The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2076: Strip them

Shu Lin paused and looked at Gu Xiaowan, who was already shaking, and said triumphantly: "Princess Anping, don't leave. I brought you someone today. You haven't seen each other for a long time. Let’s relive the past!"

Gu Xiaowan grabbed the stool on the side and shook her head vigorously, trying to stay awake: "Who?"

"Your sweetheart, Qin Yizhi," Shu Lin smiled triumphantly, then clapped his hands: "It took us a long time to find such a person! I heard that you are in love with him, but if he does not marry, today, you will Be gentle and gentle!"

Hearing the movement on the side, Shu Lin smiled triumphantly: "What? Your sweetheart is right in front of you, why don't you hurry up and hug you? There are beds in the wing of this world, so you will be warm and gentle! It is also me. Repay you!"

Gu Xiaowan looked at Shu Lin's complacent look and sneered in her heart, and all at once understood Gu Xintao's plan!

"Have you put medicine in the cakes and tea?" Gu Xiaowan asked faintly, holding her head.

"Of course, I didn't expect you to be so good. It took two cakes and two cups of tea to break out!" Shu Lin became more and more proud: "Today, my son will ruin you!"

Seeing Shu Lin's hideous face, Gu Xiaowan closed her eyes, and a sneer formed at the corner of her mouth.

Gu Xintao, you are unkind, so don't blame me for being unrighteous! Calculating yourself again and again, this time, it is the last time!

Gu Xiaowan pretended to faint and fainted directly.

Seeing that no one came to hug Gu Xiaowan, Shu Lin was a little annoyed, and did not dare to speak loudly. For fear that the maid outside might arouse suspicion, he walked into the side room and asked coldly: "Why can't you come out?"

I just felt that the smell in the wing was strong. After Shu Lin smelled it, his body was a little shaky, but he tried his best to hold back and drank displeasedly: "It's really useless, this medicine won't be used! Qin Yizhi"

He just wanted to call someone, but felt that the fragrance was getting stronger and stronger. Shu Lin wanted to go out as soon as possible, but it was too late. He was unconscious and fainted!

I saw that at this moment, a person came out from inside, and he also carried a person who had passed out in his hand, and threw him aside.

Gu Xiaowan, who was supposed to have fainted just now, stood up, stood outside, and said coldly, "Amad, take his clothes off! Let's go!"

There was a response from the inside, and then I saw Ahmad took off the clothes of Shu Lin and the man just now, and then threw them on the bed in an ambiguous posture!

When he was finished, Ahmad came outside and took off the veil that had been on his face: "Girl, what shall we do now?"

"You take me away, Gu Xintao and Shu Lin must have already planned to stun me, and then let that person defile me. But, what did Gu Xintao tell Shu Lin about Brother Jizhi, they were able to find out A Qin Fei's coming?" Gu Xiaowan asked Ahmad if it was already difficult to get in.

I saw Ah Mo's face suddenly darkened, and his voice was like an ice skating in the cold winter: "I don't know where to find someone. Compared to Brother Qin, it is just a strand of hair, it can't match!" This is strange, how could Shu Lin find such a person, and that he is Qin Yizhi!

Gu Xiaowan was strange and strange, but it was nothing: "Let's go, it's been so long, I'm afraid Gu Xintao will come to catch the traitor later!"

Ah Mo took Gu Xiaowan and jumped out from the window. And Zuo and Kou Dan were still guarding at the door. At this moment, Gu Xintao came out from the next room. Seeing Zuo and Kou Dan were still waiting at the door, they stepped forward and asked: "Xiao Wan is still inside. Well?"

Zuo nodded: "I didn't see the girl coming out!"

Gu Xintao's complexion turned red for a while and white for a while, as if he was very convulsive: "I haven't come out yet, should I go in here?"

Zuo and Koudan looked at each other and didn't speak.

Gu Xintao went back and forth at the door several times, her expression worried and shy, she said to herself: "I don't know if they have finished talking."

After walking several times, Gu Xintao stomped and said angrily: "Forget it, don't be so boring, you'll know if you go in and see!"

Kou Dan and Zuo did not speak, watching Gu Xintao talking to herself, and then she stood at the door of the wing, sorted out her clothes, and then knocked on the door. There was no sound from inside. Gu Xintao knocked again and said : "Huh? What's the matter? Why no one should respond?"

Zuo and Kou Dan have been looking at Gu Xintao, and they saw that she said to herself again: "It's probably the two of them talking so much, I'm going in!"

Gu Xintao went in, and Zuo and Kou Dan wanted to go in too. The guards on the side hurriedly stopped: "Two of you stay! My master did not speak, I can't let them in!"

Zuo and Kordan didn't move, they looked at each other, and then smiled unconsciously.

At this moment, there was a sudden hysterical sound from inside, which was from Gu Xintao!

When the guard standing at the door heard the movement inside, he was suddenly shocked. He pushed the door and wanted to go in, but he didn't dare to go in. When he was embarrassed, Zuo said: "If you make such a loud noise, you don't even go in. If something happens to your master, who will take care of it! If you don't enter, I will enter!"

After Zuo finished speaking, he was about to push away the guard and walked inside. The guard was a little startled for a while, and when he was pushed by Zuo, he pushed away, and then saw Zuo and Kou Dan rushing inside.

There was no one in the wing, so Zuo walked to the bedroom beside him, shouting, "Girl, girl" as he walked.

When Gu Xintao saw the scene on the bed, she was almost stunned. She made the hysterical roar just now, and then she knew that she had caused a disaster!

The voices of Zuo and Kou Dan from outside gradually came, and Gu Xintao knew that if they discovered this, Shu Lin was afraid that he would kill herself.

Thinking of this, Gu Xintao didn't care why she didn't see Gu Xiaowan anymore. She rushed out of it, and stopped Zuo and Kou Dan: "Two girls, there are so many cakes, two of them follow me. Have some pastries, come!"

Gu Xintao's actions were too obvious. Zuo didn't believe him, so he would throw off Gu Xintao: "Where is my girl?"

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