The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2046: Evil things

Tan Yushu also noticed it, and whispered in Gu Xiaowan's ear: "She would be confused, I'm afraid she doesn't know what happiness is like in her heart!"

At this time, a palace lady came over with medicine: "Manny, it's time to drink medicine!"

The medicine was dark. Standing far away, Gu Xiaowan could smell an unpleasant smell of medicine. The four palace ladies held down Empress Leng fiercely. Now they need to be fed the medicine, and two more palace ladies stepped forward to help. , One held up the head of the queen empress, the other hugged her waist, so that she would not move.

The maid scooped a spoonful of medicine with a spoon, blew it twice, and delivered it to Queen Leng. Queen Leng refused to drink, struggling desperately: "Don't hurt me, don't hurt me"

She kept struggling, but her strength was so strong that she suppressed her six maids. Empress Leng was like a dilapidated doll, pressed on the bed, unable to move.

The palace lady pinched Queen Leng’s chin and fed two mouthfuls. The Queen’s mother refused to swallow them, struggling with her hands and feet desperately, shouting that the ghost came, the medicine fed into her mouth was vomited out again. The maid wanted to continue feeding again, and reached out her hand to pinch the queen's chin. Gu Xiaowan saw her rude appearance, fearing she might hurt the queen, and hurriedly shouted: "Be careful, don't hurt the queen!"

The palace lady was yelled and suddenly shook a god, and it was the skill of this **** that the queen Leng kept twisting her body and yelling hoarsely. How dare those palace ladies pressing beside them really hold the queen, for fear of getting it? After hurting her, Empress Leng pushed her hard, and the maid holding the medicine overturned the bowl in her hand. Only the jade bowl was heard breaking, and the black potion was splashing everywhere.

The upper jaw of the queen was covered with black concoction. Gu Xiaowan saw sharply that Queen Leng's lower jaw was brutally pinched with a blood spot with his nails, and it slowly turned black at this moment.

At this moment, the emperor couldn't bear it anymore, and roared: "Where is the imperial doctor? Where did the imperial doctor die?"

As soon as the voice fell, the outside doctors crawled in one by one. The emperor pointed at them and said angrily: "Show me the queen and the child in my belly, otherwise I will punish you nine races!"

This is the first child of the emperor. The queen is also the wife he is married to by the Ming media. At this moment, seeing the painful and hideous appearance of the mother and son, the emperor feels even more sad, and only hates himself for why he can't protect his own women and children!

The empress mother hadn't spoken all the time, and she looked at the queen distressedly. The prayer beads in her hand did not stop for a moment, she kept shaking, and she was muttering words in her hand.

And those imperial doctors saw the Queen’s disease, and once discussed, they were still not sure about the cause: "The emperor, the empress dowager, the empress’s disease is fierce, this medicine is the right medicine."

"Apply the right medicine? The right medicine is why the queen's condition is getting worse? Is it your group of quack medical skills or you deliberately fooling me? If the queen and the prince make any mistakes, next year today will be the anniversary of your family's death!" The emperor said fiercely. There is distress and sadness in the eyes that people cannot ignore.

In the entire sleeping hall, only the voice of the imperial doctors was left: "The emperor, this sickness of the empress"

No one dares to say that they are not good, even if they are not good, they dare not say.

Among those imperial physicians, Hao, who was familiar with Gu Xiaowan, had seen Tan Yexing and Fang Peiya’s mother. At this moment, he stood by the Queen's side and looked at the Queen, and fell into thinking about it again.

The emperor Xu especially believed in Doctor Hao. Seeing that he was silent, he hurriedly asked: "Doctor Hao, how is it?"

Grand Physician Hao shook his head: "The emperor, Shu Weichen, I really can't see what kind of illness the empress empress is suffering from. Her pulse and symptoms are considered by Weichen, or because of excessive stress or depression. , Weichen has already taken the medicine. Drink this medicine and take care of it for a period of time. It's just that Weichen really doesn't know why the Queen Empress did not take the medicine. Not only did it fail, but it became more serious!"

Dr. Hao has always been trusted by the emperor. At this moment, he heard that Dr. Hao also said that the disease can be cured, but he didn't understand why it could not be cured. He was even more furious: "Come here, drag these quack doctors to 30 Daban! I can't save the queen, so why do I keep you!"

Madam Hao Lian lowered his head and remained silent. When the other emperor doctors heard this, their body was swinging and kowtowing: "The emperor has mercy, the emperor has mercy."

The emperor was in anger at the moment, and the queen mother sighed: "The emperor, the queen is still lying in bed, so she will spare this group of people first. It will not be too late to keep it! If she is killed, the queen wants someone to see a doctor. How good is it!"

This group of imperial doctors is a group of old arms and legs. If this is a 30-year-old maid, I am afraid that it will not die, and I will lie in bed for the rest of the day!

The Queen Mother is not worried about these things. What she is worried about is, if these imperial doctors are gone, who will treat the Queen!

The emperor did not say anything, and it was considered that he had agreed to the empress dowager's words. Just now, the emperor Hao Lian had given the queen two injections and he had fallen asleep deeply.

At this moment, he was lying on the bed with a pale gray face, like a lifeless doll all over his body, looking very distressed.

"In any case, we must save the queen and the prince in her belly!" The emperor roared with a gloomy face.

The princess Lihua pumped up, crying very sad. Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu also had red eyes, and they wiped the corners of their eyes with a veil from time to time.

The hall fell into silence for a while, only the Buddhist beads in the Queen Mother's hand made dull clashes from time to time.

Suddenly, a voice said: "The emperor, I am afraid that this disease is not a disease, I am afraid it is."

One of the imperial physicians lying on the ground hesitated and talked.

"What are you afraid of? Hesitating, if you have anything to say!" The emperor drank loudly.

Seeing that the imperial doctor swallowed and continued: "The empress, I'm afraid I've encountered something sinister. It's useless to run out of medicine stones, and I'm so crazy!"

The evil thing!

When hearing this word, the prayer beads in the hands of the empress dowager stopped immediately.

In the sleeping hall, no one dared to say a word except the empress's howls from time to time.

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