The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2129: Change cell

Gu Xintao didn't know why he said that, thinking that he could meet Shu Lin, she nodded vigorously: "Can you see Shi Ziye? If you can, I will give you what you want!"

When the jailer heard this, he laughed loudly: "Haha, you woman, you really don’t know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. Your reputation now is worse than the dung in the dung pit. My son sees you? Don’t say you’re so cold. Just as you are, no one's son will ever see you. Now that you are so stinky, you still expect your son to see you. You will be in your next life!"

The jailer compared Gu Xintao to the dung in the dungpit. Gu Xintao screamed, and reached out his hand from the cell angrily, and grabbed the jailer’s neck with one hand. The jailer had been ridiculing Gu Xintao just now. How did you know that Gu Xintao became cruel? With such an act, Gu Xintao's hand was slammed away with anger at the moment, and she was still not relieved, and opened the prison door directly, carrying the blood-stained whip in her hand, and screamed fiercely: "You are not alive." I'm impatient!"

Whip after whip went down, all on Gu Xintao's face and body, the jailer behind him saw Gu Xintao screaming in embarrassment, and all laughed, until Gu Xintao's voice was dying, and the jailer was outside. Said: "Forget it, so many whips are enough, the province will kill people!"

The jailer gave up, took a whip that was stained with fresh blood and wrapped it around his waist. He stepped forward and kicked Gu Xintao again, and then he cursed and left.

Gu Xintao was lying curled up on the ground, the whiplash on her body was fiercely painful, but no matter how much it hurts, it couldn't hurt, her heart hurt.

It was her who fell from a height overnight, it turned out to be her!

Gu Xintao wanted to laugh, but her voice couldn't make any sound anymore, she could only cry like a kitten, sobbing.

The jailers laughed and laughed again outside: "Oh, you are amazing!"

"What nonsense, it was her willingness, but it was just to change her cell, and the head of the cell didn't say that these two people can't be locked together!" Another older snorer said in a sniffy voice.

"How? What does this old woman smell like?"

"What does it taste like, loosely!" the man said dismissively.

"Haha, it's loose and loose, it's better than nothing, I looked at the older one, too old, there is a younger one there, with a good appearance, it will be cheaper for you, old widower!"

"Sure enough?" the man asked suspiciously.

"Of course, seriously, we still look down on women like that. I have heard of men who have been with a lot of men! Don't worry, we will definitely not tell the prison head. You just have to give us a pot of wine. !Ok?"

"Okay! Then I'll come back tomorrow!"


Gu Xintao curled up on the ground with unbearable laughter and speech coming from outside. He could not hear anything, motionless, as if dead. Suddenly, the cell opened from the outside, and only Sun Xi'e's exclamation was heard: "Heart peach, Xin peach"

Gu Xintao heard the familiar voice and wanted to open her eyes to see, but she was helpless because the whip hit her face, and when she opened her eyes, it hurt.

"My poor boy, why did they beat you like this! Heart peach, peach heart, come, there is meat here, get up and eat!"

The scent of meat pours into the tip of her nose. Gu Xintao has been unable to eat enough for several days, let alone eating meat. Now she smells the scent of meat on the tip of her nose. Without even thinking about it, she opened her mouth. Delivered to her mouth.

Although the face hurts and it hurts when biting the meat, Gu Xintao can't take care of that much anymore. She hasn't eaten meat for a long time, so she wants to eat it.

After eating several pieces of meat, Gu Xintao gained strength, and then opened his eyes with difficulty, whimpering in his mouth, and shouted at Sun Xi'e.

Gu Xintao's voice was gone, even if she shouted out, she uttered aloud, but Sun Xi'e saw her mouth, Gu Xintao was clearly calling her own mother!

It's been a long time since Sun Xi'e heard Gu Xintao call her mother. Although it was a dark dungeon, she still cried with excitement: "Good-hearted peach, let's heal our wounds. After a while, let's go out and find someone who doesn't know. In our place, our mother and daughter depend on each other for our lives. Let’s start again, don’t be afraid, there is a mother, don’t be afraid!"

Sun Xi'e comforted her quietly, and Gu Xintao burst into tears when she heard it. Sun looked at her daughter who was now like this, covered her mouth, and started crying with sobs.

"Heart peach, this capital is not where we should be. You followed the Mingdu princess to frame Gu Xiaowan. Gu Xiaowan has been smart since she was a child. How can we succeed? Look at us now." Sun Xi'e lamented regretfully. Now, I don’t know how your father, your brother and them are going, will they come or not."

Thinking of what she wanted to say, Sun Xi'e felt that it was impossible. Now, Gu Chuanlu was more and more incomprehensible.

Gu Xintao had something like this, would Gu Chuanlu save the two of them? Sun Xi'e was at a loss.

Gu Xintao couldn't speak, Sun Xi'e held her, and the two of them were sobbing and crying. In this damp and gloomy dungeon, Gu Xintao's voice sobbed and made a hoarse cry, which became more cold and cramped.

After Gu Chuanlu left from Gu Xiaowan's side, he immediately returned to the big house at the time, but he slapped the door, but the inside never opened. He obviously heard the voice of someone inside, but the people inside just didn't come to open the door.

An angry Gu Chuanlu stood at the door and wanted to yell at him, but because the people here were found by the son of the world, if he eagerly said something that shouldn't be said in the ears of the son of the world, he would be even more unwilling. Know what to do.

At the moment, I was going to find the son of the world, and said that the things Gu Xintao and Sun Xi'e did had nothing to do with him, and it had nothing to do with Gu Ziwen.

Gu Ziwen?

Thinking of Gu Ziwen, Gu Chuanlu hurriedly went to the household department to find Gu Ziwen, but was told that Gu Ziwen had not gone at all today. Gu Chuanlu thought of going to the household department several times and said that there was no such person, which was a bit strange now.

Gu Ziwen is not working in the household department, where will he go?

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