The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1998: No blessing in such a spring scene

But the irritation turned to irritation, but now it can't happen, the doctor Hao Lian is still here!

"Doctor Hao, slow down." The group of people came to the door of Fang Lanxin's bedroom. There was not even a maid on duty at the door. Huang Ruye saw him and said angrily: "These minions, seeing the master speak well, now the master When they are sick, these people can't even run away! See if I will be punished tomorrow!"

Fang Zhengxing nodded when he heard it, and said to the doctor Hao Lian: "Doctor Hao, my daughter is kind and kind. She is uncomfortable today. Perhaps let all these servants rest, let you watch a joke!"

Madam Hao Lian said with a stern face, "Miss Fang is also compassionate to her servants, so why don't you see the jokes!"

When Fang Zhengxing saw that Doctor Hao Lian said, he didn't know if he should be happy or worried!

The young lady in the Fang family is an individual, benevolent and charitable. This has won a good reputation, but the Fang family can't rule it. Doesn't this mean that Lan Xin is not a person who can manage the people?

If Fang Lanxin is actually selected into the palace in the future, the worst is the lord of the first house. If even a few of the people are not well trained, how can he manage the first house in the future?

Fang Zhengxing was a little worried, worried, and even more dissatisfied with Huang Rushi. He quietly approached Huang Rushi and said in a low voice: "Starting tomorrow, you will also teach Lan Xin and Zhu Yun how to discipline their servants. They are so kind in the province, the master is sick, and all the people around here are gagging and not doing business!"

Huang Ru lowered his head: "Master, I can save it!"

She sneered inwardly: Still want to enter the palace? Also want to learn how to be a master mistress to discipline her servants?

Go dreaming!

Tonight, let your dreams fall apart!

Huang Ru was sneered in his heart, but his face was always a light of kindness and charity. Fang Zhengxing looked at him with a relaxed heart.

"Song Qin, go take a look, and light the candle in the room first. These two maids, the master is sick, and they are not waiting around. It is really too arrogant to indulge them!"

Huang Ru ordered that Song Qin hurriedly stepped forward to open the door.

When I got closer, there was a strange movement in my ear.

At this moment, Song Qin was standing by the door, reaching out to knock on the door. Behind him, Fang Zhengxing was speaking with the doctor Hao Lian, and Huang Ruye stood beside Fang Zhengxing. The three of them were talking attentively, but did not put their minds in the door.

Songqin heard a strange voice coming, somewhat strange: "Madam, there seems to be movement here!"

"Movement?" Huang Ruyi turned his head to look at Songqin in surprise, and asked: "Miss is asleep, what will happen here!"

"The slave servant doesn't know either," Song Qin frowned and said.

Fang Zhengxing also turned his head to look, and when he saw it, he said, "What can be heard, Miss Xu is asleep and talking in sleep! Go knock on the door!"

Song Qin hurriedly greeted him, and immediately knocked on the door, knocked three times, there was no movement inside: "Miss, Miss"

Fang Zhengxing: "Since the lady is asleep, Madam, you go in and have a look. If Lan Xin is ready, I will take Dr. Hao in!"

It seemed that he didn't pay attention to the strange movement that Song Qin said just now.

Huang Ru responded and pushed the door in.

That door is also strange, there is no lock inside, Huang Ru gently pushes the door, and the door is opened!

Song Qin walked in with a lantern in one hand and Huang Ruye with the other.

After igniting the candle in the room, the inside was bright, and Songqin walked back and said as he walked: "Miss, the master and madam are coming to see you. I have also invited you a great doctor!"

There was no movement inside, and the curtains were all pulled up.

Songqin walked inside and lit the candle inside with a fire fold. Seeing the inside lit up, Huang Ruye walked inside: "Lan Xin, how are you? Your father and I are here to see you!"

Song Qin was still igniting the fold, with his back to the bed, Huang Ru walked straight to the bed, talking while walking, waiting to lift the curtains of the bed and saw the movement inside, a sharp roar broke the tranquility night.

Fang Zhengxing and Hao Lian were talking in the outside room. Hearing Huang Ruye's tragic scream, Fang Zhengxing was shocked and hurriedly ran inside: "Madam, what's wrong with you?"

Fang Zhengxing thought that there was something wrong with Huang Ruye, so he hurriedly dragged Doctor Hao Lian and ran inside. When he got to the inner room, he looked in Huang Ruye's direction. When he saw the scene above the bed, Fang Zhengxing flowed back with blood and blood. Black, almost fainted.

Doctor Hao Lian was dragged by Fang Zhengxing and ran in hastily, and he happened to see this scene.

