The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2044: Gu Kee BBQ

Lingxi: "She has two more brushes. If the lady doesn't want her to enter the mansion, she can't enter the mansion!"

Master Song Qing laughed, her tone filled with shocking coldness: "Hehe, I don't care about those women before, but now I am about to make a marriage appointment. Gu Xintao dare to touch my future beloved, hehe is a courage. Big one! I just don’t know, if this body is dirty and notorious, will the youngest son carry her into the mansion?"

Lingxi: "Miss, what do you mean"

"It's not easy. You can trick her over anytime and anywhere. For such a woman, just say that the youngest is greedy for bedclothes, and send someone to pick her up! Can she come here without fart?" Song Qing sullenly He smiled and said, "It's easy to deal with such a vain woman!"

Master Song Qing smiled grimly, and the curved willow eyebrows, like two sharp blades, hit people's hearts directly.

Gu Xintao is easy to deal with, but the other person is not so easy to deal with!

The same surname Gu, one has no brains, the other, how can he be so smart!

If it wasn't because she was the enemy of the Mingdu Princess, and robbed her of the limelight, otherwise, such a powerful person could become his right hand man, that would really be a great help! It's just that this is impossible anymore!

Gu Xiaowan has been going to Jinfulou more frequently these days. Jinfulou has been open in the capital for two or three years. Although there are some dishes available from time to time, after all, it has been open for a long time, and the guests will still get bored. Feeling lost.

Therefore, Gu Xiaowan planned to close the restaurant for a period of time, first plan several new recipes, and secondly decorate the restaurant. In this way, it can also give the guests a different feeling of eating!

Li Fan agreed, but I don't know how long it will take to renovate. For such a long time, Jinfu Building will not open, and I am afraid that a lot of business will be lost.

"I agree with the decoration. It's just Xiao Wan. Over time, these guests will be lost to other places!" Li Fan said with some worry.

"I know, Gu Xiaowan smiled and said: "I have already planned! "

"What? Did you have a plan?" Li Fan hurriedly said when he heard that Gu Xiaowan had a plan, "What are your plans?"

"I bought a large shop in the south of the city, re-decorated it, and closed the door here and re-installed, and the other side can officially open!" Gu Xiaowan said.

"It's just that the two sides are the same. If the two are open at that time, is it a waste?" Li Fan said worriedly.

"No, I didn't do the same thing at first!" Gu Xiaowan said with a smile: "Uncle Li, go and have a look with me, you'll know if you see!"

When it was in the south of the city, Gu Xiaowan took Li Fan into a shop that hadn't been marked with a plaque. The shop was large and decorated very simply. There were tables and chairs, and some small rooms separated by screens. Simple, Li Fan is a little strange: "Xiao Wan, this is" "In the future, this will be our Gu Ji barbecue!" Gu Xiaowan took Li Fan to the back kitchen, and saw three stoves inside and quite a few shelves with a wire mesh cover. Now, the bottom is empty, I don't know what it is for, and there is a wood shed next to it with a lot of charcoal in it.

"Barbecue? What is that for?" Li Fan was a little curious.

When Gu Xiaowan personally baked something for Li Fan to eat, Li Fan immediately agreed: "Okay, it's Gu Ji barbecue!"

Gu Xiaowan: "I have already trained two people who have believed in them. Then they will be responsible for the barbecue. The two masters will be responsible for cooking. We are barbecue. We will mainly use barbecue, but some cooking is still required. Yes, after Jinfu Building reopens, we will also have two capable masters here. What do you think?"

Li Fan ate the barbecue made by Gu Xiaowan, and the taste was so exciting. If there was anything he disagrees with, he immediately decided: "No problem, it will open the day after tomorrow!"

When Jin Fu Lou announced that it would be redecorated, the Gu Ji BBQ opened.

The south of the city is a remote place, but because Gu Xiaowan sent people to various places to deliver the leaflets in the past two days, the portrait above was painted by Gu Xiaowan herself. The painting is naturally a steaming barbecue. There are meat and vegetables. The population is dripping.

After two days of publicity, the Gu Ji BBQ opened, and people were standing outside. In the past two days, I sent out leaflets and made reservations. The location of the Gu Ji BBQ has already been arranged for several days!

Those who are not in the position, smell the aroma of barbecues coming from inside, they are simply salivating, and they can't wait to breathe all the aroma into their stomachs!

Gu Ji’s BBQ started immediately in the capital.

Li Fan is still here as a shopkeeper. Looking at the name on the plaque outside, everyone is tacitly aware this time. This is still Gu Xiaowan's property!

After thinking about Gu Xiaowan's current status, let's see what she earns, what she drives, and what she earns. I don't know how many people I envy!

Those who originally looked down on Gu Xiaowan, now that she is noble and still enters the battle for gold, their hearts are full of envy and jealousy!

Where can I find such a distinguished and profitable woman!

Quite a few people are starting to move around again, gearing up, and making other calculations!

What about the notoriety, no one has seen it, it is all made up, Gu Xiaowan said that she has a sweetheart, but no one has seen it, who knows if she is using this pretense to deceive people! After all, this is a rich princess with identity, status, and a way to make money, but she can never meet her!

In the past few days, Gu Ji opened, and Gu Xiaowan was born there for three or four days. After all, the trained cook is still a novice. If you have any questions, just ask her directly!

Li Fan is a good hand in business. Although he changed to a more remote place, he immediately started his business with barbecue and cooking. The restaurant was full of guests every day and it was very lively.

At this moment, Tan Yushu brought news that the empress empress was ill and couldn't eat any food every day, and she lost weight all at once, and her condition was not very good!

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