The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2023: Xianggu confrontation

Fang Zhengxing looked viciously at Liu Nianrou who poured out things like a bamboo tube and pour beans, and shouted angrily: "Come here, don't you hurry and drag this crazy woman away! This person is crazy, crazy!"

Fang Peiya just listened a little bit, Fang Zhengxing asked people to leave, and immediately said: "Father, Aunt Liu seems to know a lot of things, so let her finish talking! Maybe, I'll talk to you here. It's not a small matter!"

Fang Peiya said lightly, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, Liu Nianrou's cheeks were pale at the moment due to excessive blood loss.

Liu Nianrou’s original face is very feminine, with a slender melon-seed face, thin willow eyebrows, a slender figure, and her eyebrows are even more protruding. If she draws her eyebrows into her temples, if she wears a gorgeous makeup, this outfit must be It looks good.

It’s just a pity. At this moment, Liu Nianrou’s cheeks are as pale as paper, and there is a **** smell from all over her body. Her eyes are full of monstrous anger and hatred at this moment, just like an arrow with a hook. Fang Zhengxing felt his palms began to sweat slightly!

This Liu Nianrou was able to murder his aunt for the position of his wife

"Peiya, don't believe her. She is a lunatic now. She has no children and is not a lady at the top. She hates her father very much now. But as the head of the family, she is now a dignified second-tier Member, how can you carry a concubine Ji as the main room? Isn't this to laugh off the big teeth of all the people in Beijing?" Fang Zhengxing was afraid that Fang Peiya would believe Liu Nianrou's words and explained quickly.

Fang Peiya laughed: "Father, since you like fame so much, you doted your concubine and annihilated your wives when the city was full of uproar. Why don't you think that you have become the laughingstock of the people of Beijing? You take my mother's dowry to marry Huang If so, don't you think you will be a laughingstock?"

"Peiya, that's my father doesn't know!" Fang Zhengxing saw Fang Peiya sarcastically, with a look of anger, pointed at Liu Nianrou and cursed: "It's all her, it's all her. I was busy at the time. This marriage, everything. It was all prepared by her. Unexpectedly, she would use your mother’s dowry without Dad knowing it!"

Fang Zhengxing naturally did not know, and Fang Peiya also knew that Liu Nianrou did this: "Father, this dowry matter, the daughter naturally believes you! Dad is a member of the Korean Central Committee, and he certainly wouldn't do such shamelessness. Thing!"

"Yes, Peya, you believe in Dad, it's okay if you believe in Dad!" Fang Zhengxing was a little "excited", and he got the trust of his daughter, and Fang Zhengxing's voice was a little choked.

Fang Peiya didn't let Fang Zhengxing be "excited" for long. She pointed to Liu Nianrou and suddenly said, "My daughter knows that Aunt Liu did all this because Aunt Liu gave me the offer form in my hand! "

"What?" Fang Zhengxing heard this and suddenly became angry: "You **** did it?"

Huang Ruye's face was pale: "I just passed the door, and I have nothing to do with you, why did you let me be a laughing stock in front of all the people in Beijing." Liu Nianrou sneered: "What about mine? The laughingstock? I am the laughingstock! I have been strategizing for so many years, but finally I made you a wedding dress for you, an old girl , Can’t enter the palace, and can still marry him. He also asked the second-grade censure for you. All of this should be mine!" Liu Nianrou roared, pointing at Huang Ru and cursing: "You robbed me of my things. , Now flaunt in front of me, what do you think you are! The position of the wife of the Fang Mansion is leveled by me!"

Although Liu Nianrou had no strength, but because of the hatred in her heart, she told Fang Zhengxing’s crimes word by word. Fang Peiya listened quietly, without nodding, shaking her head, or Asking questions, just listening so quietly, there is no sadness or joy on his face. Can't see the slightest expression.

There was no one who should have been angry, or who should have yelled and questioned.

Fang Zhengxing has no confidence anymore. He is now thinking about his relationship with Fang Peiya's father and daughter. After all, he has only one daughter left!

"Peiya, these are not true, you have to believe in Dad!" Fang Zhengxing pleaded bitterly, "Although Dad used to be sorry to you and your mother, Dad also has lasting difficulties!"

Liu Nianrou said a lot of things and solved a lot of Fang Peiya's confusion. Now, when she looked at Fang Zhengxing's face, she became even more disgusted. He glanced at Fang Zhengxing, there was no sadness or joy in his eyes, there seemed to be a trace of pity, and he immediately said: "Aunt Liu, don't you want to know who ruined your daughter? Just so, I saved two people last night. , Maybe, they know who ruined your daughter!"

Huang Rushi kept her head down. Hearing this, she suddenly raised her head in horror, and Fang Peiya was also looking at her, with a smile on her mouth: "Bring you here!"

I saw two people who were **** by the five flowers pushed in. Seeing that figure, who was it if it wasn't Shi Lang and Xingyue?

Huang Rushi and Songqin behind them saw these two people as if they were struck by lightning!

Shi Lang and Xingyue walked around the ghost gate yesterday, and now they knew that they had collected money from people and helped people do things, and they had to be killed!

He knelt and cried at the moment: "Songqin girl, Songqin girl, you are so vicious, I did something for you, you want to kill us, why do you want to kill us!"

Inside the room, the quiet home that even heard the needle fell, but it was also noisy to make people hum.

"What did you say? She asked you to do it?" Fang Zhengxing couldn't believe it, pointed at Songqin and asked the two elephant aunts below.

"Yes, we are the elephant-in-laws in the Chu Hall. Girl Songqin gave us five hundred taels of silver each, and asked us to pretend to be guards and enter the mansion, secretly deceive the two young ladies and deceive them of their innocence. , We all saw the money open and acted on orders, we never thought of harming others!"

Shi Lang knelt on the ground, crying word by word, "We are usually taught these tricks to seduce people. The two young ladies are simple-minded and fooled by us, they can give us life. , We are also covered by lard, so we have done this shameless thing, but this Songqin, seeing that we are done, will kill us, woooo"

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