The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1954: Just let him do it for an official

The emperor did not give Gu Ning'an any official position, so he only asked him to go to the household to help, but everyone knew that this was the emperor's test of Gu Ning'an. If this thing is done well, Gu Ning'an's future will be limitless!

Moreover, he is also a new champion appointed by the emperor, and his sister is also a princess, the emperor's righteous sister. Although Gu Ningan is a newcomer, no one dares to offend him!

Every day I go out early and return late at night, so I am very busy!

Seeing that he was going out early and returning late every day, Gu Xiaowan was very busy, so she just carefully told him to be careful of his body and pay attention to rest, so she didn't care about him, she just focused on preparing for the birthday gift of the empress and Fang Peiya.

Everything seems to be like the calm water of the lake, calmly without waves, but who knows that the undercurrent at the bottom of the lake is surging slowly, bubbling slowly towards the surface of the lake, waiting for the time to come, Naturally, the peaceful lake will be upset and disturbed.

Gu's Dafang now also learned about Gu Ning'an High School No. 1 Scholar, and Gu Chuanlu was surprised on the spot.

It should be said that everyone in Gu's big room was stunned.

Gu Ning'an was admitted to the first place after taking the **** luck. Originally thinking that he would go to the palace exam, he would be frightened. They also waited for Gu Ning'an to come out griefly. How did you know that day? He heard the deafening sound of firecrackers and the sound of the Annunciation. The Annunciation official looked at the gongs and drums and walked the streets and alleys of the capital over and over again, chanting the name of the top scholar in the new division.

Gu Ningan, Gu Ningan, Gu Ningan

That afternoon, Gu Chuanlu was full of the three words Gu Ning'an, and then the two words champion, champion, and champion!

Gu Ningan became the champion, he was admitted to the first place, entered the Jinluang Palace, and became the champion.


how can that be?

How could the second child's family be better than them!

The heart that was originally relieved by Gu Xintao's indulging in Shu Lin, it was like someone pouring a pot of cold water, and it was completely cold!

Gu Chuanlu's face was cold, and the whole room was rattled by his breath!

Gu Ziwen knew that he didn't pass the exam, Gu Ning'an passed the exam, and he was also the champion. Knowing that he was wrong, he didn't say anything, and bowed his head.

Sun did not dare to speak any more, now Gu Chuanlu is like a firecracker that is about to be ignited. Whoever orders is unlucky, how dare she touch Gu Chuanlu's mold. Now in this family, there are still people who dare to speak, I am afraid that Gu Xintao is the only one!

She came to the room coquettishly with her make-up, and saw that the atmosphere inside was very tense. Knowing that Gu Chuanlu was angry about Gu Ziwen and Gu Ning’an, she persuaded her: "Father, don't be sad. It's already like this, no matter how sad or angry you are, it won't help!"

How could Gu Chuanlu not be angry, how could he not be sad, you know, at that time, his Ziwen was a talented man recognized by the gentlemen, and the feng shui in the village was very good, saying that there would be someone in the village who could be a high official!

At that time, everyone said one after another that the person who could be a high official was Ziwen, but Ziwen didn't even pass the Juren exam, so how could he be a high official? Could it be that Gu Ning'an is the person who is a high official according to Feng Shui?

Thinking of this, Gu Chuanlu became more and more angry. He couldn't wait to lift the table and chair, so that he could get rid of his scars!

This Gu's second room has to fight with himself for everything, everything is better than himself, how can he be convinced, how can he be convinced!

He is a talent in the village, and everyone respectfully called him Mr. Gu, what is that Gu Chuanfu, he is a mud-legged man!

But now, Gu Chuanfu’s children, princesses, princesses and champions in the exams, and for them, Ziwen couldn’t even pass the exam. This made him how to face the ancestors of the Gu family in the future. The eldest son of the Gu family, how can the second child be compared!

Gu Chuanlu had a sullen face and didn't speak. Sun Clan didn't dare to move. Gu Ziwen lowered his head and fell into a dead silence again.

I heard Gu Xintao sneered and said: "Father, what annoying you are! Now that the son of the world is ours, just go to the son of the son and get an official for the brother to do it. This matter is to the son of the son. Say, it’s not easy!"

Gu Chuanlu looked up suddenly, and Gu Ziwen looked at Gu Xintao hopefully. Seeing Gu Xintao's dismissive look, Gu Ziwen was overjoyed: "Xintao, what you said is true?"

However, didn't the princess want him to be admitted to Juren?

Gu Chuanlu was broken in surprise, and he sighed and said, "He is not even a man, how can you let him be an official!"

"Huh, daddy, you have underestimated Shi Ziye, who is Shi Ziye, it is not a word from Shi Ziye whether it is for an official or not! Don't worry, I will go to Shi Ziye for help and watch Your downcast look is upset when you look at it. I'll go now!" After Gu Xintao finished speaking, she twisted her waist and went out, regardless of Gu Chuanlu's ecstatic face and the surprise of Gu Ziwen's face!

"Father, my younger sister is capable! In Ruixian, my younger sister was obsessed with so many men who couldn’t find North. Now I was fascinated by Shi Ziye. Dad, as long as I rely on Shi Ziye, I won’t take the exam. What does it matter?" Gu Ziwen said excitedly, rubbing his hands.

Gu Chuanlu glared at him hurriedly: "You shut up, don't mention a word about the previous things, if you let the son of the world know, I will strip you off!"

Gu Ziwen knew that he had said something wrong, yes, if this matter is known to the son of the world, it would be difficult to handle, so he hurriedly covered his mouth and swore: "Father, don't worry, I won't say it, I won't say it!"

Gu Chuanlu glared at Gu Ziwen fiercely, and felt that he was too aggressive just now, and said: "Your sister is now at a critical juncture, but don't make any forks. The previous things have passed, so don't mention it again. No, don’t affect your sister. As long as your sister is dependent on the son of the world, your high-ranking officials will come naturally. You are the most proud son of your father. Don't make a mistake! You know? "

Gu Ziwen nodded: "Son knows!"

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