The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2145: The taste of the son

After the man got down, the smile on Shu Lin's face immediately disappeared, and the boss Xiao on the side asked: "Shi Ziye, what do you think Gu Ziwen is doing?"

"It's just a woman in a brothel who met outside. I've heard before. Such a person is not to be afraid of. But, Lao Xiao, I want to see a good show, when will you show it to me?" Shu Lin said Looking at Boss Xiao deeply and said.

Boss Xiao leaned over and said, "Both of them are ready, you can watch when Shi Ziye is free!"

"Well, good, but I want to watch willingly! I have never watched this father-son battle before, haha, it must be very beautiful!" Shu Lin smiled sternly, and the boss Xiao on the side was surprised. Dense sweat came out on his back, and his legs began to tremble!

Shi Ziye’s taste is really

He didn't dare to say anything, and got busy preparing.

Gu Chuanlu finally waited until Boss Xiao came back. Seeing Boss Xiao frowning and sighing, Gu Chuanlu felt that his chance should be here: "Boss Xiao, what happened to you? Why did you sigh?"

"Hey, Shiziye has been in a bad mood recently, and he even scolded us with him. Hey, the companion is like a tiger, who knows whether Shiziye will drive us away next time!" Boss Xiao said helplessly.

"Shi Ziye is in a bad mood? Why are you in a bad mood?" Gu Chuanlu hurriedly asked.

"I don't know. I just heard that many things in the court are very tricky recently. Shi Ziye hasn't been to Wuyun Teahouse for many days. Even if he did, he would drink two cups of tea before leaving. Moreover, there was a guy yesterday. I didn't serve it well. I accidentally spilled tea on Shi Ziye's body. Shi Ziye beat the young man on the spot. Hey, I saw the young man afterwards. The whole body was full of blood. Don't mention how miserable!"

"It's his blessing that Shi Ziye can beat him. Most people still see Shi Ziye!" Gu Chuanlu said angrily: "If it is me, I will let Shi Ziye give a good breath. Master is in a good mood!"

Boss Xiao asked: "Mr. Gu, didn't you say last time that you are willing to do anything for Shi Ziye? Would you like to make Shi Ziye happy?"

Gu Chuanlu didn't even think about it, and nodded like smashing garlic: "Of course I am willing! I will act whatever the elder son likes, and promise to satisfy the elder son!"

"That" Boss Xiao hesitated, his old face was about to hang up: "The hobbies of Shi Ziye are a little different from those of others"

"Where is it different? As long as I do it, I will do it!" Gu Chuanlu is now willing to do anything to court Shu Lin, in order to be able to meet Shu Lin, as long as he can please Shu Lin happy.

"You must only do this kind of thing," Boss Xiao asked seriously: "If you agree, you must not repent. If you repent at that time, the world will be annoying you again, thinking If you want to see Shi Ziye again, don't even dream about it!"

"I know, I must do it, Boss Xiao, as long as you tell me what it is, I will do everything else!" Gu Chuanlu said sternly.

Boss Xiao glanced at Gu Chuanlu meaningfully and said: "Since you have agreed, it is easy to handle. I will send someone to pick you up when the time comes. If you agree today, I will report to the son of the world when I go back. Take care of your body, and a carriage will come to pick you up at that time! It is a hidden place, and then only aggrieved Mr. Gu!"

"No wronged, no wronged, as long as the son is happy, you can do anything small!"

"Mr. Gu, rest assured, this is a good thing. Except for doing something, it will definitely not be life-threatening. Moreover, it is very comfortable! You can rest assured. After the event is completed, the son of the world is happy. Whatever you want, go to Shi Ziye asks, don’t worry, Shi Ziye has a lot of things, and he will definitely not pursue the things in the past! The future of your family's big house is bright!"

What Boss Xiao said made Gu Chuanlu happy, but when he thought of Gu Ziwen who was able to blast himself out of the house for the sake of prosperity and honor, Gu Chuanlu's heart was torn apart.

Everything he did was to make Gu Ziwen promising. But now, Gu Ziwen has severed ties with him, so in the future

Gu Chuanlu snorted coldly, and a touch of triumph appeared at the corner of his mouth.

On the night of the second day, a carriage quietly stopped at the entrance of the courtyard. Gu Chuanlu was dressed neatly and got on the carriage. As soon as he got on the carriage, someone blindfolded Gu Chuanlu. Gu Chuanlu was a little nervous, but thought that the boss Xiao had told him earlier, so he didn't care.

The carriage went round and round, and I don’t know how long it has been. Gu Chuanlu was blindfolded by the black cloth, and couldn’t see anything clearly. However, even if he wasn’t blindfolded, he couldn’t see clearly. After all, it was night outside, with black lights, Gu Chuanlu. I don't even know where the carriage is going.

Finally, the carriage stopped loudly, and the two people beside Gu Chuanlu pulled him up, led him out of the carriage, and continued walking a certain distance. Finally, when the door creaked, Gu Chuanlu stopped. He heard the sound of someone's footsteps coming out of the door and brought the door shut.

He just wanted to untie the black cloth on his eyes, when someone said, "Don't move!"

Gu Chuanlu immediately withdrew his hand.

There was incense burning in the room. Gu Chuanlu just stood there, feeling a little at a loss. There was no light in the room. Otherwise, even if he wears a black blindfold, he should be able to see a little bit. Nothing is visible, which proves that the room is inside. A piece of pitch black.

The room was very quiet, but no matter how quiet it was, Gu Chuanlu seemed to be able to hear something, at least, the sound of someone's breathing, not his.

But how is it possible? If there is breathing, why doesn't this person speak?

Gu Chuanlu didn't know how long he had been standing. His legs and feet were a little swollen. He sat on the table busy feeling the black, and touched the teapot and tea bowl. Gu Chuanlu poured a cup and waited quietly.

It's autumn, and the wind is a bit cooler this night.

Gu Chuanlu waited quietly. He didn't wear much clothes, but now he feels that his body is starting to be hot. He was a little hot and fanned him gently with his hands, but it didn't help at all. There was like a fire inside him, eroding him little by little.

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