The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2128: Guan Dalao

"The girl was right. After that foolish beggar waited to go out, his face was still ugly. He ran to the road and caught whoever he saw. He kept saying that he wanted a bridal chamber!" Ahmad Congfu When he came out of the office, he kept following behind the fool beggar.

The two fools didn't wear well clothes, they just walked out so loosely, talking about the bridal chamber as they walked, and then as long as they saw people, they would pounce on others, thinking that they must have been drugged.

"This Shu Min is really vicious. We brought people on her only way, just to let her people know that there is such a person who has touched Gu Xintao. Unexpectedly, she would be so vicious and drug the beggar. , She went to bed with Gu Xintao on the spot and completely ruined her reputation. Even if Gu Xintao had 10,000 mouths, she couldn't tell this time! This comfort, the method of acting, really cruel and merciless!" Gu Xiaowan Tsk Tsk To say.

"Girl, there is also the Spring Festival, there is really something wrong. After Gu Xintao's accident, she didn't have the sympathy of being a maid at all. On the contrary, she looked on coldly. Later, after coming out of the government office, she did not look back at home, but went to another Place." Zuo told Gu Xiaowan what he saw.


"Song Mansion!"

"Song Mansion? What does it have to do with Song Qingshu?" The Song family is actually dealing with Gu Xintao?

Gu Xintao lost her voice on the spot when she was above the government office. It was obvious that she had been drugged before. And those who can administer medicine, in the courtroom, can do this, know that she has her close maid to welcome the Spring Festival.

"Girl, Ming Palace heard that it is going to marry Song Palace. Shu Lin will win Song Qingshu, Miss Song Family!" Ahmad said.

Gu Xiaowan suddenly realized: "So that's it. Gu Xintao and Shu Lin did have an affair, so how could Song Qingshu let go, especially there is Gu Xintao who was pregnant before she passed the house, Song Qingshu will definitely not let it go, but why did she just let that Yingchun poisonously dumb Gu Xintao’s voice instead of depraved her child? According to reason, Song Qingshu hates Gu Xintao and Gu Xintao’s belly? Gu Xintao is pregnant with Shulin’s child, why doesn’t she want to lose that belly Where is the child inside?"

Zuo and Ahmad looked at each other and wondered about the possibility.

"Or, Song Qingshu fully knew that the child in Gu Xintao's belly must not be Shu Lin's, so she would use dumb medicine instead of safflower. That proves that Gu Xintao was taken into captivity because Song Qingshu did it!" Gu Xiaowan analyzed the reason. , I felt even more that Gu Xintao would be taken away by those two fools. It must be done by someone sent by Song Qingshu!

Ah Zuo and Ahmad were shocked when they heard this analysis.

Gu Xiaowan sneered. Gu Xintao always thought that what she did was perfect. She knew that the more she did, the more mistakes she made. She wanted to marry the palace, but the palace was always weighing her uses.

Before, Shu Lin would promise to take her in and buy her a new house. It should be because Shu Lin also believed that Gu Xintao’s child belonged to him. Now that Gu Xintao’s affairs are exposed, Shu Lin has shirk everything. , Gu Xintao lost in a mess.

Good is rewarded, and evil is rewarded. Gu Xiaowan feels that since many years ago, Gu Xintao pushed her into an icy pond and froze to death the real Gu Xiaowan, her fight with Gu Xintao has never stopped.

In the dark and claustrophobic dungeon, Gu Xintao curled up in a corner of the dungeon, watching the mouse blatantly flaring his teeth and claws, and then passing by his side triumphantly.

Gu Xintao has never been in a dungeon before, even if Sun Xi'e went to jail instead of her in order to save her, Gu Xintao only occasionally visited Sun Xi'e. This dark and damp cell is full of rats and fleas. Gu Xintao has been here for the fifth day. No one has ever visited her except for the jailer to give her a bowl of rice.

From the government office to the dungeon directly, Gu Xintao looked at this dim place, at a loss and desperate.

Shu Lin won't come to see her, he no longer admits to know her.

Sun would not come, she was willing to go to the cell to stay with her, but what Sun Xi'e did not expect was that the two people committed different things. She was locked in the dungeon outside, and Gu Xintao was locked inside. In the dungeon, she couldn't take care of it even if she wanted to.

Gu Chuanlu and Gu Ziwen are not going to come anymore. Nowadays, according to Gu Chuanlu's temperament, they can't wait to break the relationship with them. They are always the daughters and daughters who are useful.

She paid so much for this family. During the good days of the family, the money that Gu Ziwen bribed the teacher for studying and taking exams was all earned by selling herself. These people just looked at how much silver she had when she brought it home, but no one had asked her, a girl without craftsmanship, where did she get so much silver.

And she also deeply enjoyed the glory and wealth brought by the money. She never thought that it was not her own thing, and one day, God will take her back.

Gu Xintao couldn't speak, knowing that she was too late to wake up.

But what can be done? In her life, she has been with five men, dressed in fine clothes and satin, and she has not been in vain!

However, Gu Xiaowan is still alive so chic, and Shu Min is still her superior princess!

For what reason, she is also a woman, and her appearance is not worse than them. Why can they be so high that she must go to jail?

The hollow eyes suddenly shot out a cruel light, Gu Xintao stood up, rushed to the door, and shouted outside, but no matter how she yelled, the hair came out of her throat, just sobbing and screaming. sound.

Her original son-in-law praised her beautiful voice like an eagle, but it was gone.

She can't talk, can't write, and can't do anything. It's impossible to tell Shu Min's tricks again!

Gu Xintao was not reconciled. She let out a scream after another. The jailer outside heard the sound and hurried over. Seeing that it was Gu Xintao yelling there, she couldn't help but mock her face and said, "Why? Want to see Shi Ziye?"

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