The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1972: From your palm first

"Well, then you have to solve problems for them from the perspective of the people, instead of throwing your problems to the people!" Gu Xiaowan smiled and said, "They have worked hard enough for their livelihoods, and they can implement this new policy. You are sitting in the yamen, waiting for the people to come to register obediently. For you, you have a salary and don’t need to worry about livelihoods, but it’s very difficult for them. They have money to do things, if you stop. After working for several days, it means that they have no money for several days. This New Deal requires them to spend several days not doing anything. If you say that they have nothing to do, what should those people who are old and old do?"

"Sister" Gu Ning'an was still a little confused.

Gu Ning'an was still young. Although he was admitted to the top pick, he still had no practical experience for so many years. At this moment, he looked dazed and didn't understand what Gu Xiaowan meant.

Gu Xiaowan simply said: "You can first publicize the list to the outside world, when and where you will register, and tell the people living in this jurisdiction when and where to register with the title deed. Then you will bring your household and The people of the government office, with the main and deputy booklets, and the official seal of the government, stayed in that area for three or four days, specially handling the main and deputy booklets for the people in this area. You set up a stall there to do things, not only the government office People from the Ministry of Households, as well as those from the Ministry of Households, allow the people’s affairs to be handled in a one-stop manner. No effort is wasted at all. If it is much more convenient than going to the government office and the Ministry of Households alone, they will figure this out. In the time it took, this thing was done!"

"Sister, you have a good idea!" Gu Ningan became more excited as he listened, his face flushed with excitement.

"It's fine if you think it's good. I'm just talking about it. I'm afraid there are still a lot of things to be coordinated. It takes a lot of time to mediate if the government has to send someone to send an official seal!"

Gu Xiaowan knew that those who were officials in ancient times were old men, and it was not so easy for them to serve the people!

"I know, sister, don't worry, I know what to do about this!" Gu Ning'an said excitedly, looking at Gu Xiaowan in admiration.

How can my sister know so much? It has been several days since he went to the Ministry of Households. There was no one to do the booklet. Everyone was in a hurry, but they still didn't think of a way to do it. Although my sister hasn't tried this method yet. , But Gu Ning'an knew that this method would definitely work!

The two brothers and sisters had the foundation of this matter before, and Gu Xiaowan said more smoothly: "I heard that Xiao Yi gave you a chili today?"

"Well, that child is really bad. She and Yushu blindfolded me and asked me to try the dishes for them. If they knew that my eyes were out of sight, they would mess with me!" Gu Ning'an said. Although complaining, there is no blame in his eyes!

Gu Xiaowan laughed: "That kid, I have a companion with Yushu! Hey, it seemed like a blink of an eye. I remember you were only five or six years old at the time, and you grew up like this all of a sudden! You are also a young man. Now, do you know that outside has praised you as a flower?"

Gu Xiaowan said jokingly, Gu Ningan had never heard outsiders talking about herself: "Bride me like a flower?"

"Yes, it is said that this new subject champion is young, but the emperor is blue-eyed. I am afraid that I will have a boundless career in the future. They also say that you are handsome and handsome, and you are already handsome at a young age. They also say that they don’t know what kind of woman is talented. It's accompanied by this horrible new champion!"

Gu Xiaowan said with a smile, and when Gu Ning'an heard it, her face immediately turned red: "Sister, don't make fun of Ning'an!"

"Okay, okay, let's not say, let's not say, just my sister is curious, I don't know what this future sister-in-law will be like!" Gu Xiaowan said with some regret: "Hey, these three younger siblings are now afraid It’s just that you are the only one left out, you say, am I in a hurry?"

Isn't that right? Even Xiao Yi is already chasing after him, just waiting for Xiao Yi to open up! Ning Ping also has a jade book. In order to be worthy of Tan Yushu, he is willing to go to that dangerous place and come back!

"Sister, in the future, I will definitely tell my sister that if my sister is happy, I will marry!" Gu Ning'an solemnly said.

Upon hearing this, Gu Xiaowan felt that she was a badass: "Why do you say that?"

"The person that my sister looks at is naturally good. If my sister doesn't like it, it must be bad!"

"Do you believe in your sister that way? Who knows about feelings? If it's the girl you're thinking of in the future, isn't the type I like? What I like, but not what you like? If I don't promise you, you can't find life what!"

"No!" Gu Ningan said with a smile when he saw her sister's excited look: "So, I will ask my sister beforehand, and I will do the next thing if my sister has her palm first!"

"Puff," Gu Xiaowan was amused by Gu Ning'an's words: "That's fine, if you have a girl who is fancy in the future, please tell your sister first, and let your sister shut you down!"

"Okay, I will tell my sister!"

Gu Ning'an also smiled, his eyes looked abnormally dark under the translucent Ye Mingzhu.

Gu Xiaowan lamented in her heart, Peiya, it's out of play!

When I returned to my house, I heard that Qin Yizhi had come back. Seeing that she was not in the house, he went back to his room to wash, and he would come back later.

Gu Xiaowan was a little sleepy at the moment, and she wanted to wait for Qin Yizhi with great energy, so she didn't go to bed, but took a book, half leaned on the collapse, and turned it over.

The book is a good hypnotic thing. Without turning two pages, Gu Xiaowan fought with her eyelids and couldn't open it anymore.

When Qin Yizhi came in, she saw Gu Xiaowan's book on her chest, tilting her head, and lying on the pillow. Her slightly opened mouth seemed to be more charming and lovely!

Qin Yizhi laughed, and hurriedly stepped forward, and hugged Gu Xiaowan horizontally. Gu Xiaowan was picked up in the air, slammed, and slowly opened his eyes.

"Wake up?" There was a soft voice from the top of his head, which was like gurgling water in the mountains. Gu Xiaowan closed her eyes again, and hugged Qin Yizhi's neck with her hands tightly, her voice soft and sleepy: "You come back Up?"

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