The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2032: Back to Qingyuan

"Okay, that's good. You were bitten by a poisonous snake before. The snake was extremely poisonous. Fortunately, you sucked the poisonous blood out in time. It's okay, it's okay. If you rest for a day or two, everything will be better. !"

Qin Yizhi hugged Gu Xiaowan tightly, trying to apologize tightly into her arms, but was afraid that her strength would hurt the woman in her arms!

Gu Xiaowan looked at Qin Yizhi's haggard and beard face, and felt very sad: "Brother Yizhi, I have suffered you."

"Fool" Qin Yi saw that Gu Xiaowan felt sorry for herself, holding Gu Xiaowan's thin face with the palm of her hand in her hand, and said: "Fool, I feel distressed. I wish that all the pain in you was on my own. Body!"

Gu Xiaowan chuckled lowly: "Then I'm not happy! I can't bear it either!"

After finishing speaking, he nestled in Qin Yizhi's arms, pulling his powerful arm, the heart that had been hanging all the time, and finally fell at this moment.

The horror scene in the dream was finally just a dream.

Knowing that Gu Xiaowan had woke up, the people who were waiting in the other courtyard breathed a sigh of relief, especially Zuo. He cried with joy when he heard that the girl had woke up: "Even if I die now, I'm stunned! I can't blame the girl!"

Ah Mo was dumbfounded and did not speak, and he blamed himself even more. They were careless. They didn't expect that those people would want to harm the girl in every way!

Ahmad clenched the palm of his hand tightly, the blue veins on his head were raised, his drooping brows were tightly furrowed, and his strong lower back was even more straight!

He can't die yet. Anyone who hurts a girl must seek justice for the girl!

Ahmad and Zuo had different thoughts. When Qin Yizhi came out, he happened to see them kneeling in the yard, their bodies erect, but they were much more relaxed than they had seen before.

It is estimated that the big rock on her body just fell to the ground after knowing that the girl woke up!

Qin Yizhi came to them and looked at them, "Get up!"

His voice was very hoarse, it was seven days later, and the master had never come out since the girl was here.

Only occasionally could hear movement inside. When Ah Zuo and Ah Mo heard Qin Yizhi’s hoarse voice, they hurriedly looked up and saw Qin Yizhi’s blue face, which was originally extremely tired, but because of joy, That exhaustion has diminished a lot.

It's just because of lack of sleep that the dark circles under the eyes and the green face can still be seen. He is very tired recently!


Zuo and Ahmad didn't move, they knelt on the ground and lowered their heads, silently, as if they were waiting for Qin Yizhi to punish them.

"Get up, Zuo, you go and wait for the girl!" Qin Yizhi looked at Zuo with deep eyes, "The girl intercedes for you!"

Zuo and Ahmad glanced at each other, and squatted down: "Thank you, Master!"

"If there is another time," Qin Mozhi said coldly.

Zuo and Ahmad said hurriedly: "Subordinates wish to apologize with death!"

Qin Yizhi glanced at them, and a cold voice came over: "You are dead, and you must protect her safety. If you can't protect her, your life is useless!"

Zuo and Ahmad's heads lowered deeply: "Subordinates know!"

When Qin Yizhi left, seeing Zuo enter the room, Ben loosened his brows and frowned again!


Qin Yizhi has been taking care of Gu Xiaowan for so long. The only time she heard Gu Xiaowan speak was when Wan'er murmured such a name!


Who is this person?

Qin Yizhi was with Gu Xiaowan when she was eight or nine years old. For so many years, except for occasional problems, he has been almost inseparable.

Moreover, even if he is not there, Ahmad and Zuo are by his side. He is 100% sure that Wan'er doesn't know a person named Anan!

But while she was ill, her voice was sad, and she called out such a name clearly, and at the time, her brows were frowned, which seemed to be extremely painful.

Is it just his illusion?

Maybe, it was really just that he heard it wrong!

There has never been such a person in Gu Xiaowan's life. He must have heard it wrong, or Wan'er was uncomfortable at the time and murmured, but he heard it as Anan!

Qin Yizhi's heart settled, he let out a long sigh of relief, and joy came to his heart again, as long as Wan'er woke up, he would be relieved. And those who murdered Wan'er

His eyes suddenly sharpened, looking at the bright moonlight, the hatred in his heart grew more and more!

"A Right"

Ah You, who had been hiding in the dark, came out hurriedly: "Master!"

After Gu Xiaowan woke up, under the meticulous care of the doctor and Qin Yizhi, the poison on her body was cleared, and her body gradually recovered.

After she returned to Qingyuan again, it had been half a month since she left last time!

Gu Fangxi heard that Gu Xiaowan was back today, and was eagerly waiting at the door.

Gu Ningan didn't think about anything during this period. I heard that her sister came back today and was busy taking leave at the Ministry of Households, waiting at home.

With the support of Ah Zuo and Ah Mo, Gu Xiaowan got out of the carriage, and saw Gu Fangxi and Gu Xiaoyi standing at the gate looking at her happily, while Gu Ning'an was worried and haggard.

She knew it before, and Qin Yizhi sent someone to tell her aunt and Xiao Yi that she had followed him on a trip in the mountains and water. Aunt and Xiao Yi naturally didn't know, and they were naturally happy to see her. But Gu Ningan knew that she was gone, so naturally he was worried. At this moment, seeing his sister safe and sound, the heart that was hanging on this one eased slightly.

As a result of being too nervous and worried in the past half a month, Gu Ningan has lost a lot of weight, and even his complexion is very haggard!

Gu Xiaowan couldn't bear it. After seeing Gu Fangxi and Gu Xiaoyi, she squeezed Gu Ning'an's hand and said softly, "Sister is fine!"

Gu Ning'an wanted to cry, but couldn't cry at all, so he could only look at her sister firmly.

God knows how he came over these days. Although Qin Yizhi had sent someone to say that Gu Xiaowan was okay, but he didn’t see anyone, and the high-hanging heart in his heart couldn’t come down. Now seeing his sister is really okay, Gu Ning Ann was really relieved now.

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