The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2031: Death in a dream

Before he could finish his words, Qin Mozhi ignored Gu Xiaowan's shoulder.

Zuo and Ah Mo, who were around, saw Gu Xiaowan looking embarrassed at the moment, and they even wanted to chop themselves to death with a palm!

They failed to take care of the girl, they were negligent! They deserve to die!

"Master, **** your subordinates, you didn't protect the girl" Zuo and Ahmad knelt on the ground, waiting for Qin Yizhi's hair to fall.

Qin Yizhi vomited the last blood in his mouth, the blood color had turned red, and it seemed that all the poisonous blood in it had been sucked out.

He carefully covered Gu Xiaowan’s exposed shoulders with clothes. His eyes were full of pain, but when he looked at Ah Zuo and Ah Mo, his eyes suddenly became fierce: "You are damned, if the girl is fine, I will stay Your whole body, if it is a girl"

Qin Yizhi did not dare to continue speaking, his eyes were gentle and watery looking at Gu Xiaowan, he did not even dare to say those words.

Qin Mozhi took Gu Xiaowan to Qin Mozhi's other hospital to recuperate.

Qin Yizhi sent someone to Qingyuan and said that he had taken Gu Xiaowan out for a tour of the mountains and water, and Gu Fangxi and Gu Xiaoyi did not suspect him.

Gu Ning'an didn't believe it, and wanted to visit Gu Xiaowan, but he didn't know where Gu Xiaowan was.

The people in this capital, except Tan Yushu, who usually visit Gu Xiaowan, have almost no contact with other people, but now they are better. Those ladies are like a group, and come to Gu Xiaowan from time to time. Gu Xiaoyi only I can say over and over again that Gu Xiaowan has gone out to enjoy the mountains!

But when those people left, the unpredictable smile made Gu Xiaoyi feel a little hairy.

Gu Fangxi also felt strange: "What's wrong with these people? I don't usually see them, but Xiao Wan went out to play. Why are these people coming one by one!"

Gu Xiaoyi was also curious: "Yes, my sister went out to play with Big Brother Qin, do these people know?"

Gu Xiaoyi and Gu Fangxi were buried in the bones, but Qin Yizhi knew everything about the capital.

"Are you sure the Song family did it?"

"I heard that Ms. Song recently held a small party. She also said that since Princess Anping was named a princess, there was no one to get close to her. She was very lonely in Qingyuan by herself. These people should visit Princess Anping from time to time! "

Master Song Qing!

Qin Yizhi touched the finger on his hand, a sneer formed at the corner of his mouth. This is for this group of people to see if Gu Xiaowan is in Qingyuan!

I have been missing for so many days inexplicably, no one doubts!

The people behind this scene are so vicious, they want not only Wan'er's reputation, but also Wan'er's life!

If a woman loses any of them, it is better to die than life!

Qin Mozhi looked at the hospital bed, Gu Xiaowan, whose lips were bruised due to the poisoning, was deeply saddened!

Gu Xiaowan was in a coma for seven days and nights.

In these seven nights, she has been dreaming every day, the same dream!

Either it is the endless grassland, or the cliff of the abyss, or it is snowy white, and she can only hear her own tragic call in the snow.

"Anan Anan"


Who is Anan?

Why is she called Anan?

In her dream, she swiftly shuttled across the grassland, on the edge of the cliff, in the white snow, as if mad, running wildly over and over again, shouting "Anan" in her mouth, without exception, at last , She will witness her own "death" in her dream.

Either in the grassland, deep in the swamp, or falling down the ten thousand-foot cliff, or in the snow, the whole body is cold.

But in the end, every time she died, she couldn't see the Anan that she called, from beginning to end, she had never seen it!

In the seven nights, she dreamed of her death over and over again, and she was more and more scared, and thought back and forth that she was really dead.

However, a gentle voice called her name from time to time.

"Waner Waner"

The voice was familiar, full of deep sadness and tenderness. It was the brother of Yizhi, who called her name in her ear over and over again.

Let her feel the breath of alive when she witnessed her death again and again.

Brother Yizhi, he is calling me!

I can still hear, I can't die!

Everything is fake, all fake!

Gu Xiaowan didn't know how long she had tormented in her dream, and finally woke up in a daze.

Fortunately, the poisonous blood that was bitten by the poisonous snake was cleaned up in time, and Gu Xiaowan did not move at the time. The poisonous blood did not harm the internal organs, otherwise, even the fairy Daluo could not save her life!

Knowing that Gu Xiaowan was so dangerous at the time, Qin Mozhi was angry and hurt, and he wished to suffer this crime for Gu Xiaowan himself!

When Gu Xiaowan woke up, she saw Qin Yizhi sitting beside her bed with a tired face, looking at her worriedly: "Wan'er, you are awake."

"Brother Yizhi" Gu Xiaowan only felt that her tongue was a little dry and her hair was bitter, and she was about to get up when she struggled. Qin Yizhi hurriedly pressed back: "You lie down, don't move, I will pour you water"

Someone had poured water on the side. Qin Yizhi carefully fed her a few sips. Seeing that her complexion had improved, his nervousness was slightly relaxed: "Is the head still dizzy? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

"Where am I?" Gu Xiaowan looked at the unfamiliar scenes around her, wondering: "I remember I was bitten by a poisonous snake, and then just"

"You fainted on the mountain. I was afraid of taking you back and being seen by my aunt. I was worried. So I sent a message saying that you and I were going out for a mountain tour. This is another courtyard. No one will come on weekdays. I will take Come here to heal your wounds!" Qin Yizhi sat behind Gu Xiaowan, carefully hugged her in his arms, and said softly.

Gu Xiaowan let out a very weak voice, lying softly in Qin Yizhi's arms, and whispered: "Okay."

"Do you feel uncomfortable somewhere?" Qin Mozhi asked softly: "The doctor is outside. If something is uncomfortable, I will let the doctor in!"

Gu Xiaowan shook her head: "It's just a little dizzy, the others are fine"

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