The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1953: Yes and when not

Gu Ning'an nodded and said, let Gu Xiaowan not work too hard these days, and then left.

No words for a night.

Fang Peiya came here early the next morning and brought a generous gift. The story of Gu Ning'an High School champion was spread throughout the capital.

A few days ago, Gu Xiaowan was named Princess Anping, which shocked everyone. Now, her brother is the number one champion in high school. This time, she was even more surprised that she couldn't close her jaw.

A family, a princess, and a champion, this Gu family, I am afraid that it will be successful in the capital!

In the past, although Gu Xiaowan was named the princess and princess, because of a woman, even if her status is prominent, she will eventually marry in the future. Without the help of her maiden family, the beauty will be a girl’s home, so everyone I didn't care about it either.

But now it's different!

Gu Ning'an is the top pick in high school!

The champion is in the middle, and he will enter the official career in the future. The lowest and lowest official of this champion is also the fifth rank. The key is that Gu Xiaowan is still a princess, the righteous daughter of the queen mother, and the sister of the emperor. This relationship is here, Gu Ning Ann's future is limitless!

Everyone really paid attention to Gu's family now. Some people who are flattering, why are they willing to give up such a good opportunity? In the past few days, the door of Qingyuan is even more crowded!

Fang Peiya and Tan Yushu waited for a long time in Gu Xiaowan's boudoir, only then did they see Gu Xiaowan arriving late.

There were too many people in front, not only Gu Ningan had to entertain, but Gu Xiaowan, as a princess, also had to entertain. This finally sent away a wave of people, and then Gu Xiaowan entered the backyard.

Congratulations to Gu Ning'an, Fang Peiya told Gu Xiaowan what had happened in Fang's house during this period.

She knew that this was troublesome to Xiaowan, but she trusted Gu Xiaowan and always felt that as long as Gu Xiaowan gave her an idea, she would be able to do well!

"You said Huang Ru was pregnant? He was given a miscarriage by Liu Nianrou?" Gu Xiaowan took a sip of water and said in surprise.

"Yeah, it's a male tire. I heard it's already formed!" Fang Peiya nodded and said.

"It's already formed. Would Huang Ru not know that she has a body? Let Liu Nianrou approach her? There are so many people in the Huang Mansion, and women are fighting for power together. She is afraid that she has seen a lot of them, so how could she be given away by an aunt? Set?" Gu Xiaowan said suspiciously.

Tan Yushu also nodded: "Yes, I also find it weird! Although Huang Ruyi looks harmless on the face, this man has a curious mind. At that time, he was going to be selected as a concubine in the palace. How could Liu Nianrou be harmed! It's too strange!"

Fang Peiya didn’t feel strange: “This is also what I find strange, a male fetus, Huang Ru has no need to use a male fetus to deal with Liu Nianrou. You know, Liu Nianrou is in front of her, and that one is a cloud in the sky. One is the mud on the ground. Liu Nianrou is not worth mentioning in front of her. She wants to deal with Liu Nianrou. There are a hundred ways. There is no need to use a male fetus to bring down Liu Nianrou! She is the mistress of the house. If Fang Zhengxing is pampering, just find a mistake and make Liu Nianrou irresistible!"

"Don't Huang Ru know that he is pregnant?" Tan Yushu asked suspiciously. "Fool, it can be seen that male fetuses are at least more than three months old. Huang Ru is married, so I must be very concerned about not coming to Kwaishui every month. Yes, how could she be so confused that she didn't even know that she was pregnant for several months!" Gu Xiaowan smiled and nodded Tan Yushu's forehead.

Tan Yushu put out his tongue embarrassedly: "Sister, I don't understand it!"

The three of them smiled, and then began to reanalyze Huang Ruye.

Fang Peiya wants to ask for justice for Lu Wenxin, Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu know this.

And Fang Peiya wanted to seek justice back, not just Liu Nianrou, but also Fang Zhengxing.

Fang Peiya hid this thought in her heart, and looked at Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu with a little embarrassment: "Do you think I am heartless? You still have to deal with your father!"

Gu Xiaowan shook her head. Liu Nianrou might be the one who prescribed the medicine directly. Isn't that the one who acquiesced to her to prescribe the medicine with one eye and the other closed?

After so many years, Lu Wen's heart was ashamed, and his life was so dangerous. Isn't all this caused by Founder?

Gu Xiaowan didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

"No, your mother's justice, you want to get it back!" Gu Xiaowan persuaded, just like Gu Chuanlu's family, she put up her tone because of her past grievances because of relatives.

But if they are going to hurt their family, then she will not let it go!

This time, Gu Xintao and the others are afraid that they don't know what they are going to use to deal with themselves!

She is now on the side of Princess Mingdu, and now she and Ning'an are in full swing, and Princess Mingdu is in confinement again. After knowing this, she will definitely not give up!

"There must be something wrong with Huang Ruye's baby!" Gu Xiaowan thought about it, and suggested: "You send someone to stare at their movements, and the people on my side will stare at them outside. If anything happens. If so, let’s discuss it together!"

Fang Peiya saw Gu Xiaowan spare no effort to help herself, and she was grateful: "Sister, thank you!"

"You don't need to thank me, I'm just helping you find the truth of the matter. As for what you want to do, you can only look at yourself!" Gu Xiaowan sighed in her heart, feeling a little hesitant.

Tan Yushu did not speak, and sighed in his heart.

Even if you have a dad, looking at Fang Peiya's dad, it's really not as good as her and her sister, and if you don't have it!

She didn't feel that Fang Peiya had done something wrong, she almost killed her mother, how could she not report it!

After Gu Ningan stayed at home for two days, he went to the household department to report.

The Qing Dynasty is now implementing a new policy, which is to register all the information of the people in the capital of the Qing Dynasty. In the early stage, it only strengthened the control of new personnel entering the capital. People who do not have a house in the capital cannot settle in the capital. The people in Beijing, and some people who wander, beg and play in the capital, have not yet thought of the corresponding management method. For a while, this New Deal has reached a deadlock!

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