The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1956: Private Meeting in Wuyun Tea House

There is also the luxurious dress in the Wuyun Teahouse. The owner and the staff in the teahouse treat themselves respectfully, nodding and bowing flattery, as well as the luxurious carriages of the Ming Palace, and the respect of the predecessors and the servants. Gu Xintao feels, Everything here should be enjoyed by her!

She has enjoyed all of this now, how could it be possible for her to give up!

Her mind moved slightly, and there was a grateful look on her face: "Brother Lin, thank you! I have never seen someone as good to me as you!"

Seeing Gu Xintao's grateful expression, Shu Lin smiled: "Don't worry, you are so good, how can I be willing to let you go through the poor life alone? Don't worry, as long as I am in one day, I It will make you rich in clothing and food, and worry-free!"

"Brother Lin, thank you!"

Gu Xintao got up from her position excitedly, came to Shu Lin's face, plunged directly into his arms, a pair of jade hands hooked Shu Lin's neck, and pressed herself up.

She hugged Shu Lin's neck, and her nose was facing the tip of her nose. The warm breath seemed to be felt. Gu Xintao stretched out her head timidly, her rosy lips touched Shu Lin's lips like a dragonfly, and her cheeks The child was red, and she hung her head down.

Shu Lin didn't let her just forget it so casually. He squeezed Gu Xintao's chin with one hand and raised her chin, with a hoarse and smiling voice: "What? That's it? I haven't enough. Yeah!"

After speaking, he kissed him abruptly, and saw Gu Xintao's lips in his mouth. There was a charming room, and only Gu Xintao's broken sound was left!

It was another long period of intimacy. Only then did the two reluctantly separate. Seeing Gu Xintao’s ruddy lips were red and swollen by her own kiss, Shu Lin was amused. He touched her lips and saw that they were soft. Gu Xintao, who was nestled in his arms like a puddle of mud, suddenly stretched out his hand, took a piece of cake, and put it to Gu Xintao's mouth.

Gu Xintao tried to bite, but when she saw Shu Lin suddenly said, "Don't bite."

For a moment, she saw Shu Lin suddenly leaned over and ate the half of the pastry exposed in her mouth. Gu Xintao was a little stunned, only feeling a puff of numb from the soles of her feet rushing to her scalp. With a lot of effort, his lips were slightly open, and the little cake in his mouth was also pulled out by Shu Lin and eaten into his stomach.

"Shi Ziye" Gu Xintao's face was red as a peach blossom, full of shyness!

"Yes, the nectar in Taoer's mouth is much sweeter than this pastry!"

Gu Xintao was even flushed, and plunged into Shu Lin's arms, punching his chest and smiling.

Shu Lin didn't plan to leave until he heard someone from outside saying that it was late, "Xin Tao, I still have important things to do today. I can't accompany you today. I will let Liu Ying send you back!"

When Gu Xintao heard that Shu Lin would be busy with important things, she stood up from Shu Lin’s arms and said in a good manner: "Brother Lin, if you are busy, don’t worry about me, I’ll go straight back. It's done!"

"Are you sure you want to go back under the public?" Shu Lin pointed to Gu Xintao's lips that had swollen due to the intense kiss, with a smirk on her face.

Gu Xintao touched her lips, and they were really swollen. Seeing Shu Lin's smirk, she stamped her feet with anger and scolded, "Brother Lin, you are bullying me again!"

Shu Lin laughed loudly: "Tao'er, you're so nonchalant!" After laughing, he returned to his serious appearance, suddenly remembering something, and said: "Tao'er, your brother, really It's amazing. It's amazing to be the top pick in high school!"

Gu Xintao heard Shu Lin talk about Gu Ning'an. Although she was dying of hatred in her heart, she still said with excitement, "Yes, that kid has always loved reading since he was a child. I didn't see it before. I didn't expect him He is so smart! On the contrary, he is"

When Gu Xintao said this, she said nothing, with a sad smile on her face.

Shu Lin hurriedly asked, "What is it?"

"Brother Lin, I'm not afraid of you jokes when I say it. My own brother, who was originally the most optimistic and valued student of my husband, said that he is talented and intelligent, and he will be admitted to Juren, the top high school champion. I did not expect this The person who is most sure of passing the exam is named Sun Shan! My parents, sighing uncomfortably every day, my daughter, seeing her parents displeased and brother sighing, really can't bear it!"

After Gu Xintao finished speaking, tears fell on her cheeks while she fell asleep. She turned around to wipe her tears, and then said indifferently: "My father will let my brother continue to study, so that he must pass the exam in the coming year. I must not let it down. Many people expect my brother! My brother is very smart, but he didn't perform this time. He will definitely be able to high school in the coming year!"

Shu Lin: "Do your parents and your brother have to let your brother be admitted to Juren? Why?"

Gu Xintao gave a hum, nodded and whimpered: "My family has always been in the countryside. It is the poorest. We live at the lowest level. We don’t know anyone and have no relationship. Anyone who is richer than us will be Came to bully us and disturbed our lives! My mother, because we did nothing wrong back then, but the officials at the time saw that we had no backstage and no backing, so we must send my mother to jail, I My mother was tortured in jail! My brother secretly vowed that he must be admitted to be an official and be able to become an official, so that he can protect the family from being bullied by others and protect those like us. People, will not suffer those torments!"

Gu Jintao wiped away his tears, seeming to be very sad: "My brother didn't pass the exam this time, and he sighed at home every day. As a younger sister, I was sad when I saw it! Oh, I really want to do something for him. What! But I’m a female stream, nothing, and what can I do for my brother! I can’t do anything, I can’t do anything!"

Gu Xintao's whimpers grew louder, more sad, and more painful. It seems that Gu Ziwen did not pass the exam because she didn't do well!

I saw that gorgeous peach blossom, like two teardrops in it, making people's hearts rippling.

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