The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1971: How to break resistance

Tan Yushu: "Sister, Brother Ning An looks handsome, and now he is the champion of the new discipline, and his temperament is calm. If you say that such a man, if I didn't have Ning Ping, I am afraid I would admire it too!"

Tan Yushu never spoke in a roundabout way. When he said such words, Gu Xiaowan saw it squarely that her family's Gu Ning'an had also begun to grow up, and she was beginning to be able to linger in her dreams!

"So, it seems that Brother An doesn't mean that?" Gu Xiaowan guessed.

"In my opinion, I'm afraid it doesn't mean that!" Tan Yushu shook his head: "Big Brother Ning An's reaction at that time was exactly like treating an ordinary friend, I am afraid that he didn't even mean to be half-pointed!"

"I'm afraid Peiya is not willing to enter the palace!" Gu Xiaowan sighed, "Then what should I do now?"

Tan Yushu was also a little sorry: "Sister, you said she didn't want to enter the palace, and you admired Brother Ning An. If Brother Ning An is also thinking, then that would be fine. The three of us can be together again! Oh, what a pity. !"

Gu Xiaowan is also a bit pity, but, all of this has to take care of Gu Ning'an, her brother's marriage, she will never interfere!

Everyone will meet their sweetheart, and there will be someone on the cusp of their heart, and she can't control it!

"Then you can only take one step and see one step!" Gu Xiaowan said, "Peya's mind, you and me, should not be known. I will ask Brother An what he means, and if he has any thoughts, if he has no thoughts. , Let this matter pass! We just don’t know!"

Tan Yushu listened and nodded hurriedly: "I know, sister!"

After discussing Fang Peiya's affairs, Tan Yushu got up and left. Qingyuan regained tranquility.

After Gu Xiaowan washed for a while, she felt unable to sleep. Looking at the current time, Gu Ning'an probably put on a thin coat and went to Gu Ning'an's yard.

Gu Ning'an was reading a book at the moment, and when he saw Gu Xiaowan coming, he hurriedly put down the book in his hand. The two siblings stepped back and talked quietly in the room.

"Recently, the affairs of the Ministry of Households have been so busy?" Gu Xiaowan asked, taking a sip of the hot water that Zuo had just brought up.

Gu Ning'an nodded: "It's okay, but because it's the New Deal, there is not little resistance and a lot of trouble when it is implemented!"

Gu Xiaowan said: "This household registration management system is pretty good. If this new policy can be implemented, it will be much easier for the entire Beijing city and even the entire Qing people to manage!"

Gu Xiaowan remembered that she had talked about this status with her brother Yizhi. Unexpectedly, this emperor was also a person with a brain and thought, and he could even think of such a way to manage his people!

"Yes, we all know the convenience here, but this matter has to be fully pushed out, and the people in the household department have also racked their brains, and I didn't think of any other way besides the newcomer settled in the card!" Gu Ning'an said helplessly. Seeing Gu Ning’an’s helpless look, Gu Xiaowan smiled and said: “There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. Any new policy is implemented, there will be no small resistance! However, my sister has a suggestion here. , Would you like to listen?"

Gu Ning'an would occasionally talk to Gu Xiaowan about the implementation of the New Deal, but never thought that Gu Xiaowan would have an opinion, so he stood up and said respectfully, "Sister, please tell me!"

Occasionally, the people from the Ministry of Households gathered together to discuss their opinions. Everyone also brainstormed together. Today, Gu Ning'an did not expect that her sister would also have suggestions, as if a drowning person caught the straw.

Seeing Gu Ningan's solemn look, Gu Xiaowan knew that this was really tricky!

Gu Xiaowan continued: "The implementation of the New Deal is nothing more than the management of the people of the Li people! From the point of view of the people of the Li people, you can think about why the New Deal is difficult to roll out this issue?"

Gu Ning'an shook his head: "Think from their perspective? That's never before, but I always feel that this matter involves the management of multiple government offices!"

Gu Xiaowan also shook her head: "I heard that the policy at the top of the New Deal is to allow the people to take care of their families and bring the title deed to the household registration register. After the household registration is completed, they need to take the registered booklet. The government office sealed the seal. After the government office finished the chapter, the people were sent to the household department for filing. After the file was completed, the people were asked to take the master book to the government office for preservation, and finally let the people take the booklet away. It also stipulates that after half a year, you must go to the government office to put a seal of no offense. It is a confirmation stamp of good people, isn't it?"

Gu Ning'an nodded: "This is to prevent fraudulent booklets. There are many procedures, but it is for easier management in the future!"

There are two copies of the booklet. One is a supplementary booklet that people must carry with them in the future. It contains all his information, including his home address, how many people there are in the family, how many acres of land, and so on.

The other is the master book, which is an archive managed by the government and the Ministry of Households.

A general list registered by the Ministry of Households, and the government office must not only keep the general list, but also manage these master books.

The procedures are so complicated that not only the household department can't bear it, but the guards who will guard the city gate in the future are also extremely complicated!

Therefore, until now, the number of people who came to the Ministry of Households and Government Offices to handle the master and deputy registers was very small. No matter how they were launched, these people just did not come, and the work was once deadlocked!

"If you were an ordinary Liming citizen, would you think this process was too complicated?" Gu Xiaowan asked.

Gu Ning'an nodded: "Indeed, it is indeed a bit cumbersome to let the people run many times!"

"Then have you ever thought about improving your own practice, not to let the people adapt to you, but let you adapt to the people?"

"Are we adapting to the people?" Gu Ningan was a little surprised when he heard this statement.

"This world is not the emperor's world, but the people's world. This country is not the emperor's country, but the people's country! The emperor today often put these two words on his lips, have you heard it?" Gu Xiaowan said in no hurry. Suggestion, first ask.

Gu Ning'an nodded. Although the current emperor is young, he cares about the people and the world. He is a rare good emperor: "I have heard that the emperor is a good emperor!"

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