The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2150: Teach him a lesson

"Really? But, I followed other people, I'm so dirty, don't you dislike me? Or else, I just play the piano and dance and stop picking up guests, OK, I just want to leave my body to you Alone! Wen Lang, Wen Lang" Jiao Er plunged into Gu Ziwen's arms, crying.

Gu Ziwen just wanted to blurt out how he would do it. The money to accompany the guest is like running water. If he only dances and plays the piano, only a small reward from the guest can make up three thousand five hundred taels of silver in the year of the monkey!

This Jiaoer can earn four hundred taels in just a few days, and the remaining silver can be saved in a few days.

At that time, he has three thousand five hundred taels, so why not have a good life.

For the current plan, we must coax the cash cow in front of us.

"Jiao'er, if you are tired, you can just dance and play the piano. I don't want you to pick up guests. When I think of you facing other men, my heart hurts like a knife. I have I think so much, I think I can have the ability, make some money, and redeem it for you as soon as possible, but I don’t have the ability, no matter how much books I read, it’s not that I can’t protect my beloved woman, Jiao’er How can I, Gu Ziwen, how can I let you have deep roots in love, you are so good, I am not worthy of you!" Gu Ziwen sighed, and a line of tears burst into his eyes, deeply affection, but cruelly pushed Jiao'er away with a face of self-confidence Blame and complain.

The girl Jiaoer was pushed away by Gu Ziwen. She looked at the affectionate Gu Ziwen, and then at the table of delicious food and wine on the table. The dishes on this table cost at least fifty or sixty taels of silver. This Gu Ziwen

Gu Ziwen didn't notice the strangeness of Jiaoer girl at all, with a sad look on her face, blaming and guilty for not being able to help her.

Jiaoer girl hugged Gu Ziwen from her back: "If you are so good, if you are worthy, I won't be worthy of you. You have read poems and books, and now you can't be born into the world, I don't ask you to help me, I must be free. Come to your side, let you spoil me and love me, we take the remaining money and fly away, if you want to read, we will open a private school, you teach the children to read, I will open a small shop, our husband sings and women follow, what do you think ?"

Gu Ziwen turned around with emotion, and put Jiao'er in his arms: "You said well, well, let's work hard together!"

"Well, work hard together! Wen Lang, if you can earn your love for the rest of your life, Jiao'er will be worthless in this life!"

"Come on, Jiao'er, you haven't eaten yet. I bought a table of food. I wanted to eat it by myself. You happened to be here. Have a few more glasses with me. Happy today. Gu Ziwen has a confidant. It's worth the whole life!" Gu Ziwen took Miss Jiao'er to sit on the table and poured some fine wine.

Jiao'er is now good at drinking, and learned the skills of persuading wine in the brothel. After a while, Gu Ziwen drank a little too much. Her face was flushed, and she held Jiao'er's hand without letting go.

"Jiaoer, do you know, I have been in Beijing for so long, and so many things have happened, Gu Xintao was also arrested, my mother was also arrested, I always thought that I came to Beijing was a mistake, but now I found out , I'm right, I know you! This is the biggest harvest I have come to Beijing!" Gu Ziwen said with Jiao'er's hand and said with deep feeling.

It was said that she was speaking truth after drinking. Girl Jiao'er looked at Gu Ziwen as if she had drunk too much, and she felt affectionate for herself, with a smile on her mouth: "Okay, Wen Lang!"

"But Wen Lang, even if I raise money, I can't go for a short time! And you, can you go?" Jiao Er asked worriedly.

Upon seeing this, Gu Ziwen woke up a bit from the wine, "What's wrong? Why can't I leave?"

Jiao'er took out another thing from her arms, took it to Gu Ziwen, and said, "This is the household register registered by the Ministry of Households and Government Office some time ago. It is said that anyone who is resident in the capital needs to register. When I wrote the registration booklet, I also registered at the time. But today I heard that many people in the city had wrong booklets. I was not relieved, and went to the government office to check mine. Sure enough, it was all wrong. Without the pamphlet, you can't go out of the city, so what can you do then!" Jiao Er said worriedly and helplessly: "Wen Lang, there is yours, is there anything wrong with yours!"

Gu Ziwen looked at the household registration booklet, and then said nonchalantly: "That's it, don't worry! Mine is absolutely correct!"

Jiao'er didn't believe it: "How is it possible? I heard that many high-ranking officials are wrong! You haven't checked, how do you know that yours is right?"

Gu Ziwen looked around, and then leaned into Jiao'er's ear and said cautiously: "Hehe, only Shi Ziye knows about this. He has done a big thing and is waiting to put a long line and catch a big fish!"

"Shi Zi Ye knows? You mean that the mistakes here are caused by Shi Zi Ye?" Jiao Er asked in astonishment.

"That's not the case. Who made that Gu Ning'an be admitted to the top prize, so arrogant and arrogant, he didn't put his son in his eyes at all. The household registration was originally handled by the son of the son, he went to the household After that, thinking of this or some method of door-to-door registration, Shi Ziye’s people were squeezed aside, you said, Shi Ziye is not a lesson for him. Didn’t he let him ride on Shi Ziye’s head!" Gu Ziwen said with a smile. , Flushed on both sides, apparently already drinking too much, playing with a smirk on his face.

"Hehe, Jiao'er, don't worry, if you follow me, you will surely make you enjoyable and spicy in the future. I am the son of the eldest son, and I have helped him a lot. And I have a lot of handwork! Don’t worry, I heard that Gu Ning’an is already revising it. After seven days, if he can’t finish revising and take the wrong one, the emperor will be furious and throw him to death. , You know, this is the first national policy issued by the emperor himself since he was enthroned. Gu Ning'an hasn't done a good job by that time. See if the emperor will take him to the sword!" Gu Ziwen didn't care, his face was dark. Said harshly.

Jiao'er was a little surprised: "Then Gu Ning'an, is it your cousin?"

"What about my cousin? He was admitted to the top prize, but he helped me? He entered the household department to do work, but let me go in? It's not that Shi Ziye helped me, Jiaoer, as long as we help Shi Ziye, We can't enjoy the glory and wealth of this life!"

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