The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1997: Got a doctor

"Perhaps you are tired of studying the rules and learning with your wife these days. Look at the second and third young ladies, they all say they are very tired these few days."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw someone approaching. When they saw Fang Zhengxing and Huang Ruye, they knelt down tremblingly to ask for peace: "The slave and maid will ask for peace."

Fang Zhengxing frowned. He heard the conversation between the two maids just now, and said with some affection, "Second Miss has stopped?"

"In response to the master, the second lady said she was uncomfortable, and she stopped early, let the servants wait at the door, and don't let people go in!"

A maid replied.

Fang Zhengxing sighed "Hey", with a fatherly look: "I blame me for being too harsh on them these days! It's all my fault!"

Huang Ruye saw that Fang Zhengxing blamed himself, and hurriedly said with relief: "Master, don't blame yourself, don't be sad! If Lan Xin knows that you are sad and self-blaming, I am afraid that you will feel uncomfortable in your heart! You, as a father, treat your children. Strict, it is to have expectations for them, this is for their good!"

Huang Ruye's words were just talking about Fang Zhengxing's heart. He looked at Huang Ruye lovingly and felt relieved: "Madam is still caring!"

"Master, let's go, Lan Xin has stopped, so let her rest, let's go see Zhu Yun!" Huang Ruyi took Fang Zhengxing and was about to leave. When the two were lifting their feet to leave, Huang was like He seemed helpless and said, "I don’t know what happened to Lan Xin. Hey, I am a mother, and I feel sad too! Master, would you like to invite a doctor to come and have a look? , It’s still a little unreliable! If this is really sick, the doctor should call in early and prescribe the right medicine to get better quickly, so as not to delay the learning of etiquette is small, and the foundation is big if it hurts the body!

When Fang Zhengxing thought in his heart, he frowned.

This is what Huang said, and it came to his heart again!

She may not know other things, but Fang Zhengxing knows it!

If Fang Lanxin is really sick, then a major event will be missed!

This queen mother's decree may come down anytime, Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun say that they will enter the palace draft tomorrow. If they fall ill at this juncture, what can they do?

Isn't that a waste of a bamboo basket?

Fang Zhengxing frowned and greeted the housekeeper on the side: "Hurry up and get a doctor!"

When the butler heard that and was about to leave, Huang Ru said from the side: "Hold on!"

When Fang Zhengxing was puzzled, he heard Huang Rushi explain: "Master, Lan Xin has a delicate body, and it's getting late again. I don't know if I can invite a good doctor to come now. Why not ask Hao Lian near our residence. The imperial physician, he has superb medical skills. If he can come to see Lan Xin, Lan Xin will definitely get better soon!"

If Huang said yes, Fang Zhengxing nodded after hearing it, and hurriedly said to the steward on the side: "Yes, go get my post, go to the Hao doctor's house, please come over!"

Madam Hao Lian treated the empress and the emperor in the palace. He had superb medical skills and good hands. If he came to see Lan Xin, Lan Xin would definitely get better soon!

The butler soon went to ask Doctor Hao to go!

And Fang Zhengxing and Huang Rushi went in to see Fang Lanxin. The two rough maids at the door were going to pass the pass, but Huang Rushi also suppressed it: "Your lady is sick, so you don’t need to pass it. Master and I will go over , If the young lady is asleep, and don't disturb the young lady, wait until the doctor Hao comes!"

After speaking, Fang Zhengxing and Huang Ruhe entered Lan Xin's courtyard.

The yard was quiet, and there were no other people. There were some lanterns in the yard, but because the yard was big, the lanterns were lit three or two, but they were of no use at all.

The courtyard was a bit quiet and dark, which gave people a sense of unknown.

Since Fang Zhengxing stepped into this yard and saw the affairs here, he felt his heart was jumping "abruptly", as if something bad was about to happen!

"Why don't these lights turn on?" Fang Zhengxing shouted.

The two maidservants at the door were still guarding the outside. The only people who came in were Fang Zhengxing and Huang Ruye, and Huang Ru was Songqin by his side. Besides, there were no other people.

The people in Fang Lanxin's yard just disappeared, nothing.

No one answered Fang Zhengxing's words, and Fang Zhengxing's heart became more and more disturbed: "Where are the people in this yard dead!"

"Master, Xu Shilan's body is uncomfortable, and she fell asleep. These servants are afraid of disturbing Lan Xin's rest. Therefore, I haven't seen him. Don't worry too much. Lan Xin is inside!"

What Huang Ruye said did not make Fang Zhengxing much at ease. He had an ominous premonition at the moment that he wanted to leave with Huang Ruye.

When I was thinking about this, I saw the butler came with Dr. Hao Lian.

Fang Zhengxing frowned, everyone was invited, so you can't just let people leave without looking!

Thinking of this, Fang Zhengxing hurriedly went forward to chat with Grand Doctor Hao Lian, and Huang Ru hurriedly ordered a plate of Songqin to explore Fang Lanxin's place first.

"You go to Miss's, if she is asleep, let her get up, let Dr. Hao take a look!" Huang Ruyi said.

Madam Hao Lian hurriedly said: "Mrs. Fang, don't have to be so troublesome. If the lady is asleep, she can check the pulse by Xiaguanxuansi, and she doesn't need to bother her to get up!"

Grand Doctor Hao Lian had such an ability, Fang Zhengxing hurriedly took everyone to Fang Lanxin's backyard.

Songqin assisted Huang Rushi, and the two walked behind Fang Zhengxing and Hao Lian, crossing the corridor along the way, without even seeing any personal hair.

Although Fang Zhengxing was a little worried, now that the first doctor Hao Lian had arrived, he had to take him to Fang Lanxin's courtyard.

When the two adults talked, they also solved Fang Zhengxing's slight concerns.

Xu is Fang Lan's heart is really tired, resting inside!

When the two arrived at the backyard where Fang Lanxin was resting, they saw that it was darker than the front yard just now. It was dark everywhere, and there were no lanterns.

Seeing this scene, Fang Zhengxing was even more annoyed. For these incompetent subordinates, he could not wait to pull them out and beat them up.

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