The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2001: Fang Zhengxing is furious

The traces of Brother Lang had already been burned in his body. Thinking of just now, the two of them were in the tent, and apart from the pain at the beginning, what Brother Lang brought to himself was endless joy and enjoyment.

Then again and again, as if you were about to rush into the clouds, how shocking and comfortable!

Fang Lanxin didn't know how many times she had been asked, only that Brother Lang said in her ear: You are so beautiful, so beautiful, what if you don't have enough! Take a look at how well you and I match, and even this affair fits so well. You and I are destined to be together for life and life!

As he said, he sent her to the clouds, the numbness and joy, let her enjoy the pleasure that she had never enjoyed in this life!

No wonder people say that the love between men and women is the most beautiful in the world, and it really is true!

When Fang Lan thought about this, her cheeks turned red involuntarily, and the dim candlelight hit her face with a shy blush. Fang Zhengxing, who looked at it, wanted to strangle her.

He thought this way, did the same, stretched out his hand and yelled, "I will choke you to death, and treat you as a daughter!"

Fang Zhengxing stepped forward savagely. Huang felt joyful when he saw it, but his face was horrified: "Master, what are you doing! No, no!"

Fang Lanxin’s thin white neck has been pinched in the palm of her hand by Fang Zhengxing. The pale little face has lost a bit of blood at this moment, sobbing and struggling, but Fang Zhengxing is getting angry. Lan Xin was lost!

Now that she can't enter the palace, she might even be burdened with Fang Zhuyun's entrance. Neither daughter can enter the palace. Then, should his future stop here?

Fang Zhengxing hates, hates!

He worked so hard to plan for so long, but he didn't expect his daughter to be so shameless, so that people would not say anything, and still speak for the man.

Fang Zhengxing had seen someone cheap, but he didn't expect that his daughter would be so cheap!

"Master, let go, this is your heart, no matter how angry you are, you can't kill the child!" Huang Ru cried, stepping forward to pull Fang Zhengxing's hand, Fang Zhengxing Fang Lanxin's hands are still not moving. Now Fang Lanxin has been pinched out a lot, and the air intake is less. The thin white neck seems to be pinched in two after a while!

Huang Ru was crying and screaming, "Master, Lan Xin is a good boy. She has always been well-behaved. How dare she do such a rebellious thing? She must have been deceived! The young girl, if she is not careful, she will be deceived by the ill-conceived person! That brother Lang, I seem to remember, sir, this time the guardian you recruited seems to have something inside. Song Qin with the lang-character, hurry, go and call the butler, and ask the butler, is there such a person?"

Songqin went out and came back soon: "Master, madam, among the people who have been recruited, there is indeed one named Shi Lang!" Fang Zhengxing's hand immediately retracted!

And Fang Lanxin collapsed to the ground like a puddle of mud, panting heavily.

Just now, as long as one more time, her life will be explained here!

Fang Zhengxing yelled, "The whole government is blocked, find the beast for me immediately!"

Songqin was busy going out to give orders, and Huang Ruyi was holding Fang Lanxin, and constantly blamed himself: "I blame me, I blame me. If it weren’t for me to say that there were too few people in the mansion, the mansion was too big and unsafe. Recruit the guard, otherwise, I wouldn’t be recruiting the white-eyed wolf! How could he, a humble servant, do something inferior to a beast? How could he harm my Lan Xin!

Huang Ru was heartbroken crying, and Fang Zhengxing was also very sad: "Madam, this is not your fault, but also me. At that time, this person was determined by me. To blame, I can only blame me for bringing the wolf into the room!"

Fang Lanxin finally took it easy, and said hurriedly: "Father, where is Brother Lang? Where did Brother Lang go? He said, as long as the raw rice is cooked into cooked rice, you will definitely promise me and him. Family!"

Fang Zhengxing listened, and his anger went up to the ground again. He severely plucked the daughter who didn't need a brain to do things: "Is this what he told you?"

"Well, Brother Lang said that he only needs to marry one of my daughters in his life. He said that although his status is humble, he will treat me like a treasure for the rest of his life, and he will definitely not let me be wronged! Dad, Daughter please, please return Brother Lang to me, the daughter is already his own, and he will not marry for the rest of my life!"

Seeing that his daughter was deceived and wanted to speak good things for that person, Fang Zhengxing wanted to kick her to death: "As long as a man is absolutely unable to do such a thing, you must know that you are Fang. Miss from the mansion, he is just a humble bastard! He likes you, that means he likes your life experience!"

"No!" Fang Lan said confidently: "Brother Lang said, as long as you promise me to marry him, he will take me to the world and the whole world for home! My daughter yearns for the day Brother Lang said. Do whatever you want, go wherever you want! My daughter likes that kind of life!"

Huang Ru sneered.

If her guess is correct, Shi Lang should have said: Although he is a humble guard, his ancestors still have a lot of properties, and there are some family properties and businesses everywhere. Later, after he married Fang Lanxin, he sat luxuriously. The carriage, wherever you want to go!

His weak old mother is very old, and I am afraid that it will not last a few years. He is a filial son, and she will do her filial piety. Fang Lanxin is the eldest lady, even if she is married, she is also very popular and spicy. There is a maid. The servants do not need to fulfill the filial piety of a wife, nor do they need to serve tea and water, and they can live a good life as in the Fang Mansion!

With such a description by Shi Lang, especially those sweet words, Fang Lanxin had no brains even if he had some brains!

When Shi Lang was inconsistent, she was covered with honey, and Fang Lanxin just treated her as an expression of loving her!

So, this woman in love is as stupid as a pig, she is not fake!

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