The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1955: Let anyone pick

"It's fine if you know, Xin Tao will go over this time and I should talk about your affairs! Shi Ziye loves Xin Tao so much, maybe he can promise you something today" Gu Chuanlu looked at what Gu Ziwen was wearing. Clothes, said disgustingly: "Your two clothes are a little fancy, then go and ask a tailor to tailor your clothes for you. Two clothes with a calm color! You have to pick the materials, but don’t be shabby. do you know?"

Gu Ziwen naturally agreed. He said happily that if he becomes a high official in the future, he will definitely respect Gu Chuanlu: "Father, if I become a high official in the future, you will be the father of the official. What will be delicious and delicious in the future? All the fun and useful ones honor you!"

Gu Chuanlu saw the Sun sitting there motionless, as if he hadn't heard his own words, so he shouted: "Sun Xi'e, let you go to the tailor, have you heard? Sitting there, you really think you are. Mrs. Master!"

Sun Xi'e sat there thinking about things, knowing that she didn't say a word, and even provoke Gu Chuanlu's disgust. Hearing Gu Chuanlu shouting his name, Sun Xi'e almost jumped from her position in shock.

When she saw Gu Chuanlu staring at herself fiercely, Sun Xi'e came back to her senses. She glanced at Gu Chuanlu aggrievedly, and then at Gu Ziwen. Knowing that Gu Ziwen could not speak for a few times, she didn't dare to speak, so she ran outside. Up.

Gu Ziwen ignored Gu Chuanlu's intimidation and annoyance at Sun Xi'e all the way, as if the aggrieved woman was a stranger!

Gu Xintao took Xingchun with him, got into Shi Ziye’s carriage, and went to Wuyun Teahouse. On the third floor, he went directly into the wing dedicated to Shi Ziye. The rest of the people waited outside. Gu Xintao went in alone. Up!

As soon as I entered, the door outside was closed. Just after walking through the screen, I was hugged by someone who suddenly rushed out. Gu Xintao fell directly into that arms, and said slyly, "Brother Shulin, you are scaring people again. !"

The one holding Gu Xintao is surprisingly the elder son Shu Lin!

Shu Lin hugged Gu Xintao by her waist and walked directly into the side room. The two of them were laughing and rolling on the bed. Looking at the shy person in their arms, Shu Lin said with a smile: "Xintao, you Wearing this red dress today is really beautiful, just like the gorgeous begonia on the tree, people can't help but want to pick them at first sight! People can't wait to eat them in their stomachs"

Shu Lin held Gu Xintao's face and said eagerly.

Gu Xintao just didn't understand, her face flushed with shame, "Sir, what are you going to do?"

"I want you!" After Shu Lin finished, he kissed him fiercely. Gu Xintao who kissed directly was lost and lost. The clothes on her body fell to her shoulders. Gu Xintao could not wait to follow Shu Lin, but

She suddenly thought of something. She pushed Shu Lin hard, pushed Shu Lin away fiercely, and left Shu Lin's shackles. She hurriedly put on her clothes, covering the spring light on her shoulders, Shu Lingang The aroused desire was suddenly interrupted by Gu Xintao. The passion in his eyes flashed with anger, and he saw Gu Xintao jump up from the bed and ran to the side, guarding Shu Lin like a thief: "The son of the world is not No!"

"Why not? You and I love each other, what can't you do!" When did Shu Lin receive such a cold reception, the woman he wanted, which one did not crawl onto his bed obediently and let him pick it!

This Gu Xintao, when he was confused, said no! Simply outrageous!

However, Gu Xintao's next words made Shu Lin's irritation lighter: "Xintao is a good girl, although she is humble, but she also understands the words etiquette, justice and shame. If the son of the world really loves Xintao, he should give it to Xin Tao has a status, otherwise, even if Xin Tao loves her son, she will never have such a thing with a man before getting married! It is the blessing of Xin Tao to win the favor of the son. Xintao can't fail to follow her fate!"

Gu Xintao raised her eyelids, like a wounded little rabbit, blinking a pair of bright red eyes to look at Shu Lin, how lovely and lovely!

The anger in Shu Lin's heart, after she glanced weakly at her eyes, the anger disappeared!

He wanted to go forward to comfort Gu Xintao, who knew that Gu Xintao seemed terribly afraid, and she shrank to the back, so pitiful and innocent, and even more so, Shu Lin wished to love her!

"Xintao, I won't be like this next time!" Shu Lin quickly explained when Gu Xintao was wary of herself, "I love you very much too, so I can't help it. Don't worry, I will never touch you again. !"

Gu Xinbeat glanced at Shu Lin, and saw that he actually swears. Then he was relieved. He walked out from behind the bed frame, but he was still a few steps away from Shu Lin: "My son, you"

"Don't worry, if you don't want to, I will naturally not force you! On the contrary" Shu Lin said with a smile: "I think you are a good girl with self-esteem and self-love! Don't worry, I won't blame you, if I want to complain. , I should blame me, and shouldn't force you to do things you don't like!"

Gu Xintao flushed with shame, nodded, and looked at Shu Lin shyly, with a touch of emotion on her face: "Thank you, my son, Xin Tao has been so lovingly loved by my son, and Xin Tao's life is enough!"

Shu Lin smiled and said: "That's enough? You haven't thought about the prosperity and love of men and women in this world, how can you be! Don't worry, in this life, I will make you happy and peaceful!"

Gu Xintao's cheeks flushed with excitement, hurriedly stepped forward cautiously, and leaned her head in Shu Lin's arms.

The excitement on his face suddenly relaxed, and instead, his brows were frowned, as if there was something serious in his heart!

There was a glimmer of light in her eyes immediately, as if she was doing something!

The two were warm again, and then they came to the table and sat down. Naturally, someone outside brought the best tea fruits and pastries. They were all the best tea fruits and desserts in the Wuyun tea house, and even the best tea fruits and desserts in Daqing. !

Gu Xintao has been here many times, and when I came back, I felt that the dim sums here are so impressive, and the tea here is endless!

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