The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2103: Gu's big room is really rich

When Village Chief Liang thought of these grievances, he was so angry that he did not fight, and then he took Mu Gen and followed him: "Liang Dabao, you can be patient, you are talented, I still have to give it to me at such a great age. You can eat and drink, and you can enjoy the blessing all day long. I will kill you, a lazy guy, your father is not as bad as you!"

Village Mayor Liang lifted the stick and rushed into the house. Liang Dabao was inside. Hearing the curse of Village Chief Liang, he jumped up and rushed towards Mrs. Liang: "Grandma, grandpa is going to hit me again, grandma, Stop him, if you beat me to death, you will cut off your children and grandchildren!"

Liang Dabao's words almost made Village Chief Liang spit out a mouthful of old blood, and said: "You are an unfilial son, I just killed you today, and then I will go down to look for your parents and see how you indulge you!"

The wooden stick in Village Chief Liang's hand was about to hit Liang Dabao. Mrs. Liang had been wandering around the world all the time. Hearing such a violent movement, she immediately recovered.

Liang Dabao cried and screamed, and the Liang cried out as soon as he heard it: "Liang Shouyi, if you dare to touch Dabao a finger, my old lady will fight with you! His parents are gone, and we are left. Now, a lonely child, what do you want to do!"

When Liang Shouyi heard it, the wooden stick that was raised high fell gently and fell to the ground.

"Grandma, I'm not going to move food anymore. I'm so tired. All of my back is green. Take a look, take a look!" Liang Dabao was very proud of his heart when he saw that his grandfather had thrown away all his sticks. Complain in front of Liang!

Liang looked at the bruise on Liang Dabao's shoulder. It was distressed, as if someone had been severely cut with a knife: "My son, you have worked hard!"

Liang Shouyi didn't say a word, squatted on the ground with his head drooping, and said nothing.

Liang Dabao is still complaining, and the Liang's heartbroken heart is broken: "My dear grandson, if you don't do it, then don't do it, ah, tomorrow, you won't have to do anything!"

When Liang Shouyi heard this, he became anxious: "If you don't do anything? What do we eat if you don't do anything? I'm an old bone, how can I support you two!"

Liang "Bah" took a sip: "Who asked you to do something?"

Liang Shouyi said doubtfully: "I'm not going to do anything. The three of us stand outside and drink northwest wind every day?"

The Liang smiled triumphantly, and was not anxious at all: "Master, do you guess who I met on the road today?"

"Who can there be? Is it possible to meet the Emperor Lao Tzu?" Liang Shouyi muttered, his face full of dissatisfaction.

"I met Sun Xi'e!" Liang said excitedly.

When Liang Shouyi heard this, he suddenly raised his head and asked in disbelief: "What? Did you meet Sun Xi'e?"

"Grandma, who is Sun Xi'e?" Liang Dabao asked suspiciously from the side.

"Sun Xi'e is the Sun clan, the heartbeat mother!" Liang clan explained patiently.

"Oh, did you find her? That's great!" Liang Dabao was excited when he heard it: "I didn't expect to let us find our hearts!"

Liang Shouyi was very excited at the beginning, but later he couldn't get excited anymore: "We live in such a house now, why are we embarrassed to find him?" Liang re-said what he and Sun Xi'e said today, and told Liang Dabao: "Dabao, you must remember it. If someone asks you Why did you come to the capital? You said you were cheated by a woman! Do you know? But be sure to tell the truth!"

When Liang Dabao heard that Gu Xintao had found him, he was very happy and promised in a hurry: "Don't worry, grandma, I'm not that stupid!"

Liang Shouyi didn't know what Liang had planned: "What do you want to do?"

"The head of the house," Liang said, "How much did you say we helped their family when we were in the village? We are down, and it should be when they reached out to us!"

Liang said quietly, looking a little gloomy in this dark room.

Liang Shouyi and Liang Dabao were immersed in excitement and excitement, and they didn't even notice the calculation flashed in Liang's eyes.

On the second day, Sun Xi'e woke up early in the morning and made many delicious foods for Gu Xintao, and even stewed a cup of bird’s nest. Gu Xintao had been tossing for a long time yesterday and was exhausted. She was restless all night. She fell asleep in the middle of the night, and Sun did not bother her, put her food on the table and went out to work!

While sweeping the yard, I heard a knock on the door.

Sun Xi'e put down the broom, came to the door of the house, and opened a slit: "Who?"

"Mrs. Gu!"

Reno's greeting came from outside.

When Sun Xi'e saw it, it turned out to be the Liang family who had seen him yesterday. He was delighted and opened the door directly: "Mrs. Liang, what are you doing here?"

"I have come to see you. I haven't seen you for so many years. I just want to recognize the door! No, you see, I brought all my big treasures here, big treasure, hurry up and call my aunt!"

Liang pulled the eighteen or nine-year-old man aside, and said Reno.

When Liang Dabao saw Sun Xi'e, he hurriedly bowed and said, "Auntie!"

Sun Xi'e saw his son who was about the same age as Gu Ziwen, and saw that he was so polite, and immediately smiled: "Hey, hey, come in, come in!"

Leading Liang Clan and Liang Dabao to the front hall, after the two were seated, Sun Xi'e went down and poured tea for them.

Liang sits in the seat and waits quietly, but Liang Dabao can't calm down. Look here, feel there, see what is on the table, he opens the lid curiously, and then exclaims "Wow" : "Grandma, there is still bird's nest here!"

It’s not that Liang Dabao has never eaten bird’s nest, but only once or twice. The Liang family was still sitting quietly. Hearing Liang Dabao said it was bird’s nest, he couldn’t sit still, and went straight to the table, looking inside. Looking at things, sure enough, isn’t the stewed bird’s nest?

"Grandma, this Gu family's big room is really easy!" Liang Dabao rubbed his hands and smiled.

The Liang was afraid that Sun would be coming soon, so he hurriedly pulled Liang Dabao to the side and exhorted, "Don't talk nonsense later!"

While talking, the Sun came up with tea: "I'm sorry to leave you here. I am the only one at home. I can't get away!"

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