The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2030: Found her

The second signal Qin Mozhi originally thought was not sent. Qin Mozhi waited for a while at the foot of the mountain, frowning and tightening, and Qin Mozhi waved, "Go into the mountain!"

This time when I entered the mountain, the dense jungle was dark, and I could barely see my fingers. The people led by Qin Yizhi divided into several paths and walked towards the dense forest with torches!

At this moment, there was a sharp horrified sound from the dense forest, and then, the resting bird flapped its wings, breaking the whole silent night.

It was a frightened boy, and Qin Mozhi heard it, but his heart trembled. Before he could think about it, he ran away in the direction of the sound!

In the dense jungle, even walking is a waste of effort, not to mention running, the sharp branches cut Qin Yizhi’s flesh, he could not feel the slightest pain, the horrified roar, the more The closer I got here, there seemed to be a strong smell of blood.

When they were getting closer, the roar of wild beasts, and the cry of the man about to die, the sword in Qin Yizhi's hand pierced the hungry wolf straight!

The hungry wolf suddenly ran into blood, fainted to the ground, and fell to the ground with a bang. The person under the wolf was covered in blood. His entire face, almost torn by hungry wolves, was bloody, and he couldn't see the original appearance.

The person’s breathing was weak, and his body was shaking constantly. Qin Yizhi looked at it through the torch and saw that he was not his own from his clothes. Qin Yizhi pinched the person and asked, "Who are you? Why are you here? This?"

In the middle of the night, a person was in the dense forest. Besides, the signal just came out of the dense forest. Qin Yizhi felt that Gu Xiaowan's disappearance was absolutely inseparable from this person!

"Did you kidnap a girl?" Qin Yizhi suddenly frowned and shouted.

This person is surprisingly the villain who chased Gu Xiaowan just now.

He wandered in the woods for a long time, but he never found Gu Xiaowan. When he was leaving, he did not know that the jungle was too dense, and he, a person who often hunts in the dense forest, could not tell the direction.

He was exhausted when he was running, and was suddenly entangled by two hungry wolves looking for food.

He is a hunter, and he can usually deal with two or three wolves, but the arrest of someone tonight has consumed most of his physical strength, and the wolf is already hungry, now looking at the living creature, he must eat it even more. Determination.

He finally got rid of a hungry wolf, but exhausted all his strength. The other one saw that his companion was dead, and it was even more vicious and cruel. The man was thrown down by the wolf, and he had no power to resist.

I thought I was going to die here today, but no one knew that someone would come to save myself! But when the handsome man in front of him interrogated himself like a demon from hell, he knew that he would not die now, he would definitely die in the future!

"The hero is forgiving, the hero is forgiving! I and I also take money from others, so I can do things for others!"

"What about the person? Where is the person?" Qin Yiyi heard that this person had caught it, and his eyes suddenly became fierce, even more fierce than that of the hungry wolf!

"I don't know, that girl, that girl ran in this forest so big and dark, I didn't find her either!" The man cried, the flesh on his face was holding the wound, and he grinned in pain!

However, the pain on his face was still secondary. The person in front of him was as cold as ice. Even the surrounding air was cold and he shuddered.

This time, he finally knew why that person wanted them to take a princess captive at such a high price. Originally thought that the princess was a peasant girl, and there was no backing. Without his innocence, he would be ruined in his life. , It only took so long, someone has found here!

This person is really terrible.

Qin Yizhi only glanced at the man, then turned his head away with a cold voice: "Take this man away, take good care of him, and ask him who gave him the courage!"

After Qin Yizhi finished speaking, he walked toward the deep forest.

Fortunately, she is here!

But, there are wolves here, will there be wolves by her side? She is a weak woman, alone in this dark dense forest, being chased by someone, will she be afraid?

Qin Yizhi only felt that his chest was severely hit, and even his breathing was painful!

He ran quickly in the dense forest and kept shouting loudly: "Wan'er Wan'er"

Anxious, silent dense forest, birds flapping their wings, flying everywhere, the deep dense forest, coupled with the anxious shout, it is even more heartbreaking to hear.

Gu Xiaowan was dizzy, and after that moment of coma, she began to wake up faintly, but her limbs were weak, her mind fainted, and she couldn't even lift her hands.

Gu Xiaowan heard the shout that was higher than the first, but she was getting closer and closer.

When she dumbly heard someone calling her Wanzi, the panic in her heart disappeared at this moment, it was the brother of Ji!

He came to her!

Gu Xiaowan finally showed joy. She nestled in the dense jungle, trying to climb out, moved her limbs that were almost stiff, and found that she still couldn't move.

Gu Xiaowan wanted to open her mouth, her lips numbly unable to say a word, let alone shouting out.

The pain from the body, and the eyes that have already started to bloom, the brain is not clear, after all, he fainted again.

The voice coming from my ears was finally no longer heard.

Qin Yizhi ran in the woods aimlessly, shouting and searching, not letting go of any dense bushes that could hide people. When he finally found Gu Xiaowan, he found that her surroundings were cold and lying in the jungle. Inside, the clothes all over the body were torn one after another by sharp branches, and the exposed skin of the torn clothes was also shaved bright red.

When Qin Yizhi saw Gu Xiaowan's appearance, his heart was about to break, with a pleasant surprise of recovering from the loss, but more deeply distressed and self-blaming.

He took off his clothes and hugged Gu Xiaowan. A hidden guard who was proficient in medical skills hurriedly stepped forward to look: "Master, she was bitten by a poisonous snake! The wound was not cleaned in time, which caused it"

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