The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2033: Sisters get together

He followed behind and saw Gu Xiaowan's back. For the first time in more than half a month, his heart was not beating so fast.

"Sister, where did you go to play with Brother Yizhi? It took more than half a month after we went, but my aunt and I would die!" Gu Xiaoyi took Gu Xiaowan's arm into Qingyuan and said in an anguish.

Gu Xiaowan didn't plan to tell Gu Xiaoyi and Gu Fangxi that there was an accident. She smiled and said, "Your Brother Qin said that for so many years, he didn't take me out to play. He just had time during this period, so he took me to play!"

"This little Qin does things too. If you want to go out to play, you should meet with us before taking you away. If I don't see you, I will be anxious to death at the beginning!" Gu Fangxi said blamelessly, naturally saying that Qin Yizhi It's not reliable.

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly took Gu Fangxi's hand and explained with a smile: "He is also in an emergency, too late to tell you. Later, didn't you send someone to tell Auntie, you told me, Brother Yizhi wanted to take me there too. Look at the good-looking, aunt, don't blame him!"

Seeing Gu Xiaowan these days, she looked thinner, but her expression was good. Gu Fangxi's blame for Qin Yizhi was slightly lessened: "I haven't eaten these days, right? Go and rest. Auntie, let’s make some good food for you!"

"Okay, I have been playing outside these days and I don't want to think about anything. It's what I want my aunt to cook the most!" Gu Xiaowan, like a child, leaned on Gu Fangxi's shoulder and said spoiledly.

Gu Fangxi grinned and said, "You child, you are almost married, and you are just like a kid! Okay, go in and rest. Auntie is ready, I will call you!"

"Okay!" Gu Xiaowan yelled sweetly, and Gu Fangxi who was watching was very happy, and yelled with love, "Good boy, go and rest, aunt will be fine soon!"

Gu Xiaoyi took Gu Xiaowan's hand and went into the yard, chattering about what Gu Xiaowan had seen and heard in the past half month and where Gu Xiaowan had been.

But fortunately, she had visited many places in her previous life, and she had seen many beautiful mountains and rivers, so she also came to her at her fingertips. She told the scenery and customs of some places that it was a vivid one. Gu Xiaoyi who listened to it was full of expectation. Yearning.

"Sister, that place is so beautiful, I want to see it too!" Gu Xiaoyi held her cheeks, crimson cheeks looking forward.

Gu Xiaowan smiled and said, "You must have a chance to go!"

Gu Xiaoyi pouted: "If you have Brother Qin take you there, I can't do it. My brother is so busy, how can he take me there!"

After hearing this, Gu Xiaowan glanced at Gu Ning'an, and saw that he smiled helplessly and shook his head without speaking.

Gu Xiaowan immediately understood it, and it seemed that Shen Wenjun still got nothing in the half month she was absent!

After telling Gu Xiaoyi what he had seen and heard, Gu Xiaowan turned her head to ask Gu Ning'an, "How are you doing during your stay at the Ministry of Households?"

Gu Xiaoyi knew that her sister was about to start asking about Gu Ning'an, and didn't stay there, so she went out with the excuse of helping Gu Fangxi.

Seeing her leaving, Gu Ningan stood up all of a sudden and looked at Gu Xiaowan nervously, her voice trembling: "Sister, are you really all right?"

Seeing Gu Ning’an’s nervous voice trembling, Gu Xiaowan patted him on the shoulder and told the truth: “My sister was fine, she was taken to the mountain by the culprits that night. Later, I used the ones that my brother Yizhi gave me. The hidden weapon subdued one, and I ran away. Later, I ran on the mountain for a long time. When I hid, I never thought I was bitten by a poisonous snake."

Hearing this, Gu Ningan felt distressed and asked nervously: "Sister, you are now"

Gu Xiaowan turned around in front of him twice and smiled Qiao Yanran: "I'm already fine, so don't worry!"


"Well, Brother Qin will definitely not let you go!" Gu Ning'an said bitterly.

Gu Xiaowan patted his hand: "Ning An, my sister is really fine! Don't blame yourself, my sister knows you don't want to be in that situation!"

Gu Ning'an's body was stretched tightly together like a bow and arrow: "Sister, I am not good, I am not good, I must be able to come back to inform you at that time, you will not worry about me so much, too. I won’t get out of the way! I really blame myself, sister," Gu Ning’an’s voice choked up.

For more than half a month, in addition to doing things, he was thinking about his sister's things every day. When he thought of his sister, he didn't know what was going on with his sister. He felt extremely sad. Qin Yizhi would not let him look at her sister. He doesn't even know where people are.

God knows how he came here for more than half a month, as if he was roasted on a fire rack, or exploded in a frying pan. Seeing Gu Xiaowan at this moment, all the sadness, tension, and worry , Guilt, and self-blame, all rushed up like a tide, his voice choked, covering his face, tears streaming down his fingers while sleeping.

Gu Xiaowan sighed softly, knowing that Gu Ning'an is a good boy who valued love and justice, not to mention that this matter is related to him, even if it has nothing to do with him, I am afraid that I will blame myself for a long time and feel guilty for a long time. Protect my sister!

"Ning'an, my sister doesn't blame you, my sister knew you couldn't get out of the situation at that time!" Gu Xiaowan comforted Gu Ning'an.

That person behind the scenes, after abandoning such a big Zhou Zhang and wanting to take him away, how could he let Gu Ning'an come back to tell the news?

Gu Ning'an cried out: "Sister, I'm really useless, even my sister can't protect you. If Brother Qin hadn't found you, if you had something to do, I would never forgive myself in my life!"

Gu Ning'an was crying and sad, Gu Xiaowan held him in her arms. In the past two years, Gu Ning'an's head has grown up, and now he is a head higher than her, but now he is crying and curled up in his own body. In his arms, as it was many years ago, like a lonely child, crying in the arms of her sister.

Gu Xiaowan knows that for so many years, Gu Ning'an has been studying desperately, using his best to do better, because of the responsibilities of Gu's parents.

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