The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1958: It's not the end

Gu Xintao couldn't help but explode: "They are all timid guys. After getting my body, they want to use silver to balance it. But that's okay. During the years in Ruixian, we spent our time in Ruixian. , Mother, you haven't enjoyed less happiness in those few years, haven't you!"

Gu Xintao's words, the shocked Sun's legs were like rotten noodles, and he slumped on the ground with a plop: "Xintao, you, you, are you already?"

Sun stared at Gu Xintao with scorching eyes, waiting for Gu Xintao's answer, shaking like chaff.

Gu Xinbeat saw Sun's horrified look, and sneered: "Mother, are you scared now? Back then, when you were fragrant and drank spicy, how come you didn't expect it to be my body in exchange for it? "

"Then if the son of the world knows about this, this is a serious crime to beheaded!" Sun clan exasperated and lowered his voice and yelled, "You should stop dealing with the son of the world. It's very risky today that didn't happen, if it happened. That matter, our family will all die!"

The Sun family persuaded painfully: "Xintao, let's go back to Wuxi Village. Since you came to the capital, after you got up with the county lord of Mingdu, I always felt that I was very scared in my heart. I was always afraid of fear. What will that cruel Mingdu princess do to us, mother is so scared, let's go back to Wuxi Village! Peach, okay?"

Sun grabbed Gu Xintao's hand and persuaded me with all his heart. Gu Xintao sneered, and sneered away Sun's hand, sneered: "Mother, the capital is so prosperous, how is it possible that you let me go? Now the son of the world treats me. I am very obsessed with him. I have the confidence to be his concubine. After he becomes the prince, I will be the princess and let me go back to Wuxi Village to be a peasant woman? How is it possible? I have enjoyed the life of this master, how can I pay Are you willing to give up all this and go back to the village with you?"

Gu Xintao’s words hit Sun’s heart every word. She took Gu Xintao’s hand and said with extreme sorrow: "You are not finished now. If you are known by the son of the world, your life will be gone. You still hope to be Concubine on the upper side? Xintao, don’t be stupid, and break with the son of the world, right? Since you two are good, my heart has been up and down, what is the identity of the son of the world, what are we? Ah, don't think about it anymore, let's go back to Wuxi Village and live the rest of our life steadily! Okay? Listen to my mother!"

Gu Xintao saw that at this moment, the Sun family was not trying to figure out a solution for herself, but was dragging her back, and cursed angrily: "Why? Why can Gu Xiaowan be a princess in this capital, and I will be a princess. Can’t you? Mother, Gu Xiaowan, that shameless stinky woman, she was so young, she followed Qin Yizhi, and now she has followed other people. Who knows who she has followed? You don’t know? You know why Mingdu Is the princess being so polite to me?"

The Sun family was puzzled, so he heard Gu Xintao sneer: "That's because Gu Xiaowan robbed the man from the Mingdu princess! You said, such a hooves, can seduce men everywhere, how is she better? Such a dirty A woman who can become a princess, why can't I even think about the concubine!"

"What? She robbed the man from Princess Mingdu?" Sun couldn't believe it!

"You said that a woman like Gu Xintao provokes men everywhere. As a peasant girl, she can walk out of Wuxi Village and come to this capital again. Why do you think she lacks a man by her side? First, Qin Yizhi, then It's Li Fan, there are countless men beside her behind, you say, where can she go clean!"

"It's just, it's just" Sun still couldn't believe it: "She is already a princess now! She is her" "Mother, if you grow up other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige, don't blame me for telling your father!" Gu Xintao threatened the Sun family, and was too lazy to say to the Sun family again: "Go Look for it for me, and see if there is something that can turn red, and what you want to make is the same as it really is! Shi Ziye didn’t get it this time. If you don’t give it to him next time, I’m afraid I’ll be angry! When I got it, I arranged time here, which fulfilled the wish of the son of the world!"

Sun didn't know how he agreed to Gu Xintao, and how he walked out of Gu Xintao's room. Thinking of what he had just heard, it was like thunderstorms. She was shocked and wished to be killed!

She thought for a while. When she was in Ruixian, there were three men around Gu Xintao. Could it be that those three men were all with her

Gu Xintao was right. Most of the days they spent in Ruixian County came from Gu Xintao, and asked her where the money came from, only that the men gave it to her willingly. ,original

It was taken so willingly!

Sun didn’t know how to go back to the kitchen, as long as he thought of Gu Xintao’s body, if Shu Lin knew about it


I am afraid that there are not enough heads to cut! That's a noble and unparalleled son, how could he let his already filthy body ruin his reputation!

If this matter is revealed, how could the world's son let go!

The Sun family only felt chills, but now Gu Chuanlu, Gu Ziwen, and Gu Xintao have all placed their hopes on Shu Lin, and Gu Xintao even more tied the rest of his life to Shu Lin, even if not enough. The situation of unstoppable purpose!

In this life, she will definitely marry into the palace and become a princess!

Sitting in front of the stove, Sun was a little surprised when he saw the flames in it. Now, there is only one way to go in the future that Gu Xintao said.

When she brought out a few dishes from the kitchen, she heard the joyous cheers of Gu Chuanlu and Gu Ziwen: "Xintao, Shi Ziye really said that you want to give Ziwenmo an official position?"

Gu Xintao triumphantly said: "That is natural. Since I have spoken to the son of the world today, he will definitely agree! He also said that he is going to make plans and he will be able to let his brother take office in a few days, just say, There may be no official positions now, but with the help of him and the prince in the future, the future of my brother will be smooth sailing! As we take care of the big house, we will surely be proud, and come on top!"

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