I saw that above the bed, a naked woman was lying slantingly on the bed, her legs wide open, the white skin on her head, and the bruises all over her body, it made people feel terrified.

Anyone who saw this scene knew what happened to Fang Lanxin's body!

"How could this be?" Fang Zhengxing roared, like an angry lion.

This is his carefully nurtured daughter, like a delicate flower, originally intended to be dedicated to the palace and glorify the lintel of the Fang family, but now it has become like this.

His innocent daughter was defiled!

Song Qin hugged Huang Ruye in shock, and when he heard Fang Zhengxing's roar, he came back to his senses, and he crawled up to the ground and held the brocade to the side and wrapped Fang Lan's heart tightly. The imaginative bruises were then covered up.

Reaching out to detect Fang Lanxin's breath, he replied tremblingly: "Master, Miss is okay!"

All right?

Is this okay?

Fang Zhengxing can't wait for this daughter to be angry now!

Hao Liangang was also shocked at the beginning, but he had already taken care of the secrets of this big family. He bowed his head and stood quietly by the side, as if it did not exist.

Fang Zhengxing roared and smashed the pear wood table in the house with one kick, and hit the candlestick on the side. Two candlelights fell to the ground, and the light suddenly dimmed twice. The faint candlelight was all. Are all gone.

Two candles were missing from one corner, and Fang Zhengxing's face was shrouded in half light and half darkness, fiercely like a poisonous snake vomiting a letter!

After Huang Ruyi was frightened, seeing Fang Zhengxing's anger, he lowered his head and sneered. He looked up with a look of fright, his eyes filled with tears: "Master, what happened to this? Afternoon Lan My heart is fine, why did it become like this at night?"

Fang Zhengxing is now wishing to pinch Fang Lan's heart, and now this girl is dirty, and for him, there is no use value at all.

Fang Lanxin is useless, and Fang Zhuyun, he also has a good daughter who is pure and clean!

His fierce eyes flashed, and suddenly he thought of something. Seeing the doctor Hao Lian standing quietly by the side, there was a strong panic in his heart!

This imperial physician Hao Lian was treating the emperor, he was a celebrity in front of the emperor, if he told the emperor what happened today, then even if Fang Zhuyun was innocent, he would not be able to enter the palace in this life!

Thinking of this, Fang Zhengxing's inspiration flashed, and the cruel expression on his face flashed by, and a deep sadness emerged: "Doctor Hao, hurry up, hurry up and save my daughter! She must have been defiled. Oh, my goodness, is there any king's law in this! My Lanxin must have been killed by the thief, Doctor Hao, please, please look at my Lanxin!"

Madam Hao Lian didn't care whether Fang Lanxin was voluntary or forced, but when Fang Zhengxing wanted to see a doctor by himself, he obediently went forward to see the doctor.

Song Qin sprinkled all the curtains this time so that nothing was visible inside. Fang Lanxin stretched out one hand. Although there was only one hand, the small section of his arm that was exposed was also covered with it. After the bruise, people have to think about it.

Although Fang Zhengxing hated him to death, he wanted to kill Fang Lanxin, but now he knew that only if Lanxin was tainted by the culprits, could Fang Zhuyun have a chance to enter the palace!

This being raped by a thief is not to blame for Lan Xin, nor for Zhu Yun!

For the emperor's draft, one girl in this family is not good, and another girl is still good!

Fang Zhengxing now lost her confidence in Lan Xin, and only begged her to insist that the thief had defiled her, so that Zhu Yun's reputation would not be ruined!

Physician Hao Lian watched his ears, nose, nose and heart, and carefully diagnosed Fang Lanxin’s pulse. When he knew the cause of Fang Lanxin’s coma, the old doctor Hao Lian blushed and couldn’t say: "Master Fang, the reason why Miss Fang I'm going into a coma because I have too much sex, I feel weak, and fainted!"

When Fang Zhengxing heard it, his expression became ashamed. He squeezed his fists, and his blue veins violent: "Which **** is killing my daughter, I want to kill him, I want to kill him! Where is the man in the yard? Are you all dead?"

Fang Zhengxing roared, madly like an angry lion.

Fang Lanxin didn't need to prescribe medicine, and he would be well after taking a rest. Imperial Doctor Hao Lian had never seen such a situation before, and at this moment he was even more embarrassed to find a hole in it.

He has been practicing medicine for decades. He doesn’t know how many patients he has seen in the palaces and in the houses of high-ranking officials, but he hasn’t seen a doctor yet, so he first saw such a "spring scene", his old heart, Can't bear it, can't bear it!

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