The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1996: I just wanna be with you

Fang Lan's excited tears filled her eyes, and she looked at Shi Lang affectionately, her voice trembling: "Brother Lang"

Shi Lang held Fang Lanxin's face with deep emotion, and his trembling words contained a deep joy: "Unexpectedly, everything will come true now! Lan'er, I'm fine, don't worry! The master does not agree that you and I are together, even if the master wants to kill me, I will be able to please Lan'er with your joy, and I will die without regret in this life!"

Fang Lanxin heard the great pain in her heart, and hurriedly covered Shi Lang's mouth, and said affectionately: "I don't allow you to say that, no matter whether my father agrees or not, I believe you, I want to be with you! Anyway, I must be with you!"

"I'm just a humble bastard, you are with me, and I will definitely live and sleep in this life, I am afraid I will treat you badly! I am not willing, I am not willing!" Shi Lang was in pain.

"What kind of treatment is not wrong, what is wronged is not wronged, as long as you love me, love me, and pity me, I will follow you for the rest of my life!" Fang Lan said deeply, thinking of something, her voice suddenly changed Sharp: "Brother Lang, is there any way you can get my dad to agree? If he doesn't agree, let's fly away, okay?"

Shi Lang watched Fang Lanxin's affection for him. He was very proud of himself, but he didn't show it at all. He held Fang Lanxin with extreme tenderness: "If it is.

"What if it is? Brother Lang, just say, as long as my father agrees, you can let me do anything!" Fang Lanxin has been fascinated by Shi Lang, and his mind is full of Shi Lang. She was so affectionate, even if Shi Lang asked her to die now, she was willing!

Shi Lang made up his mind and whispered softly in Fang Lanxin's ear. Fang Lanxin heard it and glanced at Shi Lang, who was affectionate. Her face turned red like a drop of blood. She bowed her head without even thinking about it. At the moment he made a firm "um" voice: "As long as my dad can agree with you and my marriage, no matter what I do, I agree!"

"Okay, Lan'er, if I can get you in this life, even if I die, Shi Lang will die without regret!"

Shi Lang vowed to say: "I Shi Lang's life, even if I die of poverty and starvation, I will never treat you Fang Lanxin half-heartedly. If there are half-point false words, the sky will thunder and you will not die!"

Seeing him making such a vicious oath, Fang Lanxin hurriedly deceived himself, kissed that piece of lip, and blocked the words behind him.

The two were lingering together for a while, and after discussing what to do next, they were reluctant to say goodbye!

Fang Zhengxing’s etiquette for his two daughters in school examinations over the past few days. Seeing that their every move has the temperament of a noble person in the palace, he is very happy. He is also full of gratitude for the teacher Huang Ruye who taught them!

"If so, thank you. After your training, these two children have made rapid progress!" Fang Zhengxing went down to the court this day, and he was still happy after having dinner at Huang Rushi, holding Huang Rushi's hand. Can't help being grateful! was thinking in his heart that the Huang family had spent money at that time and cultivated such an excellent daughter. At that time, she was going to be sent to the palace, so beautiful and extremely beautiful. She is good at studying, and given time, the position of the imperial concubine is none other than her!

But good luck tricks people, if it weren't for this good luck, how can he be able to marry such a sweet wife!

Seeing that the two children are so promising, maybe they can become the lord of the first house in the harem in the future, Fang Zhengxing is more and more happy, and Huang Ru is warm, and he feels full of energy!

"If so, these two children will teach you, the more severe the better! I used to let them follow that bitch, abandoned, and now they are grown up, don't be sloppy! Don't be sloppy! The face of our Fang family!" Fang Zhengxing said pleadingly with his arms around Huang Ruye.

Huang Ruye said: "Master, don't worry, Lan Xin and Zhu Yun are smart. No one told them before. Now I just need to say it again, they will understand!"

"It's also good for you to teach, and it's good for strictness! If you are a master, you must have contributed a lot. In the future, I will definitely give you a great contribution!" Fang Zhengxing gave a thumbs up and smiled.

Huang Ru was snorted in his heart, and wanted to let both daughters enter the palace, then see if you have the fate of being the emperor Yue Zhang!

She sighed deeply and said sadly: "I also want to be strict with these two children, but in the past few days, I don't know if I am too strict. These two children Somewhat sluggish! Even though I am not their biological mother, but hearing them call my mother, I feel very sad, and today I let them go back and rest early!"

"What? I'm not feeling well these few days? But I asked the doctor?" Now that the two daughters are the lifeblood of Fang Zhengxin, Fang Zhengxing is very worried, so he hurriedly asked with a worried look!

When Huang saw this, he sneered in his heart, and his face was also very worried: "I don't know. It's just that these two of them look frustrated, as if they are not healthy. I feel distressed, so I only let them two. After learning a little bit, I let them go back and rest. They are not my children. If I am too harsh and unkind, the two children will hate me in their hearts!"

Fang Zhengxing heard it and nodded straightly: "If so, you are doing well, these two children may be too tired these two days, so let them go back to rest. That's right!"

"Master, it's rare for you to come back so early today. It's still early. Those two children need not fall asleep yet. Or, let's go to the two children to take a look. Relieve and comfort these two children. , Encourage those two children!" Huang Rushi took Fang Zhengxing's hand and suggested.

Fang Zhengxing had this intention, and went to Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun's courtyard with Huang Rushi.

On the way, no one was sent to pass the pass. Fang Zhengxing and Huang Ru took a walk outside and walked slowly and laughingly to Fang Lanxin's courtyard.

At this moment, Fang Lanxin’s yard was a bit horrible quietly. Two rough maids were sitting at the gate of the yard chatting, curiously: "What's wrong with Miss Today? How come I fell asleep so early?"

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