The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2003: Father and daughter

She stepped up to the ground savagely and was about to pull Huang's face like this. Although Fang Zhengxing was sad, she knew what was happening at the moment.

Huang Ru guarded herself like a hen guarding her cub, not letting Fang Lanxin grab her, but she was just saying something fair, and Fang Lanxin would tear her mistress's mouth!

One is a useless concubine, and the other is the mistress of the house he asked for, the concubine of the Huang family!

No matter how sad, no matter how angry and sad, Fang Zhengxing must protect his mistress.

So he stretched out his hand and grabbed Fang Lanxin's outstretched arm, squeezing it fiercely: "Fang Lanxin, you're wrong, this is your mother!"

How can Fang Lanxin admit that this woman who is only a few years older than herself is a mother. She used to be good-looking. If she wanted to marry a good person, she would have to take care of her. Now, she doesn’t need to rely on pornography. If so, I have found a beloved person who can be entrusted to life in my life, and I have to worry about what Huang Ru does, and immediately smiled and said: "My mother? My mother is now having a big belly, closed in the small yard! It's in her belly! But male fetus!"

Fang Lan smiled grimly, and looked at Huang Ruye, whose face was pale, triumphantly!

Huang Ruye's face immediately turned pale, and Fang Zhengxing slapped Fang Lanxin to the ground with an angry slap. His face was hot, and the bright red five-fingerprint immediately imprinted his white face.

"Father, you hit me? You have never touched a finger at me for so many years. Today, you hit me and you have to strangle me. I am the blood on your body!" Fang Lanxin roared. Struggling, what I saw was Fang Zhengxing's face without the slightest temperature.

If you say that before, Fang Zhengxing, Zhu Yun and Fang Lanxin, are full of kind fatherly love!

However, these two chess pieces are useless. To him, they are just two rotten melons. They bought them home with great effort and a large price before. Save them and keep them. I wanted to wait for the New Year’s holiday. Good-for-nothing, I don’t know, this is before the Chinese New Year, I was bitten by a mouse!

Rotten melon, or the rotten melon that has been bitten, who wants it? Who would dare to eat?

"Hit you? Strangle you?" Fang Zhengxing's mouth didn't have a trace of temperature, and he sneered: "Now I want to kill you. When I was born, I should choke you to death with the palm of my hand! I want to be ashamed of you. The daughter of the eye!"

"Well, if you don't want my daughter, yes! I don't want a father like you either!" Fang Lan said indignantly, "You will return Brother Lang to me! I pack my things and follow. He flies far away, and you have never given birth to a daughter like me!"

Now that this happened, Fang Zhuyun has also happened to Fang Lanxin, and Fang Lanxin is still thinking that Shi Lang truly loves her.

This is what he ate and burned, spent money to lure wolves into the house, killed his two daughters, and ruined his future for the rest of his life!

Huang Ruye doesn't mind saying it clearly: "Lan Xin, don't you understand? Shi Lang and Na Xingyue are probably liars. They lied to you and Zhu Yun!"

Her bitterness did not make Fang Lanxin sober, but believed that Shi Lang's departure must be Fang Lanxin's or Huang Ruye's ghostly idea, just because she didn't want her happiness!

"Huang Ruye, are you jealous of me? Are you?" Fang Lanxin sneered: "I am the same age as you, but you are married to a bad old man as a heir, but I can stay and fly with Brother Lang. You hate me. right?"

Fang Lan took a mouthful of a nasty old man, Huang's face was livid, and Fang Zhengxing's "bad old man" listened to the blue veins on his hand: "You say it again!"

"What if you say it again? You return Brother Lang to me, and give it back to me!" Fang Lanxin also roared like crazy.

She stood up, and because of her excitement, she forgot that she was not covered by a quilt, and she stood up suddenly, completely forgetting the fact that she was only covered with a quilt.

The smooth body just stood up like this, all the skin and flesh of the whole body were exposed in front of Fang Zhengxing and Huang Rushi.

That should be seen, should not be seen

This is not the most important thing. The housekeeper outside heard the roar inside, for fear of a fight, and was busy with the maids and slaves who signed the death contract in the house to go in and help. As soon as I entered, I saw this wonderful with sharp eyes. Scene.

The sleek body, the maid was shocked when she saw it, the minions looked at them, first surprised, then amazing, and finally terrified!

Fang Lan's scared Hua Rong turned pale, and Fang Zhengxing yelled: "Who let you in! All of them beat me to death!"

The poor three maids and three minions who came in from behind just took a look before they let the butler blast out. There were two guards waiting outside. After a while, there was the sound of sticks hitting the flesh, and that The crowd of people cried and howled.

Fang Lanxin was here, and Fang Zhengxing was unwilling to stay for a moment: "Get me the subordinates in this yard. Those who didn't sign the death deeds were beaten to death. Those who signed the deeds were locked up for me! Yes, it's the same in the third young lady's yard, and I have a firm watch on the two young ladies!"

The butler responded one by one, and Huang Ruye's shocked people were all spinning around, swinging twice before they were about to fall.

Fang Zhengxing on the side met and hurriedly helped her: "Madam, are you okay!"

Huang Ru shook his head in horror and screamed sadly: "Master, what happened to this?"

Fang Zhengxing tightened his lips, hugged Huang Rushi in his arms, and walked outside in a stride, ignoring Fang Lanxin screaming in the back: "Give me Brother Lang, give me back"

It seems crazy already.

Huang Ru looked back through Fang Zhengxing's arm, and saw that Fang Lan's heart seemed to be frustrated, and his heart was very happy.

Fang Zhuyun, Fang Zhengxing didn't want to take another look.

With Fang Lanxin's case ahead, Fang Zhuyun's side must have been deceived and lost.

This is Shi Langhe Xingyue's courage, but he humiliated Huang Hua's maiden, and even ran to Fang Mansion.

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