The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2130: Collect interest

Now that I can't care about that much, Gu Chuanlu went to Shi Ziye to explain first.

Gu Chuanlu ran to the Wuyun Tea House, and wanted to see Shi Ziye.

Boss Xiao knows Gu Chuanlu. Seeing him hurriedly, he said sarcastically, "Oh, it turned out that it was Mr. Gu. You have a good daughter. You are old and decent, and your daughter sells herself. You have nothing less, right? ?"

Gu Chuanlu angrily wanted to die Boss Xiao, but he had no choice but to bow his head under the eaves. Moreover, Boss Xiao was loved by the son of the world. If he offends this person, and say a few nasty things to the son of the world, things will be even worse. It's difficult.

So Gu Chuanlu immediately said with a smile: "Boss Xiao, look at this, oh, you don’t know something, I don’t know it at all, you know, I spend all the year outside making money to support my family, and the matter of raising my daughter falls on In that **** woman, how do you know that the woman who loves vanity and brought up a good daughter of me has become what she is now, she is simply the dead star of my family!"

Gu Chuanlu pushed all the faults on Sun Xi'e. His words were full of hatred for Sun Xi'e and regret for Gu Xintao. He looked like a negligent father. His words and behavior were full of being blinded by their mother and daughter. Shame!

Boss Xiao saw that Gu Chuanlu had pushed the blame on his fault, he chuckled, and he tucked his mouth off his mouth, and ridiculed unusually: "Is that right? Mr. Gu is really unfortunate. He married a star and gave birth to a beautiful woman. , Not only slandered Princess Anping’s reputation, but also blamed on the son of the world, Mr. Gu, you always said that you didn’t know, but that’s your daughter. You still have What kind of face came to see Shi Ziye?"

Seeing that Boss Xiao would not let him go, Gu Chuanlu was anxious like an ant on a hot pot. He wanted to rush, but he was afraid that Boss Xiao would say nasty things in front of Shi Ziye, so he always laughed and was discussing with Boss Xiao.

"Boss Xiao, look at me, I'm here to apologize to the son of the world. The mother and daughter have done such a rebellious thing. As a dad, I can't escape the blame. I don't shirk myself, I really I don’t know that they would do such a thing. If I knew it, I would never let them do it in death! Boss Xiao, for the sake of you and I are good friends, please, let me go in and see you See the son of the world!" Gu Chuanlu begged, and he had to kneel down for Boss Xiao.

Boss Xiao knows that Shu Lin is busy now. Seeing Gu Chuanlu staying here like a mangy dog, he suddenly changed his face: "Are you going? Don't think you are still the celebrity in front of the son, believe it or not. Booming you out and standing here will affect my business. Your family's face is now the same as the **** in the dung pit. It's stinking to death, so let's go!"

Gu Chuanlu was so scolded by Boss Xiao, his face suddenly turned pale, but he still didn't dare to offend Boss Xiao, still holding back his anger and leaving the Wuyun Teahouse.

Behind them are those little servants who drove him out, with mocking expressions all over their faces. Gu Chuanlu can't find Gu Ziwen when he sees his son, and is even more anxious.

Seeing that Gu Chuanlu had left, Boss Xiao hurried upstairs, came to the wing where Shu Lin often sat, pushed the door and went in: "Shi Ziye, you guessed it, that Gu Chuanlu is really cheeky."

Shu Lin was holding the newly-loved beauty of the previous period in his arms, holding her in his arms. The two of you, you and me, the clothes on the woman's body have faded to the shoulders, and the upper head is blue and purple hickeys. Boss Xiao saw it. When I saw nothing.

"Huh, the shameless thing, I didn't expect it to be a tattered thing. I thought that I was cheated by a few-handed **** pretending to be innocent. The son of this world was angry. That Gu Chuanlu also came to the door and said that the **** was inside The child belongs to this ancestor, and he has the face to come to the door if he buys three indiscriminate goods." Shu Lin said angrily.

Seeing that Shu Lin was angry, the beauty next to her hurriedly took a mellow grape. Qianqiansu peeled the outer skin with her hands, and then delivered it to Shu Lin's mouth. Her voice was even softer like a willow by the river: "Sir , Don't be angry!"

"I'm not angry, I'm not angry, beauty, you are by Benshizi, how can Benshizi be angry? Just got bitten by a bad dog, Benshizi is just a bad dog, kill him! "Shu Lin contained the grapes that the beauty handed over, but instead of eating all of them, he bit half of the grapes. The other half came to the beauty. The beauty smiled coquettishly, moved forward and bit. The other half of the grapes.

Or deliberately, the beauty deliberately opened her mouth wide, and when she went down, she ate Shu Lin's lips directly into her mouth.

Shu Lin smiled exaggeratedly and took the beauty into his arms, swallowing the grapes and the lips of the beauty into his abdomen.

The two of them were playing, and Boss Xiao seemed to have seen it countless times a long time ago, without blinking his heart, as if he hadn't seen anything, and continued: "Shi Ziye, what about Gu Chuanlu and Gu Ziwen next? In order to deal with Gu Xiaowan, you agreed to that **** in every possible way, and Gu Chuanlu and Gu Ziwen are now making arrangements properly. Do you want to blast them out of the capital?"

"Don't worry." Shu Lin bit the beauty lip fiercely, and the lips of the beauty who bit him swelled up and begged for mercy. Shu Lin did it, wiped his mouth, and said, "That **** played so much. Benshizi, Benshizi should play well with her family, right? Anyway, that **** is now ruined, and if you go to deal with it, it seems that Benshizi is not caring about affection, so it is better to deal with the father and son. It can be regarded as collecting some interest from them, Old Xiao, are you right?"

Boss Xiao nodded, and said, "My son is kind!"

The beauty, who insisted that she was deeply loved by Shu Lin during this period, nestled in Shu Lin's arms, and asked with a smile, "How does the world son plan to deal with the father and son?"

Shu Lin smiled, his handsome face full of love, and his arms around the beauties, it was another good meal. When he turned his head, Boss Xiao saw a vicious smile on the corner of Shu Lin's mouth. Boss Xiao only felt a chill on his back. Where would he dare to stay any longer, it didn't matter to him anyway, he hurriedly retired.

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