The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1991: Choose house guard

Su Qianyue sneered and said: "Brother, Gu Xiaowan was put in jail, and you were all murdered. If you didn't like her, the princess hated her, otherwise, the princess would not take action against her!"

Su Ziyue sat on the ground paralyzed, as if the strength of his whole body was taken away, she could not say a word, she could only stare at Su Qianyue's mouth in a daze: "Brother, I will give you one night. Think about it, if you are still so reluctant at dawn tomorrow, then don’t blame me, I will go and tell Princess Mingdu everything! What will happen to Gu Xiaowan at that time, I can manage Nothing!"

After speaking angrily, Su Qianyue glared at Su Ziyue fiercely. Seeing his disillusioned appearance, she felt pity in her heart, but there was no room for discussion, she went away!

Su Ziyue looked at her absent-minded back, stretched out her hand, trying to reach out to catch Su Qianyue, but could only watch her leave.

Consider this night's time!

Does he have room for consideration?

Are there any more?

Su Ziyue curled up on the ground, only thinking about the woman with picturesque brows and crooked eyes when she laughed, and the pain in her heart increased!

It just feels like dead! No more anger!

Early in the morning of the second day, Su Qianyue came to Su Ziyue’s yard early, just sitting in the yard and waiting, and deliberately made people make a lot of noise, just to let Su Ziyue know that she coming!

I don't know how long it took, Su Ziyue's door finally opened, and I saw Su Ziyue walking out of the room, dressed in white, with his hands behind him.

Although his figure is a little thin, his face is more energetic than yesterday!

Su Qianyue met with excitement, and said triumphantly: "Brother, father and mother are waiting for you in the front yard, discuss the matter of getting married together, you go quickly!"

Su Ziyue took a deep look at Su Qianyue. There were pleadings, disappointments, vigilance, and embarrassment in his eyes. Just looking at Su Qianyue with such determination, Su Qianyue only felt the faint look. Shooting over, I felt like a basin of cold water was poured on my body.

She didn't care, as long as it was for the Su family, for her future future, she didn't care at all.

Su Qianyue helped her body and said: "Brother, I'm leaving now! Don't worry, I promised you what I will do!"

After speaking, turn around and walk away!

She had to do it, because if this matter was really known by the Mingdu Princess, the entire Su family would suffer along with it.

There are no eggs under the covering nest, Su Qianyue understands this truth! That's why I went to admonish Su Ziyue regardless!

Su Ziyue looked at the back of his most beloved sister since he was a child, and only felt that her chest was pinched severely by her.

He raised his foot, stepped weakly over the threshold, and headed toward the main hall! Seeing that their son actually took the initiative to discuss marriage, Su Peian and Madam Su didn’t know what Su Qianyue used, but Qianyue said that his brother will definitely come out today! This watched Su Ziyue approaching gracefully. Although people have lost a lot of weight during this period, he still figured it out anyway!

They didn't care about what Su Qianyue told her brother. They only saw that Su Ziyue wanted to start, and they were happy in their hearts.

At the Ming Palace, the people sent by Shu Min heard that Su Ziyue had never shown up. Just when he was about to get into a rage, Su Ziyue showed up, and he was happy to buy things. Shu Min was happy.

Awaiting marriage with peace of mind, not to mention it for now!

At this moment, Fang Mansion was not so relieved.

Liu Nianrou took care of the baby in the small courtyard. Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun followed Huang Ru to learn etiquette, followed the teacher to learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. !

However, Huang Ru couldn't enter the palace, so how could he be so kind to teach two stepdaughters who are about the same size as himself to enter the palace?

Huang Ru used the excuse that Fangfu’s house was large but the population was small, and it was a bit unsafe to live in, so he suggested that Fang Zhengxing buy more housekeeping guards.

Seeing that Professor Huang Ruzhen’s two concubines were knowledgeable and reasonable, Fang Zhengxing asked the butler to buy them, saying that he would choose ten and let his wife keep four.

Huang Ruye left four. Fang Zhengxing took a look. These people were strong, young, and fair-looking. He just glanced at it and agreed!

In this way, the few housekeepers stayed in Fang Mansion, and the butler asked them to patrol the mansion every day to protect Fang Mansion's safety.

Fang Zhengxing has always felt that his mansion is big, but there are few people. Moreover, these housekeepers can also protect the safety of the female family members in the house. Of course, he is also selfish, and it is also for the guards. Take care of Liu Nianrou a lot.

This is the most poisonous woman's heart, Huang Ru said that he has spared her, but who knows?

Founder was going to make plans outside every day, and he couldn't take care of many things at home, so he could only do that.

Therefore, he carefully urged the housekeeper to pay more attention to the small courtyard when he went to patrol. If something happens in the small yard, you must report him as soon as possible.

Founder Zhengxing's instructions were strict, but on the back foot, someone told Huang Rushi. Now in Fang Mansion, those servants, maids, and slaves are basically Huang Ruye's people. Fang Zheng's words and deeds, Huang Ru does not need to eavesdrop, someone will come to tell her!

Sure enough, Fang Zhengxing still didn't worry about him!

Huang Ru sneered in her heart, but it didn't matter, she wouldn't move Liu Nianrou, wouldn't it be boring to ask herself! Now, what she hates most is Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun.

Why, the two concubines have to draft women, so why, why?

Huang Ru is dying of hatred, Song Qin hurriedly comforted: "Madam, don't worry, everyone has already entered. With the talents of those two people on the court, they will definitely do it properly!"

"Good, good, good!" Huang Ruyi clapped his hands excitedly.

She doesn't care if other people enter the palace or not to draft a girl, anyway, the two eyesores in front of her are definitely not allowed.

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