The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1974: No one wants to enter the palace

When the pain finally eased, Song Qin said, "Madam, madam, don't be like this, don't let people look at our jokes!"

See a joke?

Now, isn't it the only one in the small yard who can laugh at himself?

The stool in Huang Ruye's hand fell and hit the ground directly with a bang. It was very quiet outside. This sound seemed very abrupt!

Huang Ru is like a rag doll, sitting slumped on the ground, Song Qin stepped forward, and hugged Huang Ru to comfort him: "Madam, don't think too much, don't think too much, let it go when you pass it. , No matter how much you think about it, it is in vain! Don't hurt yourself by relying on it, you just had a confinement!"

Song Qin said excitedly, Huang Ru was unmoved after hearing it, his eyes were not focused, just staring at the things in front of him, like a lifeless walking dead!

Songqin’s heart mentioned her throat. Seeing Huang Ru like this, apart from worrying, everything else in her heart felt distressed: "Madam, madam, you are now a second-rate madam, in this life, as long as the master If you go well, you will still be a first-class product in the future. It is not inferior to the lady in the palace! Not in that palace, you are in this capital, who dares to move you? And, you still have the master’s favorite! The one inside can't do it at all!"

"If you give birth to a child in the future, that child will be the head of the Fang family. From now on, you will definitely live your life. Compared with that cold palace, you will be able to live smoothly outside here!"

Song Qin couldn't help comforting, but Huang Rushi still didn't respond.

Soon, Songqin couldn't help it anymore, and suddenly said harshly, "Madam, the master is really confused. He knows that you still let you teach those two **** etiquette. That's what the master meant! Madam, you Don't worry, the servants will prevent those two people from entering the palace!"

Huang Ru is now sane: "What are you going to do?"

Song Qin was excited and hurriedly leaned into Huang Ruye's ear to whisper a few times. Huang Ruye's eyes suddenly stern and nodded heavily. The gloomy face was like a ghost crawling out of hell, and his eyebrows were terrifying. shudder.

What she can't get, can't let those two **** get it.

If Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun really entered the palace, what will happen to Liu Nianrou?

That was the mother of the empress, and Fang Zhengxing would also have to take care of his two daughters. The child who has not yet left, and Liu Nianrou's life, might not really belong to her!

They must act quickly. Fang Zhengxing wanted the two children to be selected into the palace so much, so she made them impossible to enter for the rest of their lives, and even if they were to die for a lifetime!

"Hurry up, don't be aware of it, and don't be discovered!" Huang Ruyi listened to Songqin's plan, excited as if he had caught a life-saving straw: "I can't get those two cheap People, never imagine it!"

"Madam, don't worry, as long as you agree, the slaves will make them hopeless in this life!" Songqin said firmly: "Madam, then you must not hurt yourself. Let's go to bed, OK?"

Huang Ruyi grabbed Song Qin's hand and got up and lay on the bed. There was a mess in the room. Song Qin was busy cleaning up, and then he went out.

Lying on the bed, looking at the dark curtains above his head, Huang Ruo smiled for a while and cried for a while!

Qin Yizhi's drowsiness has always been shallow. Seeing Xiao Wan next to him fall asleep, he tiptoed up and went out. Ahmad has been guarding the door all the time. Seeing Qin Yizhi coming out, he hurriedly bowed his hands in salute. Qin Yizhi raised his hand and Ahmad straightened up.

"The man was masked, and Zuo and I did not fight him. Perhaps the man had no intention of fighting. We saw him as soon as he arrived on the girl's roof. He ran away! The man was very lighthearted. Yes! It seems that I am very familiar with this part of the capital, plus there is no moonlight tonight, and the sight of the hunt is not good, so we"

"Nothing, can you see who the figure is?"

"I can't tell, the martial arts foundation is good, I haven't played against each other, and I don't know how that person's martial arts is!"

"He is on the girl's roof?"


Sure enough, it was directed at Gu Xiaowan!

Qin Yizhi frowned, the lanterns under the eaves were all red, half bright and half dark!

"Be careful in the future! This person has not found any news today, I am afraid that he will come again next time!" Qin Yizhi said coldly, and Ahmad took his orders.

Since Gu Xiaowan became the Princess of Anping, I am afraid I don’t know how many people have looked at her, especially the Princess Mingdu!

I'm afraid I don't know what will happen to her life!

Qin Yizhi returned to the house. Gu Xiaowan slept very sweetly, like an octopus. She wrapped Qin Yizhi's used pillow in her arms, still licking a sweet smile at the corner of her mouth, like in a dream. Thinking of something funny!

Qin Mozhi glanced twice, only to feel that the softness in his heart was like a ball of water, melting instantly!

This is the girl he had seen growing up since he was a child, now she is so slim, she has melted into his blood, and can't be separated anymore!

On the second day, when Gu Xiaowan woke up, Qin Yizhi left as usual. She slept well last night. When she got up, she was refreshed and expressive.

When I got up and was eating breakfast, someone came to pass on it, saying that Gu Xintao was here!

Gu Fangxi also wondered: "What is she here for? What moth is she going to use again!"

Gu Xiaoyi glanced at Gu Xiaowan nervously, and Gu Xiaowan said, "Let her come in!"

Gu Xintao entered the Qingyuan with a large amount of generous gifts. There was a luxurious and solemn courtyard in the quaint and simple area. She was amazed after seeing it, such a nice courtyard! If it were hers, it would be great!

Thinking of the flowers that Shu Lin told herself before she came, Gu Xintao had a longing for it!

As long as things are done, Shu Lin said that this house will definitely help her get him an identical house!

Just thinking about it, I arrived at the lobby. Gu Xiaowan was drinking tea. Gu Fangxi and Gu Xiaoyi were also sitting there, staring in the direction of the door. When they saw Gu Xintao, a vigilance flashed in their eyes, as if she was not welcome!

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