The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2020: Child died

"After the mother gives birth to the eldest son, that will be the future heir of Fang Mansion. The father will put a hundred hearts on his younger brother, and the mother will just wait to enjoy the blessing!" Fang Peiya said, her conversation suddenly changed. Looking at Huang Ruye, it seems to have something to say: "Mother can work harder, she must give birth to the eldest son! Otherwise, let others take the lead, and the long characters will not be taken up!"

What Fang Peiya said was right, but Huang Ruye felt that something was wrong. She just wanted to say something, and then heard Fang Peiya ask: "Why didn’t you see the two younger sisters? Now, what happened to Aunt Liu? Do they not come out to take care of everything?"

Speaking of Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun, Fang Zhengxing's face turned black immediately: "Peiya, don't mention them anymore!"

"Why? Aren't the two younger sisters going to enter the palace with me?" Fang Peiya asked in confusion.

Huang Ru sneered, his heart full of sarcasm. Such people are sent to the palace?

Fang Zhengxing couldn't cut his head enough!

"Those two people are morally corrupt and they have been locked up by me now!" Fang Zhengxing didn't want to say any more, as if he was afraid that Fang Peiya would also follow in the footsteps: "They are no longer my Fang family's daughters. No need to mention them again!"

"How is it possible? They used to love them so much by your father!" Fang Peiya was shocked and asked again and again: "What happened to Lan Xin and Zhu Yun? They are my sisters. Although I don't like them, they It's still my sister!"

Fang Zhengxing's face was extremely ugly, facing Fang Peiya's question after question, he really didn't know how to answer.

Huang Ru stayed silent, as if trying to compress his sense of existence.

How could Fang Peiya let her go and pointed the finger at her directly: "Mother, what is wrong with Lan Xin and Zhu Yun? Is something wrong with them? Tell me!"

Huang Ru was anxious when asked, and he didn't dare to speak, so he could only look at Fang Zhengxing.

Fang Zhengxing thought for a while, and decided to tell Fang Peiya the truth, also to remind Fang Peiya that she must never be like them in the future!

After holding back the crowd, Fang Zhengxing told Fang Peiya about the incident concisely. Fang Peiya was stunned: "You said they, teach and accept each other privately? How is it possible? Aunt Liu didn't always want them to marry a big family. Others? Now that they can all enter the palace to be maidens, how can they still hang out with the little servants!"

Fang Zhengxing didn't believe it either!

His two daughters, since they were young, because of their beauty, he held them in the palms of their hands and held them in the deepest. How did he know that when this came, they were actually arched by two pigs, why is he not sad!

"I can't believe it, but you didn't see the scene at that time. Those two **** have already lost their innocence. Now, they are still chattering, saying that they will follow the two lowly minions and fly high! Shameless daughter, what's the use of keeping it!" Fang Zhengxing scolded.

After Fang Peiya was "stunned", she curled her eyebrows and said, "Father, the two younger sisters are also your flesh, how can you bear to watch them be bewitched by your subordinates! Your daughter who has been raising her for more than ten years, This is a mistake, you can't cut off their future!"

"I was wrong once?" Fang Zhengxing sneered after hearing this, "I have lost my innocence, so what can I do wrong? If a woman has no fame, then she has no place to bury her when she died! Don't dirty our side. Family's ancestral grave!"

"Father, I heard that I heard." Fang Peiya seemed to have plucked up the courage and said: "I heard that there is a thing, even if there is no famous festival, the night of the wedding night in the bridal chamber will still be the same as Wanbi. You can see it!" Fang Peiya’s words are a bit unhesitating, but she is sincerely thinking about her sister. With her sincere words, Fang Zhengxing is not good at hearing, "Peiya, you are a Woman, don't say anything like this in the future!"

Huang Rushi on the side was struck by lightning and stood on the spot.

Fang Peiya's words were addressed to Fang Zhengxing, but the expression in her eyes was as clear as she was looking at herself, as if she was speaking to herself!

Huang Ruye's face turned pale, and she was a little shaky at the moment, if it weren't for Songqin who was busy supporting her, she would have collapsed to the ground.

Songqin was shocked immediately after hearing Fang Peiya's words!

This Fang Peiya is good, what do you say these things?

Song Qin was also a little nervous, seeing Huang Ru's pale face, hurriedly yelled, "Madam"

Huang Ru looked at Song Qin, only then realized that he was in a dangerous state of losing his mind just now.

She hurriedly adjusted her mentality, the red Dankou pinched herself severely, and then sat back in the armchair again, drinking tea, as if she didn't care what Fang Zhengxing father and daughter said!

But Fang Peiya just saw Huang Ruye's expression, she had already guessed it!

The person sent by my sister seems to be right!

Really, bad guys have their own bad guys!

Today is killing three birds with one stone. She will not let go of the three who harmed her mother!

Fang Zhengxing blocked Fang Peiya's mouth just because his daughter didn't care about so much nosy! Fang Peiya originally wanted to test Huang's answer. Now that she tried it out, she naturally wouldn't say anything. She was in a good mood and sat there drinking tea, raising her eyes from time to time, secretly looking at the two people who were pregnant with ghosts!

This tea is not as good as the little-known Lanxue tea from my sister!

Fang Peiya took a sip, then threw it aside, and asked Xiaoyue to pour herself a glass of white water!

As soon as I drank the white water, I heard someone report: "Master and Madam, Liu was born prematurely, that child is out of breath!"

Fang Zhengxing stood up all of a sudden, his face pale: "Is it a man or a woman?"

"Is a son"

Fang Zhengxing's face was unusually ugly, he didn't speak, he just sat back, his whole body was filled with fearful chill.

Fang Peiya did not speak, Huang Ru did not speak, a weak voice came from outside, but it was Liu Nianrou who insisted on returning!

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