The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2045: The queen is crazy

Gu Xiaowan didn't dare to delay, and entrusted Li Fan with the full power of the business in the barbecue shop, and hurried to the palace immediately.

On the way there, I was still thinking about how the empress was fine last time, how come this disease came so quickly! Still thinking about something suitable for pregnant women to eat, thinking about it along the way, the carriage quickly arrived at the gate of the palace.

The guard at the gate of the palace stopped the carriage, and Gu Xiaowan took A Zuo and walked to the palace of the empress, under the leadership of the servant in the palace.

At this moment, the harem was even more shrouded in clouds. The people in the entire palace bowed their eyebrows and walked fast, as if something big had happened.

Gu Xiaowan was a little worried about the empress, and she didn't know what happened to the empress's illness!

When I arrived at the queen’s bedroom, I saw some incense burning in the hall, and cigarettes were emitting at this moment. Indoors, the queen is like a lifeless rag doll, lying on the bed wearing a snow-white neckline embroidered with colorful phoenix robes, and the delicate embroidery becomes more and more dull with the anger on the owner’s face .

Gu Xiaowan was shocked when she saw the empress's emaciated appearance.

I saw that the empress empress had a blue face, sunken eye sockets, and protruding cheekbones. Last time I saw a plump face. At this moment, she was only skinny, and she looked very oozing!

The emperor sat in front of the queen's couch, holding the hand of the queen's empress with a sad expression on his face.

The empress dowager sits aside, her eyes closed slightly, holding a string of Buddhist beads in her hand, and she keeps chanting words! The princess Lihua stood at the back, looking worriedly at the empress on the bed.

Tan Yushu was also standing behind the Queen Mother at this moment. At this moment, seeing Gu Xiaowan coming, he did not say anything, and cast a look at Gu Xiaowan. After Gu Xiaowan bowed, he also came to Tan Yushu's side, worrying and doubting in his heart. .

It was only six or seven days since the last lotus banquet was rewarded. How come the empress has become like this!

Tan Yushu knew that Gu Xiaowan was puzzled, and shook his head, saying that he didn't know.

The palace was very quiet. The empress was asleep at the moment, and no one dared to bother him. Everyone was even more shocked. They didn't dare to show up, for fear that they might disturb the sleeping empress!

Gu Xiaowan just stood behind, just glanced at the burning spice, and when her brows frowned after smelling the smell, there was a hysterical roar: "Ghost, ghost, ghost, ghost"

Queen Leng woke up from her dream, crying and shouting that there were ghosts, kicking and beating with her hands and feet, and kept wailing about ghosts and ghosts!

The emperor took Queen Leng into his arms, held her tightly, and kept shouting: "Queen, Queen Queen"

And Queen Leng seemed to be unable to hear anything, she just kept yelling: "Ghost, ghost, don't harm my child, don't harm my child, ghost, ghost"

Empress Leng seemed to be suffering from some devil, and kept crying and shouting, using her hands and feet together, as if she was crazy.

The empress mother also stood up when she saw her actions, for fear that she would kick the emperor and hurriedly shouted: "Are you all dead? Don’t hurry up and hold the empress. If this hurts the emperor, it hurts herself. How good!"

Those palace ladies, just now hurriedly stepped forward and held down the empress empress, but the queen was still shouting hoarsely that there was a ghost, and the now blue-gray face was even more infiltrating, and the frightened look, accompanied by deep depression In the eye sockets, it was as if he had actually seen a ghost.

Gu Xiaowan looked at the empress who was doing well in the past few days, and she was shocked in her heart after just a few days of effort.

"How could this be?" Gu Xiaowan asked.

The princess Lihua wiped her tears and turned her head to the side. She did not dare to look at Queen Leng's sad face again: "I don't know what's going on. It was fine a few days ago. Later, someone in the palace said that the empress could not eat. After dinner, we only regarded our body as pregnant. The weather was hot and we didn’t care. Later, we heard from the palace people that the queen was crazy. But within two days, the whole person became thinner. . I also say from time to time that there are ghosts and ghosts, where are the ghosts coming from in the day!"

The princess Lihua said so, tears streaming down again. Gu Xiaowan looked at the crazy Queen Leng, and felt that it was not that simple at all!

The lotus banquet was good a few days ago, but now it's like this.

Now that the queen is pregnant, how many pairs of eyes are staring at, I can’t wait to get rid of the queen’s mother, get rid of the flesh in the belly, and those who can clump this thing, except for a few distinguished people in this palace, now, There is only one person left!

Gu Xiaowan stood for a while, only to feel that the scent was a bit smoky. She tilted her head and looked at the small gilt-carved incense burner on the table behind her. The wisps of smoke floated out, and the whole room was shut tightly, with the fragrance lingering. , Covering the whole room.

Gu Xiaowan was looking at her in a daze. Concubine Wang was crying and crying. Seeing the emaciated empress, Wang Guifei's tears flowed over her face as if she didn't need money: "Sister Empress, what's wrong with you? Woo you Why are you sick like this! Woo"

When the emperor saw her weeping, he frowned, did not speak, sat aside, silent.

The Queen Mother yelled coldly: "Why cry? The queen is fine!"

The fierceness who has been immersed in the harem for many years is like an invisible blade. Looking at Concubine Wang, Concubine Wang's voice was dumbed by the look in her eyes, and she hurriedly closed her voice, standing quietly aside, standing with her eyebrows down, from time to time He wiped the corners of his eyes with a kerchief, and occasionally raised his eyes to look at the queen on the bed. The red and swollen eye sockets seemed very sad.

At this moment, there was only the queen's hysterical crying, and the empress dowager was upset in her heart. She closed her eyes and put the prayer beads in her mouth. She kept chanting scriptures, as if praying for the empress!

Gu Xiaowan looked at her coldly, thinking that only a few days ago, Wang Guifei was in front of all the young ladies to be angry with the empress, and now this painful appearance is also for the queen and empress dowagers. Yes, I don't know what Success is like in my heart!

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