The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2013: Find someone to spread the word

Shu Min glanced at Caiyue and snorted coldly: "How can she be incapable now? People are very capable! She is now the Princess of Anping, the righteous daughter of the Queen Mother, and the righteous sister of the emperor's brother. There are a few people in the world!"

Caiyue hurriedly agreed: "The princess, even if she is honored, she is nothing more than a peasant girl, no matter how noble, she is the humble peasant girl in her bones!"

Caiyue's words made Shu Min feel unusually comfortable: "Huh, she wants to fight with me, she's still a little tender, and wants to rob Ziyue brother with me. How to rob Ziyue, brother Ziyue is mine!"

When Caiyue heard the words of Brother Ziyue, in her mind, she seemed to think of the handsome man with the breeze and glory of Jiyue. The handsome face was engraved in her mind like a god, and she could not. go with.

Nowadays, when I heard the name, my heart moved even more. Caiyue's eyes were a little dull as the love character was torn. She didn't even respond when Shu Min said something and waved her hand.

"What are you thinking? I'm talking to you, did you hear me?" Shu Min saw Caiyue's stunned look, and immediately kicked her face, and kicked Caiyue, who was serving by the side. Individuals turn on their backs.

"Princess" Caiyue's shoulder blade was kicked with severe pain, and her back was planted straight on the ground, even more painful tears were about to flow out.

Regardless of the pain, she immediately got up, crawling under Shu Min’s feet, whimpering and shouting: "Princess Princess"

"You **** **** maid, what were you thinking about just now?" Shu Min's voice was filled with heavy haze, and Caiyue trembled in fright, even speaking unfavorably!

"The slave servant didn't think about anything!" Caiyue's lips were bitten pale, and she immediately waved away the person she had just thought of in her mind, for fear that she would accidentally say the person's name and make Shu Min furious.

"I didn't think about anything? Just now your **** looks like spring water, aren't you thinking about men?" Shu Min grinned and asked, seeing Caiyue shook her head and deny: "There is no slave and slave slave, but the slave is just thinking about Gu Xintao. I don't know when to start! Then Gu Xiaowan is still alive and at ease!"

Caiyue pointed the finger at Gu Xiaowan. Sure enough, seeing Shu Min who was still staring at her viciously just now, he immediately turned the tip of the spear and looked ugly: "Brother Gu Xiaowan, I won't let her go!"

Shu Min was not asking what Caiyue was thinking about just now, but Caiyue only felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave, with a deep coldness all over her body, she finally recovered a little bit, just raised her head to look at Shu Min , I saw that Shu Min had been looking at her coldly, and Caiyue hurriedly lowered her head in fright, her expression frightened.

The room was trembling, with a chilling chill.

At noon, the hot sun made people feel a little uncomfortable. Liu Nianrou lay in the room, with Xia Yu serving close by beside him, and some maids and minions outside, carefully waiting for instructions.

Now, Liu Nianrou is here, both a sinner and a treasure. He can't touch or scold or scold him. Who makes Fang Zhengxing's bones and blood in his stomach? The doctor also said that there must be a man in his stomach. Tire!

The sun outside is hot, but inside the house is like spring, the temperature is refreshing and pleasant, Liu Nianrou is eating melons and fruits while blowing the cool breeze, not to mention how pleasant it is!

News came from outside, saying that Fang Zhengxing asked her two daughters to follow Huang Ruyi to learn etiquette and rules, and he also invited a teacher to both of them to teach piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

It seems that Fang Zhengxing had high hopes for the two girls, Lan Xin and Zhu Yun!

The more Liu Nianrou thought about it, the more comfortable she felt in her heart: "I saw that Lan Xin and Zhu Yun have grown up, and I don't know what kind of house the master will choose for the two girls!"

Xia Yue said while inviting the fan, "Don’t worry, the second lady and the third lady are beautiful and knowledgeable. The status and status are placed there. Moreover, the master regards the two young ladies as jewels in the palm. Auntie, it won’t be bad!"

Liu Nianrou nodded: "Yeah, I now wish this child was born sooner, so that he could be a man in one fell swoop. I will definitely not be sad when I am in this mansion. This is the first son of the master, maybe I can rely on it. With this son, walking out of this small yard, Huang Ruye, no matter how serious Mrs. Huang is, she won't even think about having a child next to her for the rest of her life!

