The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2022: Husband and Wife

Facing Liu Nianrou's roar, Fang Zhengxing scolded: "Bitch, nonsense, come here, pull her down for me! Throw her to Xiaozhuangzi and let her fend for herself!"

When someone stepped forward, Fang Peiya stopped him, her tone was cold: "What? Father, Aunt Liu has something to say to me, why don't you let Aunt Liu finish talking? It just so happened that after so many years, I don't know how many people there are in my heart. Confused, it is rare for Aunt Liu to tell me the truth today, so let her tell me a little bit more!"

Fang Peiya’s eyes were cold, and there was no sense of sorrow, joy or anger. Fang Zhengxing saw her like this, and she felt a little confused: "Peiya, Liu Nianrou, she is crazy, she is like a mad dog. Believe her!"

"Father, why is Aunt Liu crazy? Don't you know? You slapped her son and also your son. Are you not sad?" Fang Peiya stared at Fang Zhengxing with fixed eyes. Xing looked at those eyes, and seemed to see Lu Wenxin's emotionless eyes when he looked at him again, as if immersing people in ice water.

"Peiya" Fang Zhengxing wanted to say something, but Fang Peiya didn't bother to pay attention to him, and said directly to Liu Nianrou: "I used to think that you took the initiative to kill my mother."

"No, no, I don't, I don't!" Liu Nianrou became loose when she heard Fang Peiya's words, and hurriedly argued loudly: "If he didn't instruct me to do it, how could I move the mistress? I'm just a concubine Ji, even if I don't. What if I have to be pampered, give me a hundred courage, and I don’t dare to murder the mistress! I don’t have one!"

Seeing Liu Nianrou slandering himself, Fang Zhengxing roared: "Bitch, nonsense! Peiya, don't believe her, your mother is so kind to me, how could I harm her!"

"Fang Zhengxing, I knew you would bite me back!" Liu Nianrou sneered: "The medicine that Dr. Cheng prescribed to his wife was that you deliberately asked Dr. Cheng to add other medicines in it. Dr. Cheng is his confidant, you If you don’t believe me, you can ask Dr. Cheng, he will definitely say, he will definitely say!”

"Didn't he already leave?" Fang Zhengxing asked Dr. Cheng suddenly.

"Haha? Go away? You gave them one hundred taels of gold, and they were planning to leave, but I gave them two hundred taels and bought him a house so that he could hide, just to be able to one day Expose your true face!" Liu Nianrou sneered, Fang Zhengxing's face was green when he heard it: "Poisonous woman, you still hide this thought!"

"Huh, Fang Zhengxing, you are unkind, just stop blaming me for being unrighteous!" Liu Nianrou grinned and said, "Go and marry Huang Ruye. I knew you were a heartless man. It might be so vicious to Madam. The sky will treat me like this, so I left a hand for myself. Now Dr. Cheng is in the capital. Miss, if you want to confront Dr. Cheng, then go! I told you everything back then!"

No wonder, Fang Peiya thought to herself that her mother was seriously ill at the time. If her sister hadn't told her, her mother would have died in Fang's house at the moment.

She had always thought it was Liu Nianrou's ghost, Fang Zhengxing just kept silent.

It turned out that Fang Zhengxing was the one who came up with this bad idea. Liu Nianrou just wanted the position of the lady in the main room, and then he accepted Fang Zhengxing's words. At that time, she wanted to find the doctor who treated her mother, but she couldn't find it. It turned out that when they left the Fang Mansion, they had already let people leave! No wonder, I searched all the time to no avail, and I always thought that the man was killed, but I didn't expect that it was hidden by Liu Nianrou!

Liu Nianrou said that, and it didn't make any sense for Fang Peiya to stand up or not!

Fang Peiya didn't speak, staring at Liu Nianrou firmly. Fang Zhengxing saw her back to her without saying a word, knowing that she was angry, staring at Liu Nianrou fiercely, and begged: "Peiya, don't believe this. As for the bitch, this **** lost the child again in order to seize the position of your mother, so that the muddy water was poured on Dad. Don’t believe what this crazy woman said. Your mother was married to me by the matchmaker, I How could it hurt her? It’s all this bitch, for the position of the wife, that’s hurting your mother! She just provokes the relationship between you, father and daughter, that’s slander me, don’t believe her, you Don't believe her!"

Fang Zhengxing begged, with pain on his face, it seemed that he had been wronged!

Fang Peiya still didn't look back, and the doubt in her heart had been solved, then it was time for her to take action!

She will not let go of all the people who have harmed her mother!

"Aunt Liu, your child, you should have been pregnant before the second lady came in?" Fang Peiya refused to mention the matter just now, and even talked about Liu Nianrou's child. Fang Zhengxing thought she was at all. I didn't believe it, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Peiya, you go back and rest well, here is my father!" Fang Zhengxing said, about to rush Fang Peiya to leave.

Fang Peiya seems to have not understood Fang Zhengxing's words, she has been staring at Liu Nianrou closely. Liu Nianrou knows that she and Fang Zhengxing have almost torn their skins. In this lifetime, I am afraid that there will be no chance of relaxation. !

The two daughters were driven out of Fang's family. She lost her son and her daughter's innocence. All her life, her entire life, was ruined by Huang Rushi!

When Liu Nianrou heard these words, she grinned and grinned: "Yes, before that **** walked in, I was pregnant. I originally thought that with this male fetus, I could become the decent lady of the upper palace in one fell swoop. My daughter can also become a prostitute, and she will no longer receive the name of the prostitute, but how can I know that even if I give birth to a daughter and a son, the master will not let me be this wife!"

Liu Nianrou stared her eyes, like a vicious snake, staring at Fang Zhengxing. Fang Zhengxing's back was a little cold.

That's right, he deceived Liu Nianrou back then, and tempted her to attack Lu Wenxin with the dream of making her the lady above!

How could Liu Nianrou disagree in order to be the wife of the main room, so she acted on Lu Wenxin at that time!

Some things Fang Zhengxing did in the past, one after another, Liu Nianrou knew about and participated in all of them. He treated his prostitutes harshly, abused his wife, spoiled his wife, killed his wife, so many things added up, Fang Zheng You know, Liu Nianrou was planning to break the boat.

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