The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2077: I was watched by Zuo

Where does Gu Xintao know where Gu Xiaowan has gone!

Obviously, she should have seen Gu Xiaowan and the "Qin Yizhi" on the bed just now. She didn't know that Gu Xiaowan hadn't seen it. "Qin Yizhi" was also there, but it was not Gu Xiaowan, but the son of the world. !

Shi Ziye was stripped of his body, just lying ambiguously with "Qin Yizhi". If this is discovered, it is seen by others.

Gu Xintao didn't even dare to think about it. He pulled Zuo and Kou Dan and was about to go outside. How could they possibly leave when they "didn't see" the girl, they threw off Gu Xintao and asked sternly, "My family Where's the girl? Where is my girl?"

"Where did your girl go? How did I know that Shi Ziye has rested, and you two should go quickly. If Shi Ziye has a rest later, if he wakes up, I can't help you!" Gu Xintao cried. I was about to cry.

She is scared!

If someone sees it, or if Shi Ziye wakes up at this moment.

No, she must send these two people away as soon as possible, and get out of the world!

Zuo and Koudan didn't believe it: "You are talking nonsense, my girl is clearly in it, and she hasn't come out, but you say she is gone, what are you talking about!"

Gu Xintao was about to cry: "I said, she really isn't in it, she's not in it!"

Zuo and Kou Dan looked at each other, Kou Dan hurriedly pulled Gu Xintao, Gu Xintao was restrained by Kou Dan, where there was still the mind to take care of Zuo, Zuo quickly rushed into the wing.

When she saw the human figure on the bed, A Zuo had a sullen smile on her mouth. She quickly opened the mattress and soon saw the two white bodies covered by the quilt!

Immediately afterwards, he let out a deafening shout: "Ah"

Gu Xintao was blocking Kou Dan from the outside, and how did he know that Zuo had already stepped inside at this moment. When he heard the hysterical shout, Gu Xintao turned around in surprise and went inside.

The bodies of the two white flowers on the bed are in a glance, and the faces of the people on that bed clearly appear in front of them.

Zuo pointed at the person on the bed tremblingly, and asked in a trembling voice, "Is this a kid?"

Gu Xintao was also stunned, and hurriedly pulled up the mattress, covered the two people tightly, and then blocked them in front of them, with a little trembling voice: "You guys don't speak out, don't speak out!"

Zuo shivered with "scare": "How could this be? What about my girl?"

Gu Xintao also wants to know where Gu Xiaowan has gone! But the top priority now is not the time to find Gu Xiaowan!

Gu Xintao looked at Kou Dan who was rushing in, and then at Zuo, who was staring at him eagerly, anxiously like ants on a hot pot: "You two, you have also seen it, your girl is not here, you guys go outside. Find it!"

After speaking, you must push the two out!

The guard outside hadn't come in yet, Zuo had already seen Chunguang at this time, how embarrassed to watch it by himself, and stood still, no matter how much Gu Xintao pushed, he couldn't move it!

"Miss Gu, you let me find other places? I just want to ask you, where is my girl? Where is my girl? If you don't return my girl to me, I won't leave here today!" Zuo took advantage of the situation and sat down on the chair beside him. Fortunately, he picked up the kettle in front of him in his spare time, added some tea to himself, and drank it comfortably. It seemed that he would not leave if he saw Gu Xiaowan.

At this moment, Gu Xintao was about to die of anxiety.

Here I am afraid that Shu Lin doesn't know when he will wake up, and there he is afraid of those outsiders rushing in. If this is discovered by too many people, after Shu Lin wakes up, he will still kill himself!

Gu Xintao was anxious and frightened, and hurriedly begged Zuo: "Miss Zuo, please, go out quickly, here you have seen it just now, this is the son of the world, if he knows that you have seen it Why shouldn't you see this, this is mortal!"

Zuo was fearless: "Why? Shi Ziye still has such a hobby? It is really eye-opening. Since Shi Ziye wants to kill me, then I shouted and let more people come and see. Shi Ziye can kill me, see if he can kill all the people in the world!"

After speaking, Zuo opened his mouth, and he was about to shout.

When Gu Xintao saw this, for fear that she would shout out, she hurriedly covered her mouth, and pleaded bitterly: "Don't shout, don't shout!"

Zuo glared at Gu Xintao and snorted. When Gu Xintao saw that she really could not yell, she let go, but she was still a little worried: "Girl Zuo, please, please go out first! You girls Xu was out just now. If you are looking for her, you can go outside and look for her! This son of the world will soon wake up. I was seen by us. We can't escape death! I don't want to die!"

Gu Xintao said anxiously, tears streaming down her cheeks, and she looked at Zuo with a grievance, begging on her face.

Zuo ignored her and snorted coldly: "Miss Gu, you gave me an explanation. My girl was originally inside. Kou Dan and I have always been guarding outside. We never saw my girl inside. Seeing such a glamorous scene, why? Miss Gu, shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

Zuo held his chest with his hands, and squinted at Gu Xintao with his slanted eyes, with a defiant expression on his face.

Gu Xintao was anxiously jumping her feet: "Miss Zuo, please, go out first, and I will explain to you later, OK? I don't know how to explain this appearance! Please, please!"

She looked at Zuo scaredly and at the person on the bed, her face flushed anxiously.

Seeing Gu Xintao's anxiety like an ant on a hot pot, Zuo's goal was achieved. Besides, she didn't want to stay here anymore. Shu Lin, who was awakened, knew that she knew of his embarrassment!

Zuo shook his legs, stood up, and said coldly, "Well, I will let you go today, Kou Dan, let's go find our girl!"

After finishing speaking, take Codan and go!

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