The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2027: I didn't throw up

"No, no, there must be something wrong with Brother An!" A bad thought came to her mind. Gu Xiaowan saw the dark street and said nervously, "Go, let's go to the household department!" Gu Xiaowan said anxiously.

Zuo was a little worried: "Girl, the night is already dark, let's wait!"

"Can't wait any longer, Ahmad's martial arts is strong. He hasn't come back now. I think something must have happened!" Gu Xiaowan had an intuition, and Gu Ningan must have had an accident!

Zuoben wanted to persuade Gu Xiaowan to wait again, but seeing her anxious look, he thought that she could also martial arts, and then take Kou Hai with him, there should be nothing wrong, so he said: "Okay, let's take Kou Hai with him. go with!"

It was quiet at night, and there was a man around him, so he felt more relieved.

Of course Gu Xiaowan did. The three of them didn't tell the others in Qingyuan, they just went to the household!

The distance between the Ministry of Household and Qingyuan was only half of the incense. Kou Hai drove the carriage, which rang loudly on the street, and it seemed very abrupt in the dead of night.

Gu Xiaowan sat in the carriage, closing her eyes and thinking about Gu Ning'an outside. The more she thought about it, the more things went wrong.

Gu Ning'an is not an unstable person, and Ahmad is even more so. For so many years, following her, he has always done things seriously.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan not speaking, Zuo thought she was still worried about Gu Ning'an, so he hurriedly comforted: "Girl, the Ministry of Household is just ahead, we will be here soon, don't worry too much!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "I'm just a little curious, what exactly is wrong with him? There is no time to drag someone home to say a message!"

"Perhaps, the entire household department is busy?" Zuo didn't know what's going on with the household department, but he couldn't make the girl worry about it, and said hurriedly.

"Let's check it out later! Maybe I think too much!" Gu Xiaowan said lightly.

There are no waves on the face, but the heart is extremely worried.

Soon, Kou Hai's voice came from outside: "Girl, the household is here! I'm going to ask."

After a while, Kou Hai returned: "Girl, the gatekeeper said, tonight I heard about the Hube Tonight Yaji, and I went to Shardyu Guzhai!"

"Is Ah Mo here?" Gu Xiaowan asked.

Yaji, that is, the party, seems to all go to the party, it is too late.

"Here, I heard that Grandpa is in the ancient house of Suiyu, Ahmad has gone to the ancient house of Suiyu!" Kou Hai answered all the questions just now.

"Well, let's go to Suiyu Guzhai, if Brother Ang is in Suiyu Guzhai, let's go back!" Gu Xiaowan's hanging heart heard that Gu Ningan was in Suiyu Guzhai, and she let it go.

Kou Hai drove the carriage, and went to the broken jade ancient house.

When I arrived at Suiyu Guzhai, I saw the light inside, and the lights were bright. Gu Xiaowan was relieved: "Kou Hai, go up and see, if Brother Ang is there, look at Ahmad and let him wait here. Brother Ang, let's all go back!"

Kou Hai answered and got busy.

Gu Xiaowan and Zuo stayed in the carriage, and Zuo said, "Girl, you should rest assured now!"

"Yeah!" Gu Xiaowan nodded, "I'm a little tired!"

"It's so late, the girl will go to sleep when she gets tired, and I will call you when I get home!" Zuo said busy.

Gu Xiaowan gave a hum, and suddenly a voice came from outside: "Excuse me, is Miss Zuo there?"

"Who?" Zuo heard someone shouting to himself, and hurriedly raised the corner of the driving curtain and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Oh, the eldest brother who went in just now said that your eldest son drank too much in it, he accidentally vomited a little, and his body was soiled. He said that there was the eldest son's clothes on the carriage, so you can bring the clothes in! "

The person outside said.

Gu Xiaowan closed her eyes and said, "Send in!"

"But girl, you are alone in the carriage, I" Zuo was a little worried.

"It's okay. Everyone is resting in the middle of the night. It's okay! You go in and get out quickly. I won't go anywhere!" Gu Xiaowan heard that Gu Ningan was drunk, and was a little worried: "Change After finishing the clothes, I told his boss that he was guilty and took him out. Brother Ang doesn't know how to drink, so be careful not to hurt your body!"

"Well, girl, then you can rest alive, I'll come as soon as I go!"

Zuo thought about it as just a gift of clothes, so he didn't care, took a clean change of clothes, and jumped out of the carriage.

Gu Xiaowan opened her eyes and planned to wait for Zuo to return. Suddenly, she smelled a strange scent in the carriage. She was wondering how the scent of the night watch could be smelled. Just about to lift the curtain of the car, the scent suddenly thickened. Gu Xiaowan only felt his mind dizzy, and suddenly fainted.

Zuo sent the clothes in, and saw that Gu Ning'an was still clear and bright, but he didn't vomit as someone said.

"Kou Hai didn't hear clearly just now. It was not me who vomited, but the colleague next to me vomited!" Gu Ning'an pointed to the filth on his body and said.

Looks like that, it's very clear, it's not like drinking a lot of wine!

"The girl was waiting for the eldest son at the door, and said, if the eldest son is drunk, then take the son back!" Zuo brought what Gu Xiaowan had just said.

Gu Ning'an nodded, some self-blame: "They are also about to end here, I will go back now!"

Just because these people from the Ministry of Households have all come to Yaji, Gu Ningan wanted to take the time to clear the garden and say something, but those people didn't agree.

It is said that none of these people’s homes have notified them. Gu Ning’an has done a great job in the household registration work this time. He is the number one hero and cannot act alone.

These people were having fun, and Gu Ningan had to follow them.

Just waiting to disperse the banquet quickly, and he went home quickly.

Where do I know, this is the point where I have fun.

Knowing that the sister he was doing tonight was uneasy, Gu Ningan blamed himself for a while, changed clothes quickly, and came out, and said to Ahmad and Kou Hai, "Let's go!"

Zuo had already left the house just now, and was now walking towards the carriage downstairs.

She has strong martial arts skills and a keen sense of smell, and she has smelled a strange fragrance before she walked to the car.

Zuo frowned, seeing the carriage parked quietly not far away, and a strange thing suddenly flashed in his heart.

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