Xiao asked with a smile again.

Shu Lin grabbed Gu Xintao's hand just now, a little surprised!

Gu Xintao's hands are as soft as the hands of other Jiao ladies, like a ball of cotton, tugging in the palm of her hand, itchy!

"This is Miss Gu" Shu Lin explained with a smile.

Miss Gu? I haven't heard of any high-ranking official in the capital with the surname Gu, but I heard that the princess of Anping, who has recently become a favorite, has the surname Gu! It's just a pity that I haven't seen it, but looking at this look, I am afraid it is not the Anping Princess!

If a princess travels, how can there be no honors?

Although Boss Xiao thought so in his heart, it was the person brought by the son of the elder, but he couldn't neglect it, so he immediately said, "Xiao has seen Miss Gu!"

Gu Xintao helped her body slightly, also respectful and polite: "Boss Xiao"

Under the leadership of Boss Xiao, Shu Lin and Gu Xintao entered the Wuyun Tea House.

Nowadays, there are quite a lot of people in the teahouse. Each of the teahouses that have been separated out have curtains on the outside, and the inside is full of people. Then boss Xiao, nodded and bowed to lead the way, bringing Gu Xintao and Shu Lin went up the stairs.

Boss Xiao was very affectionate, and he reminded them to pay attention to where he was walking when he walked. That kind of flattery actually happened to Gu Xintao at this moment. Thinking of the people he followed, but the noble son of the capital, his heart grew more and more. Satisfaction and pride!

The face has been calm, seemingly indifferent!

The person next to her is Shi Zi Ye, Shi Zi Ye!

And she, now following this person, is also enjoying the courtesy of the Master!

If it could have been like this all the time, it would be great, Gu Xintao thought in her heart, and when she thought of Shu Lin's handsome face, she felt even more satisfied!

I thought to myself that only such a man, distinguished and handsome, was the beloved of her dreams!

Boss Xiao led the two of them through the quiet corridor, and then came to a hidden wing. Boss Xiao reached out and invited them in: "Shi Ziye, this is it. The small one set up according to your instructions. From now on, you will only be your own son!"

Gu Xintao was shocked. In such a big teahouse, there is even a special room for Shu Lin?

After walking in, Gu Xintao was even more surprised. After walking through the corridor, she entered a small door, and she suddenly opened up inside. The wing room is very large, separated by a screen outside, passing through the screen, you will see the luxury inside.

I saw that this was a tea room composed of two wing rooms. Looking at the left side, I saw the circular partition. When I looked straight, I saw a bookcase and a huge table. Then Boss Xiao introduced: " Shi Ziye, here, the small one built a study room according to your instructions. On the right, the small one also built a bedroom according to your instructions. There are shower rooms, dressing rooms, and a place to rest. All Both, Shi Ziye is here, it can be like at home."

Gu Xintao tilted her head to look to the right, and thought of Boss Xiao saying that it was a bedroom and had everything. The red face that had only disappeared just now, suddenly reddened, and she only felt hot.

Shu Lin smiled and said with great satisfaction: "Yes, not bad! You have worked hard these days too!"

"It doesn't work hard, it doesn't work hard, to be able to do things for the son of the world, that's the blessing of the little one who cultivated in his previous life!" Boss Xiao said hurriedly.

Shu Lin gave a hum, then looked at Gu Xintao aside, with a soft touch between words: "Miss Gu, do you have tea and snacks you want to drink?"

Gu Xintao shook her head shyly: "Xintao follows the world, everything is fine!"

Shu Lin gave Gu Xintao a surprised look, then looked at Boss Xiao who was aside: "Bring you all the good tea and snacks here!"

Boss Xiao hurried to prepare.

Gu Xintao was surprised in her heart.

It seems that this rich man never asks about the price when he eats food, just give it to the top of the delicious food!

Thinking that I would occasionally go out to eat with Princess Mingdu, and Princess Mingdu did the same, I couldn't help but feel relieved again!

Ming Palace, what kind of family is it, what kind of honorable status, and where is it like her. When I was young, I saw a new one and I was happy for a long time. In the eyes of the Mingdu princess and the youngest son, those are probably the most Something not worth mentioning anymore!


She can be that kind of person

Wouldn't she choose those expensive jewellery and expensive clothes?

Gu Xintao secretly made up his mind and sat down with Shu Lin.

Shu Lin sat by the window, and Gu Xintao sat opposite him. Both of them sat by the window, looking at the prosperous scene outside the window.

Gu Xintao has been looking outside without saying a word. She has always been feeling the prosperity of this capital. Now she is already a person in this capital, but she is still an ordinary person in the hustle and bustle below this teahouse. , She was able to sit in this tall and luxurious teahouse, overlooking the bustling Kyoto.

At this moment, she is obviously still an ordinary woman from Beijing, but when she sits here, the feeling of being above all makes her have only one thought in her heart, becoming a master, a master!

And how to become a master, the young Shu Lin in front of him has become her only goal in this life!

"What is Miss Gu watching?" Before the refreshment came, Gu Xintao had been looking at the scenery outside. Shu Lin was a little curious. He recognized that it was much more beautiful than the prosperous sights outside. Which one came out with him? The woman either looked at him shyly and shyly, or flattered him, and never saw anyone. When sitting opposite him, she was the same as not seeing him ####Sorry, it’s late today, these two There are so many things in the sky, the things that I visit at the end of the year, I have been working on materials, and people are a little tired. I have written so much today, and it’s even later. Let’s rest early, I love you.

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