The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1992: Fang Lan is moving

Not only can they not be allowed to enter the palace, but they must also be ruined, and they will not be able to turn over in this lifetime!

Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun each have a daily habit. One likes to go to the lotus pond in the Fuzhong to feed the koi, and the other likes to go to the swing stand in the garden and swing on the swing for a while!

After the two came out of Huang Rushi, they moved separately, one to the left and the other to the right. The lotus pond is on the left and the garden is on the right. The two separated with a smile and went to do their own things.

Fang Lanxin likes to lean against the railing in the pavilion, holding fish food in her hand, and holding back the girl beside her, standing alone in the pavilion, looking at the charming lotus and the koi in the pond. It was a son for a while.

This beautiful scenery is more fascinating than Huajiao.

On this day, as usual, Fang Lanxin was still feeding the fish in that fixed position. I don’t know what happened. When the railing suddenly loosened, Fang Lanxin leaned all his weight on the railing. The whole person's center of gravity was unstable, so he plunged into the pond!

She let out a scream, and the maid outside the pavilion was also stunned. She was stunned. She couldn't move. She could only watch Fang Lan's mind and body tilted and plunged into the pond!

Fang Lanxin screamed, originally thinking that she must fall into the water this time, but she didn't expect her body to lighten suddenly, as if she was flying. She opened her eyes secretly and saw that she was hugging a young man's waist tightly, and that man's face, close to Chi Chi, seemed to be able to grind their ears and temples with a slight movement.

Although the man's appearance is not handsome, but the eyebrows are eyebrows, the eyes are eyes, the bridge of the nose is high, and the lips are thin. At first glance, he doesn't look good, but at the second glance, he feels much better.

Fang Lanxin was held tightly in his arms by the man, and the same was true for himself, like an octopus, tightly hooping the man, and the two of them were tightly attached to the man’s hard body. Like a copper wall and iron wall, touching her body, Fang Lan's heart had thoughts that he shouldn't have.

When the two of them landed, the man quickly let go of Fang Lanxin, took two steps back, and knelt down: "The slave is damned!"

The silly maid who was frightened by the pavilion ran up in horror at the moment. Seeing that the young lady was safe and sound, she was relieved. If the young lady fell into the water, she would not be able to walk around!

Fang Lanxin was a little confused at the moment. She was so close to a masculine man just now, so tight, and that sense of security fascinated her, but when he hit the ground, he quickly pushed away, and the hard body immediately disappeared. Fang Lanxin was a little confused! Some disappointment! Even with a strong desire!

Longing, do this again!

This slender man with tight muscles is like a hard city wall, making her eager to shelter from the wind and rain.

After the man finished speaking, he immediately backed away. At this moment, there was no one, no voice, and Fang Lanxin was a little disappointed.

"Do you know who that person is?" Fang Lanxin glanced at the direction that person was leaving, and asked the maid, Magpie.

Magpie has never seen that person, but I heard that four guards have been added to the mansion. Looking at the clothes of the man just now, it should be the guard that has been added to the mansion: "Master added four guards to the mansion. Look at that person's clothes, he should be the guard in the house!"

Fang Lanxin nodded, without any expression: "Just say that I almost fell into the river. Don't tell anyone that I was saved by that person! You know?"

The magpie was a little strange, but he couldn't ask anything, so he nodded and agreed.

Later, the housekeeper heard that the lady almost fell into the water, and hurried to send someone to overhaul the railing. It turned out that the railing was in disrepair and weathered, and it was already aging. Besides, the weight of the girl’s body rested on the railing. It is inevitable to loosen.

Fang Zhengxing heard that Shuo's daughter almost happened, and it was also very distressed, so that people had to replace all the railings in the pavilion.

Changing the railings in the pavilion is not a day or two. Fang Lanxin likes to watch lotus flowers and feed fish. This kind of preference can only be temporarily put aside. Occasionally standing not far away and taking a look at the lotus, it’s fine. .

However, no one knows, she sees the lotus is fake, but waits for others to be true!

However, after waiting for two or three days, Fang Lanxin was a little anxious, so he suggested that the lotus should not be seen and stroll around the mansion!

She had always felt that the Fang's mansion was too small. Compared with other houses, this Fang's mansion was not big enough and not luxurious enough. Now she has been wandering around the mansion for several days.

Fang Lanxin was a little anxious. For the first time, he felt that the mansion of Fang Mansion was too big. If it were a little smaller, maybe the two could meet head-on.

Tired of walking, I had to sit down and rest. I was also thirsty. It was not far from my courtyard, so I asked the magpie to go back to the courtyard to pour some tea.

She walked slowly along the lakeside path by herself, seemingly very comfortable.

It's just that Fang Lanxin didn't know if she stepped on the small gravel, and the whole body was leaning back, and she was about to fall into the lake again. Fang Lanxin closed her eyes tightly this time, it's useless to call anyway, there is no one around here!

Besides, not every time someone will come to rescue her!

She closed her eyes and waited for it to fall into the water. Where did she know, she felt a wind blowing around her, as if it brought a familiar and unfamiliar smell, and then, the smell became clearer and clearer, as if flooded Generally at the tip of the nose.

That hard as iron chest, like a copper wall and iron wall, her soft body, put it on again.

There was a sneer in his ears, Fang Lanxin hurriedly opened his eyes, and sure enough, he saw the person who saved him that day!

Although the eyebrows are ordinary, but when they are combined, they are pleasing to the eye.

"It's you" Fang Lanxin exclaimed, a deep joy flashed in his eyes!

The man raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Why every time I rescue you, you almost fall into the water!"

This opening of the two of them seemed to have gotten closer together. Fang Lanxin held the person's body tightly, and the person didn't let go, they just stuck together so tightly, extremely ambiguous.

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