The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1961: Plead for Liu Nianrou

The grandmother grabbed Liu Nianrou with one hand, and pinched the soft part of Liu Nianrou with the other hand.

She has been in Huang Mansion all her life. She has done many things with Mrs. Huang, and has also interrogated a lot of bitters who want to fight his wife, who don’t know good or bad, how can make people worse off than death, she knows very much!

Sister Lien pinched Liu Nianrou's skin and flesh, pinched fiercely, and heard Liu Nianrou's screams and her unwilling yelling: "Master, I am pregnant with a son, it is a son, a son!"

She shouted loudly, she understood the scene just now.

This Mrs. Huang will definitely not let people go to inform Fang Zhengxing. Now, she can only protect herself. I hope people outside will hear it and call the master!

However, even the mother pinched her again and again, and she also deliberately forced her stomach, Liu Nianrou had a pain in her lower abdomen, in order to protect the child in her belly, she tried hard to break free from the **** of the mother!

Inside the carved big bed, there is a woman with a ruddy face sitting peacefully, her face is already ruddy and shiny during this period of rest.

At this moment, she was drinking the best blood swallow, and while listening to the movement outside, she felt extremely comfortable in her heart when she heard Liu Nianrou's heart-piercing shouts. As I listened, a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth: "Unexpectedly, Liu Nianrou is also pregnant!"

Song Qin said hurriedly: "Yes, just now the slave maid glanced at the back, I'm afraid it's been several months!"

"I didn't expect this **** to hide so tightly!" Huang Ruyi coldly snorted: "I knew she had it, so we should get rid of it!"

"Madam, it's not too late!" Songqin said to the side: "Now Madam is interrogating Liu Nianrou outside, I am afraid that it will not make Liu Nianrou feel better! The child in her stomach will not be protected today. It’s hard to say where I live!"

Huang Ruyi shook his head and sighed: "Go outside and tell your mother, let her stop doing it!"

Song Qin was surprised: "Why? Madam, the master said, this Song Qin is at the disposal of Madam!"

"Yes, if she was not pregnant, it would be okay to let me deal with it, but now, she herself has burst out she is pregnant, how can I deal with it? Although I hate Liu Nianrou, the child in her belly is the master after all. Yes! You said, I knew that she was pregnant, and I wanted her to die, and let the master lose another child. Do you think the master will blame me!"

"Madam, what do you mean"

"Now is not the time to take her life, I have to wait until the master willingly takes the meat from her belly, that bitch, there is no threat at all!" Huang Ruyi sneered, and Song Qin beside him Suddenly realized.

One is a lowly concubine, who brutally killed the child of the lady in the main room, and the other is the lady in the main room, who painstakingly saved the master's child for this concubine. The master looked at it and it was clear at a glance!

"Help me up, I'm going out too, and plead for that bitch!"

Huang Ruye came to the lobby with a pale face and a soft body under Songqin's support. He saw Mother Lien pinching Liu Nianrou. Now Liu Nianrou was wearing a disheveled hair. Mother Ren Lian pinched her. She resisted with one hand. Only one hand protects his belly!

"Don't fight!" Huang Ru yelled "weakly".

Only then did Mrs. Huang realize that Huang Ru was coming out. Seeing her daughter's face pale as paper, she felt distressed as if she had been stabbed thousands of times. She hurried forward to help Huang Ruoye: "So, why did you come out? You Go in and lie down, look at your current body, commit evil, commit evil!"

Mrs. Huang knows how lucky it is to be able to win a man in one fell swoop, which means that Huang Ru is now firmly established in Fang Mansion. How did you know that it was ruined by this bitch!

"Mother, I'm okay, it's okay" Huang Ruyi grabbed Mrs. Huang's hand and said distressedly, "Mother, don't worry."

Huang Ruyi shook her body, and people on the side hurriedly helped her to sit down.

"Mother, please let her go" Huang Ruyi "cough cough" twice, and just after sitting down, Qianqiansu pointed at Liu Nianrou and said.

Her voice is very weak, but the intensity is just right. All the maids present can hear clearly and see clearly!

Madam, this is saving my aunt!

When Mrs. Huang heard that she wanted to let Liu Nianrou go, she gritted her teeth and said, "Why did you let her go! She killed your son and killed my grandson. How do you let me let her go!"

"Mother, she is guilty! But, the child in her belly is innocent!" Huang Ru said weakly, "Master has lost a child. If he knew he was about to lose another son, how uncomfortable he would be. How distressed!"

"So" Madam Huang gently squeezed the palm of Huang Ruye's hand. Although there was a lot of distress in her voice, it was shining with joy! 00

"Mother, go around her! The child is innocent!" Huang Ruyi said distressedly, holding Mrs. Huang's hand.

All the people present all looked at Huang like this. It seems that why the master would like his wife, it really is an instant opinion!

The woman who came out of the big family is different from the little one who came out of the small door!

Those servants have realized that the heaven of this Fang Mansion has changed and will change forever. There is no longer a place where Liu Nianrou can jump in this Fang Mansion!

Even if she gave birth to a little son, what can she do!

Madam Huang saw Huang Ru begging hard, she had no choice but to do so: "Lianma, let her go!"

The mother hurriedly threw away Liu Nianrou, pushed hard to the ground, and stepped aside.

Liu Nianrou was still covering her belly with one hand, and she was thrown on the ground like a rag. Her eyes opened, she was lying on the ground, looking straight at Huang Ruye.

Huang Rushi also glanced at her, and there seemed to be a trace of pride in her distressed and sad eyes!

Yes, it is proud!

Just like back then, when she looked at Lu Wenxin who was suffering from the disease, she was proud of her eyes!

"Mother, you can go back. I have worked hard for you today!" Huang Ruyi took Madam Huang's hand and said distressedly: "It's all a bad daughter. Even if I get married, I make my mother so worried! My daughter is guilty." !--rm-->

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