The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2127: Stall with such parents

Su Zi Yueju took a condescending look at Caiyue, who was the only one in the world, coldly snorted, and walked away!

Caiyue kept kneeling on the ground, not daring to raise her head, knowing that the steps in front of her had left, she dared to look up, only to see that Su Ziyue was gone and no one was seen.

She dared to stand up, only feeling that she was trembling with sweat from her back, and her clothes were blown by the wind, and it became cold, sticky and sticky to her body and waist, Caiyue gritted her teeth. Looking at the disappearing figure in front of him, a strong anxiety and panic suddenly surged in my heart.

Gu Xiaowan was sitting in the carriage, and the plans for this period of time were finally settled today.

Thinking of Gu Xintao's final embarrassment, a trace of unbearable flashed in her heart. She never thought of punishing Gu Xintao like this, but

That second idiot, the abnormal blush, and the Yingchun behind her with eyes dodge all the time

Gu Xiaowan didn't want to think about it anymore. Anyway, Ahmad and Zuo had already passed. What was the truth? When they came back, they all knew.

The carriage croaked through the street, and finally came to the street in Qingyuan, when the carriage stopped suddenly.

A crying voice came from outside: "Gu Xiaowan, you kill a thousand knives, why are you so cruel? Your aunt and your sister are also murdered, you will not die, you will kill you with thousands of knives! "

Gu Xiaowan sneered when she heard the voice: "It's good for him. I don't want to look for him, he is looking for me!"

Kou Hai said hurriedly, "Girl, let's go in through the back door!"

"No, just go to the front door. It's good for him to come. I haven't settled the previous accounts with him, so I'll forget it this time." Gu Xiaowan pulled down the curtain and snorted coldly.

Kou Hai drove the carriage and walked forward again. When Gu Chuanlu saw Gu Xiaowan getting off the carriage, he rushed towards Gu Xiaowan hysterically: "You kill a thousand swords, I will kill you, I will kill you!"

Gu Xiaowan was unmoved, Kou Hai stood in front and stopped Gu Xiaowan behind him: "This is Princess Anping, don't be rude!"

"I, princess Anping, it's a rotten beast, that's your sister, how can you do this? Just find a fool to slander my Tao'er's innocence, Gu Xiaowan, you will die!" Gu Chuanlu cursed angrily.

It seems that Gu Chuanlu has already heard of what happened in the government office. And, in order to give her daughter a head start, I came to Qingyuan to yell!

Gu Chuanlu didn't dare to step forward. Kou Hai was tall and mammoth, and his clenched fists were even harder than a rock. Gu Chuanlu dared to step forward and rushed halfway, then stopped, and then cursed. Seeing that his mouth was open, Gu Xiaowan was not annoyed, but instead asked: "Uncle Gu, do you know what your daughter has done wrong? You slander the princess's innocence, and you have to take the fool Lord Lai, you said such a sin, you came to find my trouble, don’t you think it’s funny?"

"What? Impossible, the child in Xintao’s belly belongs to the son of the world, and the son of the world also arranged a big house for us, and promised to lift Xintao into the door. There can be nothing wrong, nothing wrong! It's all you, I don’t think I’m going to be good, but I’m still trying to frame us, Gu Xiaowan, why are you so cruel!"

Gu Chuanlu originally worked in Suiyu Guzhai, and he did well. People even smiled at him respectfully, but when he came in again, the look on that face was completely different.

Those people pointed at them and talked and laughed. Gu Chuanlu wanted to come forward to greet them, but the guests avoided them as if to avoid the plague, and they didn't get close to him at all.

Gu Chuanlu was puzzled at first. Later, I heard that both Gu Xintao and Gu Xiaowan were in court. Gu Xintao was defiled by a fool. He also said that both Sun Xi'e and Gu Xintao were imprisoned in prison. Gu Chuanlu didn't ask such details, so he hurried to trouble Gu Xiaowan.

Where did you know that Gu Xiaowan's words shocked Gu Chuanlu.

"Uncle Gu, I also call you uncle. Now you have lost Gu Xintao. Then you should think about how to keep everything you currently have. After all, Gu Xintao's unclean body seduce the world Uncle Gu, think about it, how do you explain these problems to your son? Don’t think about yourself, think about your good son! After all, he can The household entry department was also arranged by the elder son!" Gu Xixiao finished speaking and passed by Gu Chuanlu.

Gu Chuanlu was shocked on the spot and couldn't say a word. He watched Gu Xiaowan pass by, but couldn't say a word.

What Gu Xiaowan said was right!

Gu Xintao has been ruined and it's useless, but he still has Gu Ziwen. As long as Shi Ziye is not angry with him, Gu Ziwen can still be in the household, and he will still be able to rise to the top in the future.

Gu Xintao is no longer useful, she has done so many wrong things, and now she is exposed to even hurt Gu Ziwen, it is a heinous crime!

Gu Chuanlu didn't want to think so much now, so he cursed an abomination and turned around and left.

Kou Hai was inside, seeing through the crack of the door that Gu Chuanlu was leaving without looking back, and then reported to Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Xiaowan sneered: "This is his daughter and wife. They threatened his interests, so they threw their safety out of the sky. I now sympathize with Gu Xintao. In this home that is favored only for its usefulness, she has done so many times for this family. Selling her body in exchange for Gu Chuanlu's usefulness is simply a no-brainer! However, she herself loves vanity, and she is responsible for it! Now that she gets such a result, her life is ruined!"

"Girl, Gu Xintao, that hateful woman, there is more than a guilty death, don't be sad!" Kou Hai saw Gu Xiaowan with emotion and awkwardly comforted.

"I'm not sad, I just don't think it's worth it for this woman! I don't need to be on the right path with a little thought, I just want to go the wrong way, and the evil will pay off. I don't sympathize with her at all!"

Gu Xiaowan said that it is time and time to tell Gu Fangxi everything. When Gu Fangxi was not at home, when the burning girl said that she had gone to Jinfulou, Gu Xiaowan didn't care.

When they returned to their room, Zuo and Ahmad came back after a while.

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