The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2014: Lower eighteen layers of hell

Xia Yu didn't know how he went back to the other yard. He only knew that when he heard the conversation between the two young men secretly just now, he felt a chill in his back, thinking about how to tell Liu Nianrou about this later.

Liu Nianrou saw her come back with a pale face, and she was a little puzzled: "Why did you come back? What's wrong? Why is your face so pale like this? Has the word been passed?"

Xia Yu's frightened legs went soft, and she knelt on the ground with a plop. Liu Nianrou was startled, and her voice was a little hurried and sharp: "What happened?"

"When the aunt and the maidservant came, I heard one thing, you must stand up!" Xia Yu pondered over and over again, and felt that he still had to tell Liu Nianrou about this matter.

The young man didn't need to say such words out of thin air, it was definitely something that had already happened.

Word by word, I said so confidently, even the thing about the bleeding under Miss Miss's body was said, that is definitely something someone has seen!

Xia Yu tremblingly told Liu Nianrou about the incident, and she saw Liu Nianrou collapsed to the ground like a puddle of soft mud.

"What are you talking about? How is it possible? How could Lan Xin and Zhu Yun be possible?" How could Liu Nianrou dare to believe this, and immediately roared hysterically: "Impossible, my Lan Xin and Zhu Yun are impossible, impossible!"

She has always taught Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun very well. She has always instilled a higher vision. Although they are concubines in the Fang Mansion, their status and treatment are much better than those in the Fang Mansion.

From now on, even if you can’t marry a prince, noble, or enter the palace as a noble concubine, it’s okay to marry a second son of a noble family, let alone a noble family’s concubine. That’s what you want to match. What kind of people can match!

But now

After Liu Nianrou was shocked, she deeply questioned: "Are you also bought by Huang Ruyi, and now you are using these words to scare me, wanting to cause me to have a miscarriage, right? Right?"

Liu Nian was so angry that she was about to kick Xia Yu directly with one kick, but because she was now having a big belly, this movement became more clumsy. She didn't kick Xia Yu, but because of the too much movement, she tripped her waist.

She clutched her waist and screamed.

Xia Yu was startled, so she got up hurriedly and helped Liu Nianrou, and said with great worry: "Auntie, Auntie"

"How is it possible? How is it possible! Did you hear it wrong, did you hear it wrong!" Now, only Xia Yu can believe in Liu Nianrou. Even if she is sent by Huang Ruye, she I also admitted: "Huang Ru let you come, right? Don't scare me, my daughter is okay, is she? Isn't it?"

Xia Yu was scared by the news just now and lost his soul. Now that Liu Nianrou's crazy appearance is even more shocking, there is not much left without the seven souls.

"Auntie, the maidservant is your Xia Yu, and the servant is your Xia Yu!" Xia Yu knelt in front of Liu Nianrou, crying bitterly.

With a bang in Liu Nianrou's head, everything exploded.

There was nothing in her mind, only Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun were left alone.

The girl's innocence is gone, how can it work!

How can that work!

She had never committed adultery between a slave and a maid in the Fang Mansion for so many years, but it happened that the slave seduced the master after Huang Rushi took the head!

Isn't it Huang Ru's all this?

Liu Nianrou immediately yelled "Ah": "Huang Ruye, my old lady wants your life!"

While talking, he hugged his stomach for almost seven months and rushed out, like a ball.

The maids outside saw Liu Nianrou rushing out desperately, and they all wanted to come forward, and who dared to come forward, one by one stared at Liu Nianrou running ahead, Xia Yu chased behind and shouted: " Auntie, auntie, slow down and be careful of your body!"

How could Liu Nianrou care about the child in her stomach?

That Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun grew up, it was Liu Nianrou's fate. Now that they are almost getting married, Liu Nianrou also counts on Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun to have a good relationship, so that she can leave that cramped courtyard as soon as possible!

And the piece of meat in her belly is still so small, maybe she will be snatched away by Huang Ru when she is born, how can she control it!

But Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun have grown up, they recognize themselves as mothers! Something happened to them, her good days in the future are over!

Liu Nianrou only felt like there was endless tide around her, constantly pouring over her, submerging her, and suffocating her.

Great, she can't count on it now.

What can she expect from the mass of meat in this belly?

With her arms around her belly, Liu Nianrou ran to Huang Ruye's yard, followed by Xia Yu incessantly chasing after him.

It happened that she was a bodyless person, but she could never catch up with Liu Nianrou, who was already pregnant.

She was on the verge of collapse now, and she ran up like she was desperate.

Fang Peiya was lying in the soft cave and was sleeping well. After hearing Xiaoyue's words, Liu Nianrou was rushing to the main courtyard with a fierce face, and Fang Peiya simply didn't sleep anymore. She put on her clothes and got up: "And said, I have to wait for a few days. I didn’t expect the play to start singing so soon, Xiaoyue, you send someone to inform Master Fang, and then send someone to go to Qingyuan, tell my sister, and say that the good show here is beginning. Now, let her actor over there come on stage!"

Xiaoyue hurriedly helped her body: "Xiaoyue will do it now!"

"Go and come back quickly, when you are done, here, I also want to rush to join in the fun!" Fang Peiya said lazily.

Now Fang Peiya looks just right, pretty and dignified.

Walking in an aqua-blue dress, it is more like walking on the surface of the water, and that circle of azure blue ripples rippling under the sky, it is really beautiful.

Fang Peiya went out of the house, looked at the direction of the main courtyard, her eyes narrowed slightly, and the chill bursting out of her eyes made people shudder.

Liu Nianrou, Huang Ruye, will let you descend to eighteen levels of **** today!

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