Liu Nianrou sneered, and she became more and more chilly in this small room. Xia Yu felt a little sore in her hands, and slightly slowed down her fan: "Madam, Xiao Zhuangzi is talking over there, saying it's Dongxue."

Xia Yu whispered several times in Liu Nianrou's ear, and saw Liu Nianrou's face changed drastically: "What did you say? She would have it that night?"

Xia Yu on the side saw Liu Nianrou's hideous look, and Xu Ye had already been surprised, and nodded: "Yes, the news from Xiao Zhuangzi has been more than two months, and it has just been found out soon. !"

"This **** is a blessed one, I have been pregnant in one night!" Liu Nianrou's mouth was spitting dirty words, which was in sharp contrast to her beautiful face.

Xia Yu didn't speak, she kept her head down cautiously, hitting a fan, but when she listened to Liu Nianrou talking about the slut, she unconsciously raised her head. Her movements were very fast, and Liu Nianrou never noticed Xia Yu's. Subtle movements.

"You send a message to Xiao Zhuangzi to get people under house arrest as soon as possible, and don't let her run around!" Liu Nianrou would launch Dongxue instead of her sex, the purpose is to prevent Fang Zhengxing from discovering the secret of her pregnancy. , Three months ago, the doctor repeatedly told him not to have a relationship, or it would be bad for the child, so she would let Dongxue impersonate herself, but she did not expect that the girl was really blessed, and she would do it all at once. Up.

Xia Yu: "Well, I'm going to spread the word!"

"Be careful, don't let Huang know this!" Liu Nianrou cautioned carefully.

Today, the only person she believes in is Xia Yu.

Xia Yu nodded: "Don't worry, my maidservant will come!"

Although Huang Ru is now the housekeeper in this Fang Mansion, Liu Nianrou has already had her own confidant in the Fang Mansion for so many years. Although there are not many gods, there is enough Liu Nianrou to speak out.

Here Xia Yu had just left the other yard, and when a bush of woods was exposed, he heard two young men hiding behind the bushes whispering something whispered: "You said that something like that happened to the two young ladies, what happened in this life? Do it!"

"What else are you talking about in this life? This life has been ruined!" There was also a young man who snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "Then it's all like that on the body, and some people see bleeding underneath it, this The innocence is gone, who wants to be a nun in the nun's nunnery, the Bodhisattva is too dirty!"

When Xia Yu heard this, she was suddenly shocked. She looked around and saw that there was no one on the left or right. She hurried forward and walked a few steps, hiding behind the bushes, and secretly listening to the people behind the bushes.

I heard the two people continue to say: "But don’t tell me, the two newly recruited people, looking average, the craftsmanship is good, otherwise, these ten days of effort will make the two young ladies desperate. Let them lose their minds, and they still don’t forget! I don’t know where they learned this ability!"

"Haha, what are you doing? Do you want to learn too?" One of the young men said with a smile, licking their faces: "Even if you learn, just like you, the lady will look down on you! If you see You, you have been to Fang Mansion for so many years, and you haven't seen the lady of the other family have seen you directly!"

"She didn't look down on me before, but now I don't look down on her!" The sarcasm said in a loud voice: "I have to think about it!"

"I'm pooh, do you still consider it for you? Which onion do you think you are? I am a lady with golden branches and leaves. If you can really marry you, what do you want? What if you are dirty? There, he will be Mr. Fang's son-in-law from now on, the future is clear!"

"Haha, what you said is right! From now on, if we are able to make progress under the support of Master Fang, and accept a few more eldest daughters, we won’t suffer! There are exactly two young ladies, two of our brothers, one of us, in the future we will still family!"

The two young men were talking foul language and laughing. Xia Yu, who was hiding in the dark, heard the news. She was frightened and chilled. There was still the desire to find someone to spread the word. She rushed back frightened. Tell Liu Nianrou to go!

The two young men walked out from behind the bushes, and saw Xia Yu's back hurrying away, a touch of pride appeared on his face.

Behind him came a person who was amazingly Mother Wan, and took two pieces of silver to them: "Good job, go back to work, don't talk about it!"

"Mother, don't worry, the younger ones know!" The two little girls were rewarded with just a few words, and they smiled openly: "Mother, if there are such good things in the future, you must think about it. Our brothers!"

Mother Wan looked satisfied: "Don't worry, as long as your mouth is tight enough, the benefits will not be less for you in the future!"

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