The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1942: Beautiful scenery

However, since the prince said to do it, he did it, just a golden mountain!

The next person led the order to build Jinshan, Qin Yi's heart is in full bloom!

If he is not there in the future, she will let her sleep with Jinshan. She slept so sweetly last night, and Jinshan has contributed!

After Gu Ningan was admitted to Juren, he set about preparing for the palace exam.

This palace test was not comparable to other things. He had to answer the tricky topics of the civil and military officials and the emperor's questions in the Jinluan Temple. Gu Ningan had to carefully prepare for these.

Knowing that he was busy lately, Gu Xiaowan didn't let anyone disturb him. She only ordered Gu Fangxi to send some tonics every night to replenish his body, and told him not to be too tired, so she gave up!

Gu Xintao’s life is a blessing, and Shu Lin will invite her out every other day. It is not a trip to the mountains and water, or drinking tea and dinner. The feelings between the two people are in this day and night. More sublimated!

The names between them have also become brother Shu and the peach of love since childhood.

At this moment, looking at the majestic and handsome mountain in front of him, and the waterfall rushing down under the mountain, Gu Xintao's mind was completely off there. All she was thinking about was the handsome and beautiful man beside her. !

She could feel that Shu Lin's eyes were looking at herself like fire!

Gu Xintao just pretended not to notice, and kept looking at the mountains and waterfalls in the distance: "The scenery here is really beautiful. How did Brother Shu find such a beautiful scenery? When people see it, they only feel refreshed and happy. The whole person is happy. stand up!"

Gu Xintao looked at the scenery in front of her and said with excitement.

Shu Lin laughed, a low laugh, as if full of endless petting.

Only heard him ask

"Shan Mei?"


"Is the water beautiful?"


"What about the scenery?"


As soon as Gu Xintao finished answering Shu Lin’s words, she felt that Shu Lin’s breath was getting closer and closer to him. Gu Xintao could feel Shu Lin leaning towards him. The sandalwood that smelled good on him became thicker and thicker. At this moment, even his breath They are getting warmer.

"In your eyes, the mountains and rivers are beautiful and the scenery is beautiful. Everything in front of you makes you intoxicated, but you know that the beauty in your eyes is not as good as the person in front of me at this moment.

Shu Lin's affectionate words made Gu Xintao's complexion suddenly red. She gave Shu Lin a shy look, and immediately lowered her head!

"Brother Shu Shu, you" Gu Xintao's heart was throbbing, and even nervously, she couldn't even say a complete sentence.

She flushed with shame, she only dared to look at Shu Lin, and then hung her head down. The shyness in her eyes touched Shu Lin's heart. At this moment, the mountains and forests were silent, and only the high mountains and waterfalls were pouring out. The sound that came down has now become that emotional song, making Shu Linwu intoxicated!

Gu Xintao stepped back two steps. Due to tension, he stepped on the smooth stone, and leaned a little to the side. With a lick of his foot, he fell to the side. Gu Xintao fell down and exclaimed.

Upon seeing this, Shu Lin hurriedly stepped forward and hugged Gu Xintao in his arms. Looking at the frightened Gu Xintao, he asked distressedly: "Xintao, are you okay?"

Gu Xintao's small face turned pale with fright, and now Shu Lin was holding her arms in her arms, and there was another charming blush.

At this moment, Shu Lin hugged Gu Xintao's tender waist tightly, feeling that the waist was like a weak Liu Fufeng, and it would be broken when pinched.

And Gu Xintao was frightened just now, and now she clung to Shu Lin's neck tightly. She held her head up, looking at Shu Lin like a god.

The two were in an ambiguous posture, and they were very close together, and Shu Lin's warm breath was blowing on Gu Xintao's forehead. It was hot and warm, and it even disturbed Gu Xintao's heart.

"Brother Shu, thank you!" Her face flushed, she was about to withdraw her closed hands and stepped back.

How do you know that Shu Lin hugged her tightly, and there was no chance for her to escape.

Gu Xintao said shyly: "Brother Shu, you let me go, men and women will not kiss me!"

As soon as she finished her words, she saw Shu Lin slamming her waist tightly, and the two of them were close together with almost no gap, Shu Lin's strong and powerful body was tightly attached to Gu Xintao's. In front of his chest, the sound of heartbeat like a drum, seemed to be silent all around.

With lips covered, Gu Xintao was still stunned, she was held in her arms by Shu Lin as if stupidly, and she pecks carefully.

Feeling the tight body and jerky reaction of the person in his arms, Shu Lin deepened the kiss, and Gu Xintao, who was kissing directly, collapsed in her arms like a puddle of water.

Only then did Shu Lin end the kiss. Seeing that the person in his arms was already weakened, only leaning on himself, the red on his face was like a jar full of rouge!

Shu Lin sighed to herself and stretched her lips to peck again. Gu Xintao started to respond jerky this time, and was about to turn around, but heard her yell.

"What's the matter?" Shu Lin quickly let go of her heart peach and asked anxiously.

"Xu's foot hurts just now!" Gu Xintao said shyly.

"Come on, I will hug you!" After Shu Lin finished speaking, he was about to marry and hug Gu Xintao. Gu Xintao shyly stepped back: "How does this make you the son of the world?"

Shu Lin laughed and pulled her back into his arms. The long kiss fell again, and the kiss went dark, and then he heard Shu Lin's voice softly saying: "You are now my woman. , How can't it!"

After hearing this, Gu Xintao buried her face in Shu Lin's arms with a touch of success!

Sending Gu Xintao back home, Sun clan greeted her personally at the door. Seeing that Gu Xintao had retreated, Shu Lin directly hugged her up and hugged her all the way back to the room. Su clan looked dumbfounded.

Before Shu Lin left, he left a plaster for the treatment of traumatic injuries. He wanted to put the medicine on Gu Xintao in the car. Gu Xintao refused to let her life or death, saying that she must go home and let his mother apply the medicine. When she was shy, Shu Lin agreed!

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