The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2101: Meet old people

After Gu Chuanlu ordered, Sun Xi'e nodded in fear and fear after listening, like a domestic servant. Gu Xintao touched his unswollen belly with a look of contemplation, but he didn't even see that the relationship between his father and his mother has become the relationship between the master and the servant.

However, if she saw it, she didn't think it had anything to do with her.

Sun Xi'e respectfully watched Gu Chuanlu leave. Today, I heard that Gu Chuanlu has taken a day off from Suiyu Guzhai, so he doesn't need to go to the restaurant today.

But Gu Chuanlu still went out, wearing a brand-new clothes on his body, as if he was the same Mr. Gu who you chased after me many years ago in the village.

Seeing Gu Chuanlu holding his head high and walking out of the hospital with high spirits, Sun Xi'e couldn't help but finally asked, "My head, will you come back for dinner tonight?"

Gu Chuanlu didn't answer, even without stopping, as if he didn't hear him, he walked out the door directly.

Only Sun Xi'e with a lonely face was left, and tears dripped down like broken beads.

Gu Xintao was thinking about it in a daze, and in her heart, she made up her mind to prepare for her happy dress, so she called Sun Xi'e in again, and she gave another explanation, and Sun Xi'e hurried out.

Gu Xintao had to make two big red suits. Although she didn't go through the door seriously, she was going to be with the son of the world at any rate, so she couldn't be casual.

Sun Xi'e went out with some silver that Gu Xintao gave him. Gu Xintao's name-calling points to Cuifang's head and face, Jinxiu Cloth's wedding dress, these are expensive, Sun Xi'e has no silver, can only call people.

Sun Xi'e went out of the courtyard and quickly walked to the street. She rarely goes out on weekdays. Even if she goes out, she just buys a la carte at the market. Diancuifang and Jinxiu Cloth Village are both in the capital. On the bustling street, there is still a distance from the yard where she lives now.

Su Xi'e asked as she walked and finally came to the wide and prosperous street. Seeing the surrounding pavements, all of them were high-end households, and the guests who came and went were all silk and satin, sitting on tall horses or delicate soft sedan chairs. These, Sun Xi'e is a little dazzled.

After searching for a long time, I finally found Diancuifang in this dazzling array of shops. The owner of Diancuifang knew Gu Xintao. Sun Xi'e only said Gu Xintao’s name, and the guy immediately picked several things and said yes When someone in the shop guards, just go over.

Sun Xi'e couldn't take it home by herself, so she had to respond. She said she was going to find the next house. At this moment, someone pulled her sleeve and shouted in disbelief: "Mrs. Gu" Mrs. Gu?

Since coming to the capital, no one has called her Madam Gu's name anymore. Sun Xi'e thought she had misheard, and she was going to continue walking, but the person behind him pulled her sleeves reluctantly: "Mrs. Gu , Mrs. Gu"

Sun Xi'e looked back and saw a familiar face, and immediately shouted: "Mrs. Liang"

The person who came was surprisingly the wife of the village head Liang who was the head of Wuxi Village. At this moment, she saw her face with wind and frost, dusty, sunken eye sockets, and wrinkles on her face. This is only a few years of work. How did it become what it is now.

Sun Xi'e was puzzled and asked Mrs. Liang, "Mrs. Liang, what's wrong with you? What's wrong?"

Before Madam Liang started to speak, she sighed, and tears fell: "Madam Gu, it's hard to say a word!"

The two casually found a cheap tea stall and sat down to chat. When the pot of tea was almost finished, Sun Xi'e listened to the story of Mrs. Liang and was embarrassed.

It turned out that the village chief’s son and wife were working in other places, and suddenly they didn’t know what was wrong, so they fell ill. The two village chiefs and his wife found a place where they were doing things to make trouble, forcing the victim to pay a large sum of money.

The village chief Liang and his wife lost their children in two old ages. The white-haired man gave the black-haired man a lot of age. After taking the money, they originally planned to rely on that little money to marry Liang Dabao a good wife who is diligent and capable. Individuals also help and support, and life should be able to live on.

But what I thought was quite good. Liang Dabao fell in love with a girl, and the two of them were happy, but where did they know that after giving the bride price, the girl did not know where a husband came out and said it was Liang. Dabao molested the Liang family’s women. Leng let the husband who came out beat him up. A good man, Leng was lying in bed for more than half of the first half of the year. In order to treat Liang Dabao’s illness, all the properties in the house, All the silver was spent, and he was impoverished.

But at any rate, Liang Dabao's life was saved. Because of that stall, I don't know who was at fault. Village Chief Liang was reluctant to do things in the village, so he just wandered around with them with a burden. I plan to find something to do and settle down.

After listening to Sun Xi'e, she shed a few tears, and asked about Liang Dabao's situation, and learned that he was like a normal person, and her heart fell to the ground.

"I watched Dabao grow up, and he has a good relationship with my family. Hey, I didn’t expect that something like this happened. You Dabao grew up well and honestly. Don’t worry, just take it. This good girl must be a good story!" Sun Xi'e comforted Madam Liang.

Mrs. Liang wiped her tears at hearing, and then kept nodding: "I know, Mrs. Gu, who didn't live this day? My family is healthy and healthy. It is worthwhile for me and his grandpa to be tired. Besides, That child, now that he has grown up, he knows that he feels sorry for others, and he is also looking for things to do outside. When they are all settled down, the good life of our Liang family will come!"

Mrs. Liang just finished speaking, she wiped her tears and looked at Sun Xi'e's current dress, with a look of admiration: "Mrs. Gu, are you doing well in the capital nowadays? I just watched you come out from Diancuifang. There are some days in the capital, but I know that the things in Cuifang are expensive! Tsk tsk, you have a good life, look at what you wear, don’t you look like a noble lady!"

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