The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2102: The Liang family has entered Beijing

After listening to Mrs. Liang's compliment, Sun Xi'e felt unusually comfortable.

Seeing Mrs. Liang’s haggard appearance and the misfortune of this family, I thought that although my life in Beijing was average, but I saw this appearance that was similar to me before, and now I am proud of this appearance. Feeling spontaneously.

Just sitting, I feel that my back is quite strong. When I spoke, I became more confident, and when I looked at Madam Liang, this head was raised a lot: "Beijing, this place, I don’t know how much money is spent on it. Come to the capital, you can do it. Planning? Where are you now?"

Mrs. Liang dodged her eyes when she heard Sun Xi'e's words, and she hurriedly pointed to a place and said, "We live in a small inn in front of us. The conditions are good and the price is not expensive. I just thought about it. Come, when his grandfather and Dabao have found things to do, and the days have stabilized, I will rent a house and earn a few years in the capital, and then I will tell my Dabao my wife, and our family will renew At first, that was pretty good too!"

Sun Xi'e listened to Mrs. Liang's plan and nodded: "Yes, since you already have a plan, it is the best!"

The Sun originally wanted to sit for a while longer. Listening to Mrs. Liang’s current situation, I feel proud of myself, but watching the sun is about to set, Jinxiu Cloth Village has not gone yet, so I can only say goodbye: "Mrs. Liang, I still have some things, why don't you give me an address, then I will see you when I am free?"

When she heard that Sun Xi'e was leaving, Mrs. Liang was a little bit reluctant, but she had no choice but to say: "My inn is hard to find. Why don't you tell me where your house currently lives? I'll look for you!"

Sun Xi'e didn't think so much. She told Mrs. Liang an address. After she listened to it, she silently wrote it down, with a look of envy: "Your family can be successful now, and all have houses in the capital!"

Sun Xi'e was proud of her face, and stepped straight out of her back: "I often come to play when you have time!"

After speaking, she hurried away. Madam Liang meditated several times in her heart the address Sun Xi'e had just given. There was a shuddering calculation in her always apathetic eyes. She also left the tea stand and did not go to just now. She pointed to where she lived, but walked away quickly to the other side.

Perhaps she has stayed in the capital for a long time, and she even knew the twists and turns of the capital, and she kept walking in the remote alleys along the capital, the more and the more deviated, the more messy she went, but Mrs. Liang still didn't know it, she still went inside.

Finally came to a fiasco, and saw that the bricks and tiles were all dilapidated, and it looked like it had been a long time ago. Moreover, the door was mottled, and a small piece of it was probably smashed through, and then someone used it again. The other wooden board, like sewing clothes, is even more dilapidated.

Mrs. Liang opened the door without hesitation and walked in. The door was old and creaked and faltered.

After the door was opened, an unpleasant smell came out, like the smell of something eroded, Madam Liang didn't care so much, her face didn't change at all, and she went straight in.

There is only one room in this house, and the inside is even more chaotic. I saw a pile of firewood stacked in one corner of the house, and an iron stove was placed on top of it. Perhaps it has been used for many years. The iron stove is full of black pot embroidery. Can't see what it is.

In the other corner of the room, there are a few quilts whose original color cannot be seen clearly. They are thrown away on the ground full of straw, and there are some bricks beside them, all built up like stools for sitting.

The whole house looked abnormally dilapidated, like a house for homeless people. Mrs. Liang sniffed and let out a long sigh, then looked outside, there was still some sun, and moved the already heavy cotton wool out to dry. .

Suddenly, there was a soft footstep outside, and a soft voice shouted from behind: "Mrs. Liang, don't come here without problems."

The sun finally set down from the west, and the fiery red sunset is like a big red dye vat, dyeing the white clouds and blue sky red.

Unusually dazzling.

There was no movement in the dilapidated house. Village Chief Liang walked in from inside and pushed open the door. The dilapidated wooden door creaked, and the sound was unusually harsh.

Seeing that there was still a black light inside, Mr. Liang's fire suddenly got up: "My old lady, this black light, you don't have a meal? Dabao and I have been busy for a long time, and we are almost starving to death!"

Liang Dabao walked in bitterly behind, full of grievances: "Grandpa, what do you say are we coming to the capital? Can people live in such a shabby place? I fight against food in the grain shop. In the afternoon, I’m back"

Liang Dabao complained and felt bitter, touching his back, complaining constantly.

Village Chief Liang looked at his precious grandson with a distressed expression on his face: "If you can't live, you have to live. Is it possible that you have to go back and be beaten? If you don’t have any money, you’re a little boy. If you don’t have any money, what will you do to me? Your dead parents, me and your grandmother, don’t live anymore!"

"Grandpa!" Liang Dabao wanted to retort, but when he thought of the things he had done, he couldn't help but swallowed back.

Thinking of what I wanted before, in the village, whoever sees that he is not respecting himself as Young Master Liang, it is better now, he has grown up so big, and has never done such a lowly physical work.

Village Chief Liang was still admonishing Liang Dabao, and he saw Liang Dabao complaining dissatisfied: "If you guys have more money, will you be like this? Now, let me do such a sordid thing. From tomorrow on, I will be I won't go again, you want to go, you go!"

After Liang Dabao finished speaking angrily, he rushed into the room.

Village Chief Liang is getting older. He was so irritated by Liang Dabao that he felt his blood flowed up. He thought that his son and daughter-in-law had died at a young age, leaving behind a debt collector. After such a great disaster, they couldn't help it. Then they left home. He was in his 50s. Is it easy for his grandson?

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