The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2070: We are a family

"Of course she will. If she wants to marry into the Ming Palace, she will definitely start with me. Don't worry, she will definitely come!" Gu Xiaowan was practicing her calligraphy, and she put the pen on the pen after she finished writing the last stroke. On the mountain, as soon as he stretched his muscles and bones, I saw Kou Hai approaching: "Girl, Gu Xintao and Sun are here!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled at Zuo: "Look, isn't this here?"

"Miss" Zuo was a little uneasy: "Gu Xintao and Sun are uneasy and kind. They definitely came with an abacus. I'm worried that they will be against you!"

"I've seen their strategy 800 years ago. They just want me to be ruined. Don't worry, I'll take a look with her this time, who counts whom!" Gu Xiaowan smiled triumphantly and lifted her foot. Go to the front yard!

When Ah Zuo saw this, he was too busy to keep up, but he was a hundred and twenty wary in his heart. He must stay by the girl's side all the time, and he must not be sloppy!

When Gu Xiaowan entered the main hall, Gu Xintao and Sun clan stood there respectfully, with their hands hanging down, looking very restrained and respectful.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan coming, Gu Xintao and Sun looked up hurriedly, with joy on their faces: "Xiaowan, you are here!"

"Sister and Auntie, sit down, the two are here this time, but what's the matter?" Gu Xiaowan asked with a smile.

Gu Xintao always smiled and said affectionately: "I was not at home a few days ago. My mother said that you went to see me and I was fine. The princess left me with something. It took me a few more days. When I am free, I will come to see you, Xiao Wan, you are getting more and more beautiful, I am afraid that no one can have your style like this because of this exclaiming level!"

Gu Xintao didn't know if it was an illusion, but felt that Gu Xiaowan today is very different from before.

In the past, Gu Xiaowan was also beautiful, but beautiful, dignified and generous, with a normal face, as if she was a pretty lady. But now looking at it, I don't know what's going on, Gu Xintao only feels that Gu Xiaowan's eyebrows are a little raised, and it actually gives people a deceptive feeling.

It was the same as before, but the look between the eyebrows and the smiles added a bit of seductiveness!

That's right, it's seductive!

Not to mention a man, she is a woman, and now she is all confused by Gu Xiaowan. She stared at the woman in front of her blankly, and she couldn't get her back!

Gu Xiaowan took a sip of tea. Seeing Gu Xintao's dazed appearance, she was a little strange: "Cousin Xintao, what's wrong with you?"

Sun was also a little surprised. What happened to Xin Tao today, and she hurriedly pulled her sleeves, and said softly: "Xin Tao, what's wrong with you? Xiaowan asks you something!"

"Oh," Gu Xintao was pulled by the Sun family, and then she came back to her senses, knowing that she had been fascinated by Gu Xiaowan just now, and she was a little bit sceptical.

But he didn't dare to say it, he just smiled and said, "It's just that I haven't seen Xiao Wan for some days. I just feel that Xiao Wan's appearance is much more beautiful now!"

Gu Xintao smiled, but she hated her to death in her heart!

It was born to both grandparents and grandparents, and the country was born to Tianxiang, who had never heard of Tian, ​​why could her daughter grow up like this!

Not only does it make men salivate, but also make women look at it, but it also makes the eyeballs stop moving!

Gu Xintao hated her in her heart, but she was very enthusiastic on her face, but the jealousy and anger in her eyes could not be hidden!

Gu Xiaowan just pretended not to see it, and just talked to Gu Xintao: "Sister, now I look even more beautiful! If I were a man, I would be attracted by the beauty of my sister too! I hope to marry home soon. Day and night are relative!"

Gu Xintao's face flushed with shame, looked at the people in the room, and pretended to be angry and said, "Xiaowan, what are you talking about, me?"

This is shy, Gu Xiaowan understood her, she quickly rejected everyone, only she and the Sun family’s mother and daughter were left, and she said in a serious tone: “Sister, I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. Well, our Gu family will not be well. Since you have come to the capital now, I am afraid that it is the future plan to settle down in the capital! I will not say anything else, my status in the capital today is definitely better than you Well, if you need me, just tell me, I can help, try to help, it can be regarded as full of our sisterhood, after all, break the bones and connect the tendons, we are still a family!"

"Yes, yes, it's a family, it's a family!" Sun said hurriedly, "We and Xiaowan are a family. Even if those outsiders want to help us, they must have a purpose, peach, we can I want to listen to Xiaowan, know? She will do it for us!"

Gu Xintao was a little bit twisted. It seemed that Gu Xiaowan was so enthusiastic. She was so embarrassed and said, "Xiaowan, I know, we are relatives, and we have the same blood in our bones. No one of us kisses. We are in love with each other. Naturally, no one can bully us, can they?"

"Yes, elder sister, if you can think of it like this, it’s best. Let them pass the unpleasant things in the past! I am a younger sister, and I am not sensible. If my sister needs my help in the future, I will definitely Help sister!"

Gu Xintao nodded: "Okay, with Xiaowan's words, my sister is satisfied! Right now, I do have one thing that needs your help!"

Immediately afterwards, he shared his thoughts with Gu Xiaowan, exactly as Gu Xiaowan guessed!

She wanted to marry into the palace, but she suffered from no chance. Although Shu Lin liked her, she never mentioned that she wanted to carry her into the palace. She said that Shu Lin would carry her to the palace, and they were all to deceive Gu Chuanlu and Sun Xi'e!

Seeing that the time grew longer and longer, something like that happened again later. Although no one saw it, she always felt like a thorn in her head. She was afraid that when this thorn would stick to her body, In severe cases, you will kill yourself!

Seeing Gu Xiaowan becoming more and more charming now, thinking that this person's identity, status, and beauty are a thousand times or ten thousand times better than her, her heart is like a fire burning, wishing to burn herself to death.

Gu Xiaowan saw Gu Xintao's envy and jealousy in his eyes, unmoved, drank tea leisurely, and waited for the two of them to speak: "Sister tell me, if Xiaowan can help, I will do my best!"

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