The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2104: Come find us

"It's okay, it's okay!" The Liang hurriedly waved his hand and said, "We have been in friendship for decades, so what do you say about this! But, you are such a big family, why don't you buy a son?"

Sun Xi'e brought the tea to them and replied with a smile: "Why don't you please, Xin Tao originally had a maid who was close to her body, but she suddenly ran away without knowing why, and she didn't know whether we treated her badly or what happened. Hey, this man from the capital, in the unbeatable rural area, this person is unreliable, and it's pretty good!"

The Liang hurriedly agreed, "Isn't it, the people in this capital are impetuous, they are not as good as ours, they are down to earth!"

"You saw it when you came. There are several people who have lived in my area, but to be honest, I have lived here for a long time. Who lives here and what is my name? I don’t know, the walls of this courtyard are high, the doors are closed, and the hearts of the people are cold!"

When Liang heard that, a thought flashed in his mind. Just when he wanted to speak, he heard Sun Xi'e pointing to the tea and saying: "Mrs. Liang, Dabao, drink it quickly. This tea will not taste good if it is cold!"

When Liang just wanted to blurt it out, she had to swallow it back. She smiled, picked up the tea, and drank it. I originally thought that the tea here was just ordinary tea served by ordinary people, but when I opened the lid, it turned out to be Lu'an melon slices.

Back then, as the wife of the village chief, Liang had seen and ate many good things!

She knows that Lu'an melon slices are generally only used by large families with a foundation to entertain guests. Otherwise, ordinary families will definitely not be so extravagant, and they will use Luan melon slices to entertain guests!

Liang's heart moved, this Gu family's big room can eat bird's nest and entertain guests with precious tea leaves such as Lu'an melon slices. They are probably making a lot of money in the capital!

Liang's face was as calm as water. After drinking a sip of tea, he praised the drink, and Sun couldn't help but triumphantly: "This was brought by Ziwen from the household department. I brought a big packet, enough for us to drink. It’s been a year, you know, I don’t like tea, and only my head likes to drink a little, so I can’t finish drinking it!"

The Liang family naturally knew that Gu Ziwen had not been admitted to the Juren, but entered the household department to work. You must know that the fact that Wuxi Village had a champion has long been spread.

Not only Wuxi Village has become a place where everyone wants to settle down, but even the academy where Gu Ning'an studied at the time. During this period, many people brought students to apprenticeship with teachers. If it weren't for Xu Xianlin's absence, I'm afraid that the academy will be full.

Liang Dabao received the Liang family's instruction and said enviously: "Brother Ziwen is really promising, and he has already worked in the household department. If only I could be half as good as Brother Ziwen!"

When Sun heard that someone praised his son, he must have been proud: "Dabao is also good, and he grows well. If your brother Wen has something to do in the future, you will definitely need to pull you out!"

When Liang heard this, he stood up excitedly and urged Liang Dabao: "Dabao, don't you hurry up and kowtow to auntie, such a great honor, you stupid boy!"

When Liang Dabao heard this, he hurriedly stood up, thumped and knelt down: "Thank you auntie, thank you auntie, if Dabao can do something, I will never forget the promotion of auntie today!" Seeing Liang Dabao kneeling in front of him, and the respectful look of Liang Dabao nodding and bowing his waist, his waist became straighter and straighter, and he didn't come down, so he shook his hand and said: "It's nothing, it's all from the folks in the village, we don't have so many foreign affairs!"

What else did Liang say, suddenly a shout came from outside: "Where is the person? Where has the person gone?"

The Liang family and Liang Dabao didn't know who dared to yell in the room, but the Sun family knew. Hearing the voice, he said hurriedly: "Mrs. Liang, sit down for a while, the child of Xin Tao is awake!"

After speaking, without waiting for Liang to say anything, Sun took the bird's nest on the table just now and ate the food and rushed out, looking anxiously, as if if he walked a step slowly, he would be eaten by a monster.

"I didn't expect that the bird's nest was actually eaten by Gu Xintao. Tsk tsk, eat such a good thing!" Liang Dabao said tut, licked his lips, swallowed.

The Liang patted Liang Dabao lightly: "What are we here for, don't forget, don't lose big because of small things!"

Liang Dabao hurriedly smiled: "I know, grandma!"

Sun took the things in, and saw Gu Xindiao sitting on the bed angry: "What's the matter with you? You haven't been here for so long. Are you afraid that you have forgotten what you are going to sit on? How did Dad tell you Yes, I want you to take care of me every step of the way. If something happens to me, don't blame your father for forgiving you!"

Sun nodded hurriedly: "Xin Tao, I just said a few words to someone just now, and I came over as soon as I heard your voice!"

"Who is coming to the door this early in the morning? Don't pick a time!" Gu Xintao mumbled.

"Oh, Madam Liang is here!" Sun said while helping Gu Xintao dress.

"Mrs. Liang? Which Mrs. Liang? What does the house do?" Gu Xin asked hurriedly after hearing it.

"It's not in the capital, but Liang Dabao's grandmother, the original wife of Wuxi Village, do you remember?" Sun said cautiously.

When Gu Xintao heard this, she frowned, "Why did they come to the capital?"

Sun recounted what Liang had said to her to Gu Xintao again, and Gu Xintao listened silently without saying anything.

"This Liang family is also unlucky. The white-haired man gave the black-haired man, the two old men raised a young man, and planned to live a good life. How did you know that Dabao wanted to marry a daughter-in-law and was cheated! I had already promised a man, and I directly beat Liang Dabao in bed for several months and couldn’t move. Later, to compensate, Liangcun also sold the house in the village to repay the debt. Liang Dabao lay in bed for a few months. It can be considered to have hollowed out the family!" Sun sighed: "My family is unfortunate!"

Sun's sigh, Gu Xintao didn't take it to heart. She took a bite of the bird's nest and snorted coldly: "I came to the capital. Could it be that you came to us specially!"

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