The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2144: Let's go if we have money

"My son, the Nujia really didn't look at the wrong person!" The girl Jiao'er happily swung into Gu Ziwen's arms and praised.

Gu Ziwen was praised so much by the girl Jiao'er, and she was very happy, and the two of them had a good time with each other.

Seeing it’s getting late, the girl Jiao’er is now getting dressed and dressed. Gu Ziwen reluctantly took her hand and said, “I’m leaving now? I really want to stay together with you. How good would it be to spend a lifetime with you. what!"

There was a blush on Jiao'er's face, and she also said softly: "Yes, that's great, the slave family is looking forward to such a day day and night! But it's still a little bit behind Hua's mother, as long as there are three For a thousand taels of silver, he agreed to let the slave family ransom him. But"

Jiaoer looked at the baggage on the table, Qianqiansu pointed her finger, and sighed regretfully: "I have saved it for so long, and I only have one thousand taels of silver. The other softness adds up to only about four hundred taels. It’s still more than half, and I don’t know how to save it until the Year of the Monkey!"

"Don't worry, take your time, you were the only one in the past, don't you have more me now? Don't worry, I will also find a way for you here! If you can get three thousand taels, you will redeem yourself! "Gu Ziwen glanced over the things on the table casually, and there was a flash of greed in his eyes.

Jiao'er didn't notice the greed in his eyes, but shook her head and said, "No, even if you save up to three thousand taels of silver, the slave family can't redeem them so quickly!"

"Why?" Gu Ziwen thought.

"If all the three thousand taels of silver are used to redeem the body, then after they come out, there will be no more silver. The slave family will at least save a few hundred taels of silver. In this way, even if I leave the Ruyi Hall, I have a few hundred taels of silver for capital. , I can do a small business casually, son, don't you think?" Jiao'er said seriously, apparently planning the future well.

Gu Ziwen nodded hurriedly: "Yes, Jiao'er, you are really thoughtful. However, it is enough to have me. Don't think too much about other things, I will definitely help you!"

Jiaoer was grateful, but said solemnly: "No, the slave family must make up enough money for their living. In that case, the slave family feels worthy of you, otherwise the slave family will rely on you for everything. The slave family hopes to be your help. Instead of becoming a drag on you!"

Gu Ziwen was moved for a while: "Jiao'er, you are really a interpretive flower for me! Don't worry, in my life, no one can be sorry, but I can't be sorry for you. You have done so much for me, I Only this life can repay your kindness. You are so kind to me!"

Jiao'er kissed Gu Ziwen's lips, and said slyly: "I love you, I can do anything for you, as long as you don't dislike me as a brothel girl, even if you can't bear children for you, Jiao'er will No regrets or regrets."

When Jiao'er left, Gu Ziwen took the baggage away, handed it to Jiao'er, and said, "Take this thing away. There are many people in the brothel. You must pack it up. Don't be found out, you know?"

Jiao'er nodded, with some worries: "Yes, Wen Lang, or else, you can help me keep it, anyway, in your mansion, you are the master, and no one will touch your things. You can help me keep it. , OK? In the future, if I deposit the money again, and then take it, you will help me to collect it. When the three thousand and five hundred taels are full, you can take three thousand taels and redeem it for me, OK? I want everyone Look, my Jiaoer, have a good day too, okay?"

Jiao'er's eyes were watery, she looked at Gu Ziwen so delicately. Gu Ziwen had long wanted to leave a burden. Seeing Jiao'er said this, she still hesitated on the face: "It's not good, after all, this is your private money for so many years. You put me here" "Wen Lang, we are already like this, do you still look down on me?" When Jiao'er heard this, Gu Ziwen didn't want to hold it for her, and said angrily, "Still, you don't want to follow me at all Together!"

"No, no, since you said that, I will save it for you. As long as I have money, I will put it in it. We will work hard together. As long as it reaches three thousand five hundred taels, I will immediately redeem it for you. Don't worry!" Gu Ziwen hurriedly hugged the burden tightly in his arms and vowed.

Jiao'er smiled with tears, and when she turned and left, a touch of triumphant triumph was revealed in her watery eyes, and then she followed the way she had just come, and under the guidance of the servants, she left the house.

Seeing her gone, Gu Ziwen hurriedly took out all the things in the baggage. After counting and counting the banknotes, the more happy he became, the one thousand taels of banknotes, really one thousand taels of banknotes.

There are more than four hundred taels of gold and silver.

He has never seen so much money in his entire life!

Jiaoer said that he would save more than two thousand taels, which means that as long as he has these three thousand five hundred taels, he will have nothing to worry about in his life!

He couldn't ask what kind of woman he wanted, so he went back to Ruixian to buy a house, buy some land to share with others, and marry a woman with innocent and beautiful wealth, and carefree for a lifetime, then who is going to stay here in Beijing?

Who wants that mean and shabby woman?

Gu Ziwen became more excited as he thought about it, and almost screamed excitedly. In order to prevent people from discovering, he hurriedly divided all the silver notes and gold and silver into five equal parts and hid them carefully in five places.

When Jiao'er got the remaining two thousand taels, he took the three thousand five hundred taels and flew away.

No matter what his son, he has so much talent, so he doesn't look at the face of that son, he goes back to Ruixian to be his uncle!

Unexpectedly, coming to the capital city, in such and such a situation, now that the peaks are turning, there is such a stupid woman!

It's like a pie in the sky, beauty is dead, beauty is dead!

Shu Lin soon knew that Shu Lin had a friend.

The minion told Shu Lin all the things that had happened: "The girl came with a small bag in her hand, but when she left, the bag was gone. Moreover, when she came, Gu Ziwen's face was very ugly. But when he left, Gu Ziwen was reluctant to give up to the girl, and his attitude immediately changed! Moreover, when he left, the girl’s baggage was gone, it should be left to Gu Ziwen!"

"I see! Go down and look at Gu Ziwen with a good look, but he can do whatever he wants, don't hold him!" Shu Lin said with a smile.

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