The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1957: Men don't have a good thing

Shu Lin watched as he stepped forward and hugged her, and comforted: "Tao'er, don't worry, who said that you can't do anything, don't you still have me? Don't worry, this can only be accepted if you pass the exam. If you're an official, that's a lie. Don't worry, as long as I'm here, your brother will not be admitted to Juren, and he can also be an official! Don't worry, I will let your brother get what he wants! Please relax!"

Gu Xintao seemed to be unable to believe it, looking at Shu Lin excitedly and said, "Brother Lin, you"

"Whether your brother can be an official, that is just one of our words, don't worry, I will arrange for your brother to be an official when I go back, but at first, I am afraid that there will be no official position, but you can rest assured. As long as he is capable and on the road, my father and I will definitely help him well!"

"Really? Brother Lin, can my brother really be an official? But why do you treat me so well!"

Gu Xintao rushed into Shu Lin's arms, and the whimpering did not stop much: "Brother Wulinglin, Xintao will be a cow and horse for you in this life, and he will not be able to repay your kindness. In this life, Brother Lin, I am willing to serve you as a slave and a maidservant. You can let me do anything!"

Gu Xintao swears by raising her hair.

Seeing her being so serious, Shu Lin smiled and scratched the bridge of her upright nose, and said with a gentle smile: "Silly Tao'er, the relationship between you and me is so intimate, what are you talking about? It’s the greatest kindness to me to follow me well, you know?"

"Well, Tao'er knows that Tao'er will always be by Brother Lin's side throughout her life, and will never leave it!"

The rosy lips covered the thin lips again, and it was a lot of tossing and turning, until he kissed the person in his arms like a puddle of muddy water, Shu Lin let Gu Xintao let go and asked Liu Ying to send her back. Only then rode on the snow-white tall horse and left!

Liu Ying drove the carriage and respectfully sent Gu Xintao back, and then left.

Gu Xintao got Shu Lin’s love words today. How could he not be excited. She was with Shu Lin just now, she was not easy to show, she was sitting in the carriage, and there was Liu Ying outside. There was a burst of ecstasy on her face!

Gu Xintao raised her foot and walked to her room, the smile on her face grew stronger and stronger. Shu Lin agreed to find an official position for her brother. This is a great thing!

With the help of Shi Ziye and the patron of Prince Ming, are you still worried about not being a high official in the future? I'm afraid that the four words of the court's important minister, my elder brother can become!

Gu Xintao became happier as she thought about it, but she suddenly remembered something, and only felt afraid in her heart for a while!

Fortunately, she controlled it today. If she didn't, what should she do!

Thinking that the same thing would still happen in the future, Gu Xintao was frightened, frowning and saying to Xingchun who was on the side: "Go, call Madam!"

Xingchun was busy, and Sun was busy with food in the kitchen. Upon hearing Gu Xintao's summons, he extinguished the fire in the stove, and went to Gu Xintao's room.

Seeing that she was here, Gu Xintao was busy with the excuse that she had something to tell her mother, and sent Xingchun to buy things.

Now, there are only two people left in the entire house, Gu Xintao, mother and daughter. Gu Xintao's complexion collapsed and she said directly: "Mother, today I and the world son, I almost did that thing!"

Sun did not understand at once: "What's the matter?"

Gu Xintao glared at Sun's, her eyes were cold, which made Sun's heart startled. Then she reacted and persuaded: "What? Xintao, no, we can't do this! Even if you adore this son Before you get married, you must not do that! If you listen to your mother, you must not! Otherwise, this is a pig cage!"

When Gu Xintao heard this, she sneered: "What kind of pig cage, the person who wants to do that with me, but the son of the world, can't it be that who can immerse the son of the world in the pig cage?"

Hearing Gu Xintao's words, the Sun clan lowered his head and had nothing to say, but the fame of this girl's family is the most important. If there is no fame before marriage, then if you marry to her in-law's family, you won't be popular, but You will be ridiculed and insulted by your in-laws!

"As long as I successfully climbed up to the son of the world, can the son of the world still be able to rely on it!" Gu Xintao said with a cold snort. Seeing Sun's worried gaze, he looked very upset: "You always stand upright. What does Zhang Lian do? Do you still think that if I don't need my body to please my son, you can still live such a good life?"

"Xin Tao, Niang Niang doesn't mean that, it's just that the girl's most refined family, the reputation of this daughter's family is more important than fate, but don't do anything like that to avoid ruining your reputation!" Sun Shi painstakingly discouraged.

Gu Xintao laughed even louder when she heard this: "Mother, you used the silver, jewelry and silk satin for the good days in Ruixian, do you think those men obediently sent it over?"

With a "bang", Sun only felt a thunderbolt on the sunny day. Seeing Gu Xintao with a sneer on the corner of her mouth, her heart broke with fright. She hurriedly grabbed Gu Xintao's shoulder and asked in horror: "Xintao, what did you say? what did you say?"

"Mother, if men don't have any tangible benefits, do you think they will obediently give out silver tickets and jewelry? Dream it! Those good days you lived, I bought them with your body!" Gu Xintao Leng He hummed: "I've been used to the hard life in Liujia Town for a long time. That Jiang Yuan, I have been with him for so long, and all the things he gave me were later searched back by his mother. I was committed to him at the time, he dare to do it! Fortunately, their whole family is dead, otherwise, it is really hard to understand my hatred! Why did my old lady like such a stinky man and cheated My feelings let me stay with him for years!"

Gu Xintao said angrily, but Sun's heart jumped when he heard: "Xintao, you, you"

"Hmph, then I went to Ruixian County. There were a lot of rich people. Although they are not as good as Jiang Yuan, they are willing to give me money, but, those men, none of them are nasty, damn"

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