The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2071: Thirty forty

"Xiaowan, you also know that my sister loves Xiao Shizi and is in love with him, but because of my low status, I don't know how to speak to him. If not, my sister will go to mention Xiao Shizi. You are a princess, you speak to him, he is not good at refuting you!"

Gu Xiaowan sneered in her heart, this Gu Xintao was shameless, and she really got home. She is shameless, and she has to be shameless, how could there be such a shameless person, let her sister go to match her!

Seeing Gu Xiaowan's expression a little ugly, Gu Xintao hurriedly continued: "Xiaowan, if you feel bad, then forget it. I'll beg the son again, in my whole life, it must be because he didn't marry!"

"That's the identity of the youngest son, the elder sister." Gu Xiaowan looked at Gu Xintao as if looking at an object. Gu Xintao was very angry, but it was not easy to attack!

"I know that my status is humble, but I have never thought about marrying him. His wife must be a daughter of a high school, a famous family. How dare I have such extravagant hopes, I only hope that I can be him My concubine room, I'm also satisfied!" Gu Xintao explained hurriedly, and sure enough, Gu Xiaowan's face was slightly softened!

"Sister, you are a serious girl, and this is the scene in your home. Your brother works in the household department, and your father is the housekeeper of the restaurant. If you want to marry someone from a normal family background, it will be easy. If you marry a normal person , I believe that you can be a true wife. Why marry into that high gate and be a concubine!" Gu Xiaowan persuaded her heartfeltly. After all, it is best for a woman to be a wife rather than a concubine. Confession.

But when Gu Xintao heard it, she felt that Gu Xiaowan was deliberately instigating herself. His face collapsed at the moment: "Xiao Wan, that is the Ming Palace, even if it is the concubine of the youngest son, it is the concubine of the youngest son. If the youngest son becomes the prince in the future, then I will be the royal concubine. There are so many women in the world, how many princes and concubines are there? So who is not going to be beautiful? Who wants to marry an ordinary person and be the wife of a lifetime, but has no ability!" Gu Xintao's tone was a little unkind, said After that, I was afraid that Gu Xiaowan would be angry, but saw that she was smiling the whole time, so she didn't take it seriously.

Sun also said: "Yes, Xiaowan, Xintao is right! Look at you, now you are a princess, you will marry anyone you want, you are a princess, you are beautiful, But Xintao is different. She is not a princess. It is also good to find a man who can make her a concubine! You think it is not?"

"Since the elder sister and the aunt have already planned, what else does Xiao Wan have to say! But, I also want to remind the next two that this Wangfumen is not so easy to enter!" Gu Xiaowan still leisurely laughed.

Gu Xintao's expression sank again, and she thought to herself: "Who doesn't know that it is difficult to enter the palace, otherwise, I would have entered a long time ago and would not wait so long!"

I thought so in my heart, and when I came to my lips, it was: "Xiao Wan, my elder sister knows that the palace is difficult to enter, isn't this just coming to you for help? You are now a princess, you are the favorite princess of the emperor and the queen mother. You are now as high as the youngest son. If you can talk to the youngest son, he will definitely listen to you! If I can really marry into the palace, what do you want me to do for you in the future? Anything!" Gu Xintao said with a look of expectation.

Sun also nodded hurriedly: "Yes, Xiaowan, if the family doesn’t talk about two things, you don’t help Xintao, who do you help! After the Xintao gets better, so are you! You also think about it, the emperor Who knows about the grace of Hedong for thirty years and 40 years for Hexi, who knows who will be up and who will be down in the future? Do more good deeds, and there will be more roads in the future, right? Think about it, Ning’an, Xiao Yi and the others are in the capital. If you are married in the future, how can you manage so much land? With the help of two people, Ziwen and Xintao, our family will definitely get better and better in the future!"

Sun Xi'e flushed. When she said that the Gu family would get better and better, her face became more and more red, and her eyes flashed with scorching light, as if she had seen the Gu family flourish in the capital!

And Gu Xiaowan, a 30-year-old man in Hedong, who knows, will the Gu family's big house become the 40-year-old Hexi!

This is cursing Gu Xiaowan, who knows what will happen in the future! Or maybe it is hinting that Gu Xiaowan, don't be too proud now, who knows who will ask who in the future!

Gu Xiaowan was "moved" by the two of them, nodded, "firmly" said: "Sister, auntie, you are right, we are a family, then the things you fight for me should not happen again, after all We are a family. Helping outsiders, it’s better to help your family. Don’t worry, if I can help, I will definitely help. On the side of the younger generation, if I have a chance next time, I’ll find him. See if I can speak for my sister"

"Xiaowan, yes, I can definitely!" Before Gu Xiaowan finished her words, she saw Gu Xintao nodding happily, with a look of excitement. It seemed that as long as Gu Xiaowan could talk about it, the youngest son could turn his head. Married Gu Xiaowan!

"Okay, then I will make an appointment next time with the younger brother, sister and aunt, don't worry!"

Gu Xiaowan also said firmly.

I saw all three of them happily. When Gu Xintao was sent away, there was a smile on the road, and the sisters and sisters hung on their lips, with affectionate expressions. If others didn’t know, they thought they belonged to them. The relationship is too good!

Sun and Gu Xintao got on the carriage and left. When they saw Gu Xintao smiled, they were also happy: "Now it's all right, Gu Xiaowan promised to help! My heart, you can rest assured!"

"Don't worry, why don't I rest assured, as long as she is willing to find the youngest son, that youngest son will definitely marry me!" Gu Xintao said excitedly.

The Sun family was a little curious, and he was a little puzzled in his heart: "What? Is this Gu Xiaowan's words so useful? The youngest son will definitely listen to her and marry you? Then there is Prince Ming, what should he do if he disagrees?"

Gu Xintao didn't explain Sun's doubts, but mysteriously said: "Of course, you can wait. As long as she sees the youngest son, I will definitely enter the palace!"

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